Think of something tradutor Espanhol
5,283 parallel translation
Then I'll come and we'll think of something.
Luego vengo y pensamos en algo.
I'll think of something.
¡ Entiendo! Pensaré en algo.
I gotta think of something.
Tengo que pensar en algo.
She'll think of something.
A ella se le ocurrirá algo.
You got to do something James, Please think of something.
Tienes que hacer algo James, por favor piensa en algo.
Well, it was last minute, and I had to think of something.
Bueno, era de último momento, y tenía que pensar en algo.
Yeah, I'm gonna think of something!
¡ Sí, voy a pensar en algo!
I could think of something.
Podría pensar en algo.
We will think of something.
Vamos a pensar en algo.
I'll think of something.
Pensaré en algo.
Think of something more special.
Piensen en algo más especial.
Emmet you'll think of something, right?
Emmet, tú pensarás en algo, ¿ verdad?
We'll think of something.
Ya pensaré en algo.
Well, now we've gotta think of something else to do, don't we?
Bueno, ahora tenemos que pensar en algo más que hacer, ¿ no es así?
John, call me if you think of something.
John, llámame si recuerdas detalles.
Well, I can think of something we can do that might lift your spirits. Zandor says it's true and more.
Zandor dice que es verdad.
even marketing experts think of something better We continue to call it love :
Hasta que los expertos en marketing pensar en algo mejor, lo llamamos seguir amando :
Well, think of something.
- Bueno, piensa en algo.
Think of something positive.
Piensa en algo positivo.
But I'm sure I'll think of something by Sunday week.
Pero estoy seguro que se me ocurrirá algo antes del domingo.
Yeah, you should think of something, or else you'll end up with a photo of this guy.
Piensa en algo o te darán una foto de él.
You might think that something happened but that's just because, well, it's the kind of person you are.
Puedes creer que algo ha pasado pero eso es solo porque, bueno, por la clase de persona que eres.
I think we're past the point of conversation, Moira, which means something must be done about it.
Creo que estamos más allá del punto de la conversación, Moira, lo que significa que algo se debe hacer al respecto.
I think she told me because we drank too much and we were telling each other things, and the point is, apart from the fact that it was a really weird evening, the point is I realised that... amidst all the disappointment and complexity and mundanity and madness of the day-to-day, we had something really nice that happened between us.
Creo que me dijo todo eso porque bebimos demasiado y... nos estábamos contando cosas, y el punto es... aparte de que fue una noche muy extraña... el punto es que me di cuenta que... en medio de toda la decepción, la complejidad... de la rutina y locura del día a día... lo que teníamos era algo realmente bueno.
But I think I do remember something about, uh, a couple of Brazilian girls who used to work for a... an acquaintance of mine.
Pero creo que recuerdo a... un par de chicas brasileñas que trabajaban para... un conocido mío.
Everybody needs something well... there's only one thing I can think of like that on the spur of the moment.
Todo el mundo necesita algo. Bueno... supongo que en rigor sólo una cosa que se me ocurre, como de pie.
So I think it was just the miracle of being in the TV and operating something from your couch which was the game changer for me.
Asi que creo que simplemente era el milagro de estar en la TV y manejar algo desde tu sillon, lo cual cambiaba las reglas del juego.
Lots of people that didn't really think of themselves as gamers will play something like Angry Birds because it's like a time killer.
Un montón de gente que no se ve a si misma como gamers jugaran a algo como Angry Birds para matar el tiempo.
And while the citrine we found at the scene doesn't match any of the jewelry from Alison's house, we did find something I think you're gonna like.
Y aunque la citrina que encontramos en la escena no es la misma que la de las joyas en la casa de Alison encontramos algo que te gustará.
I think Howard was working on something that could have been worth a considerable amount of money.
- Creo que Howard estaba trabajando en algo que podría haber valido una considerable cantidad de dinero.
Everytime I taste something I think of you and our comrades from that time.
Cada vez que saboreo algo... pienso en ti... y en nuestros camaradas de aquel momento.
And I think you swapped out the serum for something innocuous like saline, and then let Cara walk out of here with her powers intact.
Y creo que intercambiaste el suero por algo inocuo como la salinidad, y después dejaste que Cara se vaya caminando con sus poderes intactos.
A romantic love story cut tragically short by a horrible crime, followed by 250 heart-thumping pages of investigation... something like that, I think, could work rather well.
Una linda historia de amor con un sangriento horrible crimen al final y luego 250 páginas investigando el crimen... pienso que es realmente interesante, puede ser.
I think what I find most scary about the Cybermen is that they are us, but we have been converted into something else, converted into sort of a destructive killing machine.
Creo que lo más aterrador que hay en los Cybermen es que somos nosotros, pero nos hemos convertido en otra cosa, convertido en una máquina destructiva de matar.
Who are they? The issue, of course, is whether we'd ever want to clone, and I think that's something that has to be in place.
Que podamos construir bombas atómicas no quiere decir que debamos construir bombas atómicas.
I think he ate some of the mince pies and the sugar gave him this crazy burst of energy or something because now he's gone.
Creo que comió algunos pasteles de menudillos. y el azúcar le dio esta increíble explosión de energía o algo porque no está.
I think you can go in circles, can't you, trying to think of names for something?
Creo que se puede ir en círculos, no puede usted, tratando de pensar en nombres para algo?
I think something will come out of Director Yoon and Harry's relationship.
Creo que algo saldrá de la relación entre el Director Yoon y Harry.
Well, then... something eye-wateringly sharp with a kind of chemical aftertaste, so you think, "This must be powerful!" ( BANGS TABLE )
Bueno, entonces... algo ojo de la fuerte con una especie de regusto químico, por lo que usted piensa, "Esto debe ser poderoso!" [Tabla flequillo]
No, I'd like you all to think of one moment where she made you feel something real.
No, quiero que todos piensen en algún momento en que ella los haya hecho sentir algo real.
I want you guys to write about something that you like. But you hide it from your friends because you are afraid of what they will think.
Quiero que escriban sobre algo que les gusta... pero no se lo cuentan a sus amigos... porque tienen miedo de lo que puedan pensar.
Now, can you think of anyone else we know who was at Cambridge, then took up something murky and top secret when war broke out?
Dígame ¿ se le ocurre otra persona que sepamos que estaba en Cambridge y luego tuvo acceso a algo misterioso y ultrasecreto al estallar la guerra?
I think since then all of my experience involving love usually start out something like this.
Desde entonces, todas mis experiencias de amor empiezan algo así...
Look at me now. I hope you don't think it mean something. Of course it means something.
- Espero que no creas que esto significa algo.
... do you think in the spirit of constructive criticism, the next time you wanna win a girl back after doing something stupid, like practice your speech, or something for the next girl, because...
... ¿ crees en el espíritu de crítica constructiva, la próxima vez que Quieres ganar una chica de vuelta después de hacer algo estúpido, como la práctica de su discurso, o algo para la siguiente chica, porque...
I think it's doing something to all of you.
Creo que les está haciendo algo a todos ustedes.
Well, I understand why you'd think that, but something you should know is that I have hundreds of employees and I guess a pretty large portion of them I've never met, and I'm afraid your daughter is one of them.
Entiendo por que pensaría eso, pero algo que debe saber es que tengo cientos de empleados y supongo que no he conocido a gran parte de ellos, y me temo que su hija es uno de ellos.
Lots of people believe this is something genuine because they see something on television and think, "My goodness, surely this journalist would have checked this stuff out."
Muchas personas creen que esto es algo genuino porque ven algo en la televisión y piensan sin duda este reportero habrá comprobado este material.
I wanna say something, because I think some of you might be wondering... And are too polite to ask.
Quiero decir algo, porque creo que algunos tienen la duda y son muy educados para preguntar.
I'm just merely curious as to why you think that you... we can change something that has never been able to have been changed in the history of ever.
Sólo tengo curiosidad en saber por qué piensas que podemos cambiar algo que no pudo ser cambiado en toda la historia.
I think of human knowledge as being our headlights and the y're shining out into the darkness, and right beyond those lights is something else.
Veo el conocimiento humano como nuestras luces para iluminar la oscuridad y más allá de las luces hay algo más.
think of something else 28
think of me 47
think of it this way 55
think of that 30
think of the children 17
think of it 118
something went wrong 81
something 1990
something came up 177
something happened 421
think of me 47
think of it this way 55
think of that 30
think of the children 17
think of it 118
something went wrong 81
something 1990
something came up 177
something happened 421
something like that 1529
something's happening 161
something on your mind 83
something's not right 271
something bad happens 16
something special 67
something is wrong 141
something's wrong here 34
something's wrong 881
something wrong 855
something's happening 161
something on your mind 83
something's not right 271
something bad happens 16
something special 67
something is wrong 141
something's wrong here 34
something's wrong 881
something wrong 855