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They're all yours tradutor Espanhol

256 parallel translation
They're all yours, Andy.
Son todo tuyas, Andy.
They're all yours on one condition.
Todos son tuyos bajo una condición.
They're all yours. You've set them against their father, you've modeled them to your taste.
Tú les has vuelto en mi contra, les has moldeado a tu gusto.
They're all yours, Mr. Stanley.
Son todos suyos, Sr. StanIey.
They're all yours, sweetheart.
Son todos tuyos.
- They're all yours now.
- Son tuyos.
Ready to take over. - They're all yours.
- Es todo suyo.
Do they all take my size? Funny enough, they're yours.
¿ Tienen todas mi talla?
They're not yours, angelique, mine, all of them mine.
- No fueron tuyos, Angelique. Míos, todos míos.
They're all yours.
Todas vuestras.
In the meantime, they're all yours, Mr. Tate.
- Mientras tanto, son suyos, Mr. Tate.
They're all yours.
Te pertenecen.
Well, they're all yours, Mr. Commissioner.
Son todos suyos, señor Comisario.
They're all yours, Miss McCardle.
Para usted, Srta. McCardle.
There you are, they're all yours. You've found your feet again.
Ahí las tiene, son suyas.
Go ahead sarge, they're all yours.
Adelante, son suyos, sargento.
As for the rest, the bungalows, cars, shares... they're all yours
En cuanto al resto, las casas, los coches, las acciones... es todo tuyo.
They're all yours.
Son todos suyos.
- They're all yours.
- Todos suyos.
If you hang around when their songs have finished, they're all yours.
Si te arrimas, caen en tus brazos.
They're all yours, Captain.
- Son todos suyos, Capitán.
They're all yours.
Son todos tuyos.
They're all yours'.
Todos son tuyos.
All right, 200 and they're yours.
Vale, 200 y son tuyos.
Once on the bridge, they're all yours.
Cuando lleguen al puente, serán tuyos.
- They're not at all like yours- - deep, fascinating, piercing. - Eyes?
- ¿ Ojos?
They're yours they're yours Giacobbe, all yours...
son tuyos son tuyos, Giacobbe, todos tuyos...
~ And they're all yours.
- Y todos son tuyos.
Gentlemen, they're all yours.
Caballeros, son vuestros.
Someday they're all going to be yours, you sly old fox.
Porque algún día todo esto va a ser tuyo, hombre afortunado.
Here's the keys, they're all yours.
Aquí están las llaves, son suyas.
Dale, look, they're all yours now.
Dale, mira. Ahora son todos tuyos.
They're all yours.
Son todo vuestras.
They're all yours.
Son todo tuyo.
They're all yours, Lieutenant.
Todos suyos, teniente.
- They're all yours.
- Son todos suyos.
They're all yours, Frank.
Son todos tuyos, Frank.
All right, one more time and that's it. All right, officer, they're all yours.
Esta bien, una vez más y se acabo.
They're all yours.
Todas son tuyas.
They're all yours, Danny baby.
Todas tuyas, Danny.
That's great, considering they're all yours.
Excelente idea, considerando que te pertenecen.
Take them, they're all yours
Toma, tesoro.
Si es un ciego es todo tuyo.
There they are and they're all yours.
Llegaron y son todos suyos.
Ok, halifax, they're all yours.
Bien, Halifax, son tuyos.
They're all yours.
Todas suyas.
So, they're all yours.
Son todas suyas.
They're all yours, Al.
Son todos vuestros, Al.
- They're all yours! - Hey, you dropped your pork chop.
Sr. Simpson, se le cayó su chuleta de cerdo.
They're all yours. Mitchie.
Todas tuyas.
Here are the keys to my apartment, they're all yours.
Aquí están las llaves de mi departamento, son todas tuyas.

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