Which one was it tradutor Espanhol
557 parallel translation
Which one was it?
Bueno, ¿ cuál ha sido?
- Which one was it?
- ¿ De qué clase era?
OK, Maeva, which one was it?
Maeva,? cuál de ellos fue?
Which one was it?
¿ Cual de ellas era?
- Which one was it?
- ¿ Quién de ellos fue?
- Which one was it?
- ¿ Cuál era?
- Which one was it?
- ¿ Cual fue?
- Which one was it? What?
¿ Qué?
Which one was it?
- ¿ Qué ha sido?
Well, which one was it, the Highlander?
Bueno, ¿ cuál era, el Highlander?
You know, Clyde... some here have the opinion that it was a bluff on your part... which originated in your mind about this time... to conceal your identity and hers... and to lure her up to one of those lonely lakes in the Adirondacks... and drown her in cold blood!
Sabes, Clyde... algunos aquí tienen la opinión que era un farol de su parte... que se originó en la mente a estas horas... para ocultar su identidad y la de ella... y para atraer a ella a uno de los lagos solitarios en las montañas Adirondack... y ahogarla a sangre fría!
- Which one did you say it was?
- ¿ Cuál dijiste que fue?
Now, just speaking theoretically... if it was a choice between these two guns... which one would you pick?
Ahora, hablando en forma teórica... si tuviera que elegir entre estos dos revólveres... ¿ cuál elegiría?
A book was recently published on the German colonies, in which it was specifically stated that one advantage of possessing duelling scars was that native Africans look with more respect upon white men who bear them.
En las colonias alemanas se acaba de publicar un libro donde se afirma que uno de los beneficios de las cicatrices es que los nativos de África sienten más respeto por el hombre blanco que las tiene que por los que no.
And so the work went on until presently everything had been removed from the tons of ore except two final elements one was barium and the other which they had began to think of it in their heart as their own element
Y así continuó el trabajo-- - hasta que todo fue siendo eliminado-- - de las toneladas de mena, excepto dos elementos finales. Uno era el bario y el otro-- - el que ellos habían empezado a considerar-- - en sus corazones como su propio elemento :
One of two things has happened, either the woman he bumped into was an accomplice in which case, she has the pearl, or he managed somehow to conceal it in his flight.
Ha pasado una de estas dos cosas. O la mujer con la que chocó era cómplice y tiene la perla, o la escondió durante la huída.
Which one of the medicines was it that worked?
¿ Cuál era la medicina que funcionaba?
- Which one did you say it was
¿ Cuál dijo que fue?
It was like a landslide, which one laughs at in the beginning.
Fue como una avalancha de la que uno se ríe al principio.
Yesterday, when we got to that woman's house, when you pretended you'd gone to the wrong floor, you didn't know which one it was.
Te atreviste a llevarme a casa de tu amante. - ¡ Cállate! - ¡ A casa de tu amante!
If we could journey back to that period in history when Manhattan was but a market town, we would discover, in one of the coves which indent the shores of the Hudson, the little village of Tarry Town. And just beyond, nestled deep in the low rolling hills, a sequestered glen. It's a quiet, peaceful place, and yet, somehow... foreboding.
Si pudiéramos regresar en el tiempo... a los principios de la historia norteamericana... cuando la ciudad de Manhattan no era mas que una plaza de mercado... podríamos descubrir al norte... en las riveras del rió Hudson... la pequeña aldea de Tarrytown... y mas allá... un apartado valle rodeado de colinas... un lugar pacifico.... si, bastante pacifico, pero algunas veces... bastante aterrador... en el que abundan leyendas y... sitios macabros de supersticiosa tradición.
It was no more than a piece of youthful bravado but it was one of those acorns from which great oaks are destined to grow.
Quizá no fue más que una bravata juvenil... pero fue una de esas bellotas destinadas a dar lugar a un gran roble.
It went into my eye I can't remember which one I think the right one but luckily there was this gentleman he's so kind and smart, him...
Me ha entrado en un ojo, no recuerdo en cuál, el derecho creo, pero afortunadamente estaba aquí este caballero... tan amable y valeroso él...
Then you must have opened the gate for the dogs. Which one of you was it?
Entonces quizás habéis dejado la puerta abierta a los perros. ¿ Quién ha sido?
I wrote it in a mountain meadow, between quaking grass and calves, one of which was called Edward.
La escribi en un prado en la montaña, rodeado de tembladeras y terneros, entre ellos uno llamado Eduardo.
I wanted to find out which one it was.
Quería ver cuál era.
It was only a question of which one of us would admit it first.
Sólo era cuestión de quién lo admitiría primero.
The one who, until four days ago, owned the Bal du Paradis, at which time it was taken over by another party.
La que, hasta hace cuatro días, era dueña del Bal du Paradis, que en ese momento se traspasó a otra persona.
Godzilla was squeezed out when Pacific Pharmaceuticals squeezed berries for its medicine... and from it... which one?
Godzilla se quedó exprimido cuando Farmacéuticas Pacífico exprimieron bayas para su medicina y desde eso... ¿ Quién más?
It is important that you know... that one of the greatest achievements of our 1910 revolution... was the distribution of land,... which was held by just a few hands.
Es importante que ustedes sepan que una de las conquistas más grandes de nuestra revolución es el reparto de la tierra, que estaba en poder de unas cuantas manos.
I, since he was disgraced and cast into the wide life, I remember it and I love it more, if it fits, but his father, with the one of which he is authority, and, especially, for the years, is very uncompromising and with a dot of honor that is no longer carried.
Yo, desde que se desgració y se echó a la vida ancha, la recuerdo y la quiero más, si cabe, pero su padre, con el aquel de que es autoridad, y, sobre todo, por los años, está muy intransigente
Well, he wrote asking for his usual suite and I was just checking up to see which one it was.
Desea su suit habitual y estaba comprobando... cuál es.
Mother had a potion which took off 10 years and they... gave it to me when I was 9 to make me minus one.
¿ Sabe que hicieron? A los 9 años me dieron una poción de mamá que reducía 10 años.
Well, it was also Paris then, which makes one feel like a child again before they know it.
Bueno, también era París, que te hace volver a sentirte niña sin darte ni cuenta.
You've just killed one of our men, which is a pity because it was his birthday today.
Acaban de matar a uno de nuestros hombres, lo que es una pena porque hoy era su cumpleaños.
Each one of them carried out specific duties, and yet it was the whole, the group, which gave meaning to each individual activity.
Cada uno de ellos ejercía una acción específica ; y sin embargo era la totalidad, el grupo, quien proporcionaba el sentido a las actitudes individuales.
Is it true that not everything which remained from the deceased brother was received by... the living one?
Es cierto que no todo lo que quedaba del hermano difunto fue recibido por - el vivo.
I can remember one very well, after a bowling match on Thursday night on which he said he couldn't sleep nights, he was smoking a little too much and he thought that this criminal as he put it, might very well be part of a subversive plot.
Recuerdo claramente que un jueves por la noche, luego de una partida de bolos... me dijo que no podía conciliar el sueño, que fumaba demasiado... y que creía que este delincuente... bien podría ser parte de un complot subversivo.
It was a tragic and dramatic situation, in which one had to make the choice which would save the most human lives possible.
Fue una trágica y dramática situación, en la que uno tenía que tomar la decisión que podría salvar el mayor numero posible de vidas. Yo fuí educado en una familia de clase media.
There was one event which happened abroad, but was of extreme importance. While one generation grew up with the Algerian war and was interested in it, we were most interested in the war in Spain.
mientras una generación creció con la guerra Argelina y estaba interesada en ella, nosotros estábamos más interesados en la guerra de España.
It was a fantastic success - over 60,000 times as powerful as Britain's great prewar joke - and one which Hitler just couldn't match.
Fue un éxito fantástico. Más de 60 mil veces más potente que el gran chiste de pre-guerra... de Gran Bretaña. Y algo que Hitler no podía igualar.
It was a fantastic success over 80,000 times as powerful... as Britain's great prewar joke, which was used at Munich... and one which Hitler couldn't match.
Fue un éxito fantástico. Más de 80.000 veces más potente... que el gran chiste inglés de preguerra, que se usó en Munich... y Hitler no pudo igualarlo.
It was a misunderstanding... one which could have ruined my parliamentary career. Yes, Mr Dysart.
Seguramente fue un malentendido que habría podido destruir mi carrera parlamentaria.
The print which matches the one found on the letter opener was taken from the photo marked B. It belongs to... One moment while I check.
La huella que combina con la encontrada en el abrecartas... fue relevada de la fotografía marcada con la letra B, y pertenece... déjeme ver...
Let Thérése strip at once, and stand naked as the day she was born, and adopt for our delight, each one in turn, all the positions which it shall please us to require.
Que Thérése tira de inmediato, Y quedarse desnuda como el día en que nació, Y adoptar para nuestro deleite, cada uno a su vez,
Speaking of luck, it's J.R. Bonner's luck... to have drawn the country's number one bucking bull... undefeated in 29 rides... the 29th of which was, you guessed it, J.R. Bonner.
Hablando de suerte, J.R. Bonner tiene la suerte de haberle tocado el toro número uno del país invicto en 29 montas la 29.a siendo- - ya adivinaron- - la de J.R. Bonner.
And in addition to this almost perfect existence, which made me the envy of all my married friends, there was no one to tell me it was time for me to get up and put the coffee on because I loved her.
Y además de esta existencia casi perfecta, que era la envidia de mis amigos casados, no había nadie que me dijera que ya era hora de levantarme y preparar el café por amor.
It was one of the three or four long, intimate conversations with him which are all I can boast.
Esa fue una de las tres o cuatro largas e íntimas conversaciones con él que puedo recordar.
We only had one battery en masse that we could use, which was the port five-inch battery, so we started using it on the aircraff as they came in.
Sólo tuvimos una batería en masa que podíamos usar, que era el puerto de la batería de cinco pulgadas, así que empezamos a usarlo en el aircraff como vinieron pulg
The opening phase of the war was one of the most extraordinary periods through which I've lived, because it was a period of euphoria on the part of the people of this country.
La primera fase de la guerra fue uno de los mas extraordinarios períodos de mi vida, debido a que fue un periodo de euforia por parte de las personas de esta país.
One in my safe, one which was in your uncle's safe until I removed it this morning... and, uh, the copy held by the girl.
Una está en mi caja fuerte, otra, que saqué de la caja de tu tío y la copia que tiene la chica.
which one is it 183
which one do you like 19
which one 1435
which one do you prefer 16
which one are you 89
which one do you want 65
which ones 133
which one of you 21
which one is that 26
which one's yours 33
which one do you like 19
which one 1435
which one do you prefer 16
which one are you 89
which one do you want 65
which ones 133
which one of you 21
which one is that 26
which one's yours 33
which one is he 45
which one am i 16
which one is she 32
which one's that 16
was it 1813
was it worth it 132
was it something i said 48
was it me 31
was it fun 48
was it nice 29
which one am i 16
which one is she 32
which one's that 16
was it 1813
was it worth it 132
was it something i said 48
was it me 31
was it fun 48
was it nice 29
was it good 112
was it you 219
was it a 18
was it good for you 18
was it that bad 22
was it an accident 37
was it hard 20
was it him 59
was it bad 29
was it not 62
was it you 219
was it a 18
was it good for you 18
was it that bad 22
was it an accident 37
was it hard 20
was it him 59
was it bad 29
was it not 62