Took him tradutor Espanhol
10,710 parallel translation
~ it took him to call us.
- tres horas las que tardó en llamarnos.
Those guys came back and took him back to Mexico, and I couldn't do anything about it.
Esos chicos vinieron y se lo llevaron a México, y no pude hacer nada.
But when my boys took him back to the city, he didn't go home.
Pero cuando mis chicos lo llevaron de vuelta a la ciudad, no fue a casa.
I know they took him, because...
- Lo sé porque ellos...
So, who took him down?
¿ Y quién le mató?
It's the same as when you took him to the Dodgers game and you brought him back with that Dodgers cap.
Es igual que cuando tú le llevaste al partido de los Dodgers y lo trajiste con una gorra de los Dodgers.
Our tech guy is on it right now. Took him about two minutes to crack mine.
A nuestro técnico... le tomó cerca de dos minutos entrar al mío.
.. but, it took him only 14 days too..
Pero, le tomó sólo 14 días también.
- So, whoever took him to bed had to make pretty quick work of it.
- Por lo tanto, el que lo llevó a la cama tuvo que hacer el trabajo bastante rápido.
Uh, Rachel and I took him out to dinner right after the meeting.
Uh, Rachel y yo lo llevamos a cenar justo después de la reunión.
Zhulov hasn't said a word since we took him down.
Zhulov no ha dicho una palabra desde que lo atrapamos.
Washed up on the Florida coast, where a group of American survivors took him in.
Logró llegar a las costas de Florida, donde un grupo de sobrevivientes americanos lo acogieron.
took him to his ranch up in Wineville.
lo llevó a su rancho en Wineville.
If I could find the man who took him...
Si pudiera encontrar al hombre que se lo llevó...
Yeah. And took him where?
Sí. ¿ Y a dónde le llevó?
Rival runners took him out just north of San Francisco.
Conductores rivales lo mataron al norte de San Francisco.
I don't know who took him.
No sé quién se lo llevó.
I took him down fast.
Lo maté rápido.
They took him, I'm sure.
Se lo llevaron, estoy segura.
Radar's been feeling a little down lately, so Ryan took him to the doctor.
Radar se ha estado sintiendo algo triste, así que Ryan lo llevó al veterinario.
I picked Bob up on December 19 in 2000 And took him down to Harper Ford, pick up his car keys, and took him back to the airport, where his car was, apparently.
Recogí a Bob el 19 de diciembre del 2000 y lo llevé a Harper Ford, cogí sus llaves del coche, y lo llevé al aeropuerto, donde aparentemente estaba su coche.
I remember... when they took him to hospital, before he got into the ambulance, he called me over and said :
Yo recuerdo... que cuando se lo llevaban al hospital, antes de entrar en la ambulancia, él me llamó y me dijo :
We took him from Eva because she was trying to kill him, which he said he wanted.
Se lo quitamos a Eva porque intentaba matarle, y él dice que lo quería.
When he took him to the funeral home, he said he thought the schematic was a way to bring the dome down with sound waves or something.
Cuando se lo llevó de la funeraria, dijo que creía que el diagrama era una manera de derrocar a la cúpula con ondas sonoras o algo así.
I told him not to take your case in the first place, because I knew you were a goddamn shakedown artist, but now someone I care about is in trouble, because you took a payout.
Le dije que no aceptara tu caso en primer lugar, porque sabía que eras un maldito chantajista, pero ahora alguien que me importa está en problemas, porque aceptaste un pago.
Ever since I was a little girl, you always told me these funny stories about Grandpa, but you never once took me to see him.
Desde que era una pequeña... siempre me contaste esas historias divertidas sobre el abuelo... pero jamás me llevaste a verlo.
Well, you can say plenty of things about Mike Biggs, but... it took a lot of courage for him to do his job that day.
Bueno, se puede decir un montón de cosas de Mike Biggs, pero... tomó mucho coraje para que haga su trabajo ese día.
I took my eyes off him for one second.
Aparté mis ojos de él un segundo.
So I took it from him, and I used to to lure him to the one era he could be defeated in :
Así que se lo quite y lo use para atraerlo a la única era en que podría ser detenido :
He had this gun he said he took from his teacher and I told him, "Just forget it, go home."
Tenía un arma que me dijo que le había cogido a su profesor y yo le dije, "Solo olvídalo, vete a casa".
And he took my dad down with him.
Y se llevó a mi padre con él.
I took care of him for 14 years..
Me hice cargo de él durante 14 años.
And when he came out, she saw Rusty shoot him, and that Rogers and O'Reilly threw him in a cab, and then took off.
Y cuando él salió, vieron a Rusty dispararle, y ese tal Rogers y a O'Reilly meterle en un taxi, y después se largaron.
They threw him in, and they took off.
Le metieron dentro, y se lo llevaron.
I took care of him, didn't it?
Me ocupé de él, ¿ no?
Well, maybe they saw him coming and took off.
Bueno, puede que le hayan visto venir y se hayan largado.
So I took care of him.
Así que me hice cargo de él.
It took everything I had not to... pound this guy's face, make him swallow his own teeth and blood.
Me costó muchísimo no... reventarle la cara al tío, hacerle tragarse sus dientes y su sangre.
I'd say you took the best part of him.
Diría que has cogido la mejor parte de él.
Oh, you mean the part where I go up to a random guy and hit on him, and then he looks at me like I have six heads, so I go back to the stool to wait for you, but you're already gone because you took a stranger home
¿ Te refieres a la parte donde me dirigí a un tío al azar y le entré, y luego me miró como si tuviera seis cabezas, así que me di la vuelta y volví al banquillo a esperarte,
Archives, he took with him?
¿ Él tenía copias de seguridad?
Holst sent him to rehab. So Holst could take care of the business he took over Sandberg's part. When he got full control, he sold it.
Holst le envió a rehabilitación y se hizo cargo del negocio... se apoderó de la parte de Sandberg.
Maybe they took him.
No lo sé.
I lent him the money. I took it out on my credit card.
Le presté el dinero, lo saqué de mi tarjeta de crédito.
Took my eyes off him.
Le quité la vista de encima.
There was a reason why it took a while to find him.
Había una razón por la que tardamos en encontrarlo.
When your dad went into the Army he took it with him.
Cuando tu padre entró en el Ejército la llevó con él.
Well, you're lucky I didn't call Vernon and tell him about your little joy ride you took with Angie the other night.
Bueno, tienes suerte que no llamara a Vernon y le contara tu pequeña juerga con Angie de la otra noche.
My ADC tells me you took it upon yourself to invite him to your engagement party.
Mi ADC me dice que se te ocurrió... invitarlo a tu fiesta de compromiso.
They say you only took me on to butter up the British, to keep them from pressing charges, after you conspired to steal my uncle's land off him... .. after he died, sir, by your hand.
Dicen que usted sólo me emplea como mantequilla para los británicos, para evitar que presenten cargos, después de que conspirara para robar la tierra de mi tío... después de su muerte, señor, por su mano.
This thing, this monster, took everything from me and I'm not going to let him do it again.
Tomó todo de mí y no lo hará de nuevo.