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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ W ] / We'll go now

We'll go now tradutor Espanhol

837 parallel translation
Now Clyde, we'll have to go into this matter of Miss X.
Ahora Clyde, tendremos que entrar en esto a la señorita X.
We'll go right on up and see the squire now.
Esto no va a quedar así.
Well, we'll go now.
Bueno, ya cumplimos y ya nos vamos.
We can't go to the Marberry now. They'll follow us.
No podemos ir hasta el Marberry, nos seguirían.
Now when we arrive, we'll go by train to Paris... where the French government will take charge as host.
Ahora, cuando lleguemos,... iremos en tren a París donde el gobierno francés será el anfitrión.
We'll go now.
Nos iremos.
We'll go now
- ¡ Lo veremos ahora mismo! - Pero si soy su amante.
Now, Miss Novak, if you're sufficiently in your place, we'll go...
Ahora, Srta. Novak... si está ubicada, seguiremos...
Now we'll go on, here. "Kind of you."
Ahora iremos aquí. "Muy amable."
Now I'll go immadiatly to my office. And then, we shall see!
De acuerdo, iré a mi despacho y veré si hay una copia legalizada.
Now, Mrs. Ashenden... we'll go back to our lesson.
Bueno, Sra. Ashenden, volvamos a la lección.
bravo, that was charming so, good night children it had been very nice of you all to have come now you all go home we'll see each other later good night, it had been very nice
¡ Bravo, ha sido encantador, hija mía! Bueno, buenas noches, niños. Ha sido muy amable que hayáis venido todos.
Now we'll go upstairs and we'll think about what should happen next in peace and comfort.
Ahora subamos. Y pensemos en paz y tranquilidad lo que vamos a hacer en adelante.
All right, we'll let that go. - Now, did you know the dead woman well?
Muy bien, cambiemos de tema.
Father, we'll have to go now if you're going to make that train.
Padre, debemos irnos si queremos tomar el tren.
- Now, Mr. Bone, we'll go for a walk.
- El Sr. Bota tiene que dar un largo paseo.
- Uh-huh. Now we'll go to that commandant guy and tell him we're through.
Pero antes voy a decirle lo que pienso de esto.
We'll go just as soon as you get well. Pinkie's gone to get the doctor now.
Nos iremos en cuanto te pongas bueno, Pinkie ha ido a buscar el médico.
We'll go now while they're still asleep... and in the morning, when they find their guns... you and I and Boy will be gone.
Nos iremos ahora, mientras duermen, y por la mañana, cuando encuentren las armas, Boy, tú y yo nos habremos ido.
- OK. - Now we'll go...
- Y ahora, haremos...
Now we just need to know if we'll go it alone.
Sólo necesitamos saber si iremos solos
We'll go home now
Demos media vuelta.
Let's all go to the parlor now, and we'll listen to Jack play the piano.
Jack nos tocará algo en el piano.
We'll go aboard now and take everybody's statement Sergeant, get the coroner
Les tomaremos declaración a todos a bordo. Sargento, traiga al forense.
He'll never regain consciousness unless we go in now.
No recuperará la conciencia si no le operamos.
it was because of you that we've lost the Duchess'favour you'll know why but that's terrible you ought to be ashamed come with my, my child go to bed now
fue debido a usted que hemos perdido el favor de la Duquesa usted sabrá por qué pero eso es terrible debería estar avergonzada venga conmigo acuéstese ahora
But now I'll give it all up and we'll go south. It's warm and sunny down there, you'll get well quickly.
Nos iremos al sur, allí donde hay sol y te curarás muy rápido, ya verás.
- Si llamas a la policía ahora, atrapará al grupo que está abajo, pero son más, y están siguiendo a tu esposo.
Come, Mahala. We'll go now. Keep that silly treasure.
Ven Majala, nos vamos, tu quedate ese tonto tesoro
We'll go down now.
Ahora bajaremos.
Now we'll go down and give that guy his rent and at the same time I'll give him a piece of my mind.
Ahora vamos y pagamos el alquiler y al mismo tiempo Vamos a tener algo mas por el interes.
I know you'll go now, María, for both of us, because we love each other always.
Sé que te vas, María, por nosotros dos, porque siempre nos querremos.
Today, tomorrow we'll find you, but now you may go.
Hoy, mañana te hallaremos, pero ahora puedes irte.
Now, we'll all go to bed.
Vámonos todos a la cama.
Now, darling, we'll go home,
- Mi sombrero hongo.
You run out and play, and we'll make up. Go on, now.
Vete a jugar, que nosotros haremos las paces.
We'll go and get Alec now.
Vamos a recoger a Alec.
We'll go now.
Vámonos ya.
We'll go and see him now and get a bite to eat on the way.
Iremos a verlo ahora y cogeremos algo de comida por el camino.
Link arms with me, we'll go strolling together now... through the night!
Cuélgate de mi brazo y vámonos juntos... a dar un paseo.
Now you put your arms around me, and we'll go up and see that horse.
Pon tus brazos a mi alrededor y te alzaré para que veas al caballo.
We'll go directly to mama's house on rampart street - my house now.
Ahora es mi casa.
We'll now go to the cathedral.
Iremos a la catedral.
Now go to sleep and tomorrow we'll have a long talk, especially about the gardens, because they're all planned three years ahead.
Ahora duerme y mañana hablamos largo y tendido. Sobre todo de jardines, se planifican a tres años vista.
Go for a walk or we'll go home. Make up your mind, now.
Sal a pasear o regresaremos a casa.
And we'll go now, right now.
Y nos iremos ahora, ahora mismo.
Now, we'll go over every step you took since you left the house. - Right.
Recorreremos los pasos que has dado desde que saliste de casa.
- We'll go down for the wine now.
- Ahora iremos a buscar el vino.
Someday we'll go. Not now.
Alguna vez iremos.
We'll now go from a navarre to a gaonera.
Ahora... de una navarra a una gaonera.
We'll go now.
Nos iremos ahora.

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