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Was it him tradutor Espanhol

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It was the consequences therein that escaped him.
Son las consecuencias lo que no previó.
It was his first contact with the supernatural, and it never left him.
Fue su primer contacto con lo sobrenatural, y nunca lo dejó.
When the Phillips campaign manager told me it was Caleb that did this I told him he-he must've had his wires crossed.
Cuando el director de campaña de Phillips me dijo que fue Caleb quien lo hizo, le dije que se le habían cruzado los cables.
It was only me little joke because I knew it would scare the bejesus out of him.
Fue sólo una pequeña broma porque sabía que se asustaría muchísimo.
John was looking for someone to absolve him, reassure him that what happened wasn't his fault, and I couldn't do it.
John buscaba a alguien que le exculpara, le convenciera de que lo que pasó no fue culpa suya, y yo no pude hacerlo.
When I confronted him at your apartment, he was tearing it apart.
Cuando lo confronté en tu apartamento, él estaba rompiendo todo.
Nobody calls him that. It was your money that paid for the school, a well to provide clean drinking water, our first health clinic, and a Redbox with one movie in it.
Nadies te llama asi con tu dinero pagamos esa escuela, un pozo para proveer agua potable, nuestra primera clinica de salud, y una CAJAROJA con una pelicula en ella.
It was torture just watching him do a crossword puzzle.
Era una tortura solo verlo hacer los crucigramas.
He told him it was a preposterous question, and he threw him out of his house.
Le dijo que era una pregunta absurda, y lo echó de su casa.
Maybe he was ahead of his time, and they killed him before he got a chance to prove it.
Tal vez iba por delante de su tiempo, y lo mataron antes de que tuviera oportunidad de probarlo.
What was it like growing up with him?
¿ Cómo fue criarse al lado de él?
It was him that ordered the hit on Michael.
Fue el que ordenó la muerte de Michael.
She followed Michael onto the ferry, but it wasn't him she was after, it was Asha.
Siguió a Michael en el transbordador. Pero no era a él a quién buscaba. Sino a Asha.
Revere must have assigned him to protect Betsy's flag, and when we attempted to remove it, the Soldier was awoken.
Revere debió encargarlo proteger la bandera de Betsy y al intentar... moverla, el Soldado se despertó.
Even gave us eyewitness testimony that it was Arthur that killed him.
Incluso nos dio el testimonio ocular de que Arthur lo mató.
It was the only personal effect we found so it must've meant something to him.
Era su único efecto personal. Debe haber significado algo para él.
I can't remember his name but it was just him and his mum and, well, she died from heroin, a couple of years after this photo was taken.
No puedo recordar su nombre, pero eran sólo él y su madre, y ella murió intoxicada... con heroína, un par de años después de tomada esta foto.
It was us or him, wasn't it?
Eramos nosotros o él, ¿ no?
It was him, okay?
Era él, ¿ de acuerdo?
Dylan, it was him.
Dylan, era él. Te lo juro.
From phantom, uh, limb syndrome. His... his mind was so used to, uh, you know, to the leg being there that it... It tricked him into thinking it was there even though it wasn't.
Su mente estaba tan acostumbrada a, bueno, que la pierna estuviera ahí que... le engañaba al pensar que seguía allí aunque no estuviera.
My, um... My high school boyfriend, um, knocked me up and, um, I ran off with him and had Dylan, and it was not good.
Mi... mi novio del instituto, bueno, me dejó embarazada y... escapé con él y tuve a Dylan, y no fue bien.
Maybe it would be good for Norman to see me, allow him to know that everything was okay and that he could focus on what it is he's trying to accomplish here.
Puede que sea bueno para Norman que me vea, permitirle saber que todo va bien y que se puede centrar en lo que está intentando conseguir aquí.
It's possible Eobard was in the Speed Force, protecting him like a bomb shelter, keeping him alive and his time line intact.
Es posible que Eobard estuviera en la Fuerza de Velocidad, protegiéndolo como un refugio antibombas, manteniéndolo vivo y su línea del tiempo intacta.
He told you lies because it was inevitable, but you must decide ifyou want him, and ifyou can forgive him or not, that's the real problem.
Te mintió porque era inevitable. De ti depende decidir si realmente lo aprecias y si quieres perdonarlo o no. Ése es el problema.
It was about keeping you from becoming the kind of man who thinks the world revolves around him.
Era por evitar que te conviertas en el tipo de hombre que cree que el mundo gira a su alrededor.
But as it is his bloc, we thought it was important to give him some latitude.
Pero es su área, pensamos que es más importante darle cierta libertad de acción.
It was him.
Fue el.
And then when I was released, he still tried to turn her against me, saying that I was unstable, and... he just wanted me out of the way, but thankfully, she knew it, and that is why she left him.
Y cuando me soltaron, aún siguió intentando volverla en mi contra, diciendo que yo era inestable, y... Él solo quería apartarme de su camino, pero gracias a Dios, ella lo supo, y por eso le dejó.
And this necklace has special meaning to Magnus Bane as it was a gift from him to his then lover, Camille Belcourt.
Y este colgante tiene un significado especial para Magnus Bane ya que fue un regalo suyo hacia su entonces amante, Camille Belcourt.
Father said it too, that I was born to him twice.
Padre también dijo que había nacido dos veces para él.
All that shooting', it was... it was'cause of him, wasn't it?
Todo ese tiroteo fue por él, ¿ no?
And Rod had purchased the IBM PC, so he could write business plans on it, and it became obvious to him that that PC, if it was portable, that would be a good product.
Y él supuso que era obvio que si esa PC era portátil, sería un buen producto.
You'd see Rod Canion walking down the hall, and it was certainly more than permissible... it was hoped... that you would stop and talk with him if you had something to talk about.
Veías a Rod Canion caminando por el pasillo y era más que admisible se esperaba que te detuvieras a hablar con él si tenías algo de qué hablar.
It seemed like he was getting hit, so we saved him.
Por casualidad, vimos que estaba siendo golpeado por muchas personas, así que lo ayudamos.
King Herod ordered the killing of every male infant under the age of two... .. and if Jesus Christ himself hadn't been slumming it in a manger... he would have slaughtered him too because a younger, faster king was coming to take what he had.
El rey Herodes ordenó el asesinato de cada niño varón menor de dos años... y si el mismo Jesucristo no había sido barriobajero en un pesebre... habría masacrado demasiados por un rey más joven, más rápido, que venía a tomar lo que tenía.
I never would have done what I done to your brother if I'd known it was him.
Nunca habría hecho lo que le hice a tu hermano si hubiera sabido que era él.
It was Ted who had him killed.
Fue Ted quién lo había matado.
He had, uh, picked it up, I think, from one of his kids'TV shows when he was on leave, and he brought it back to Afghanistan with him, and it was infectious.
La había sacado de un programa que veían sus hijos, cuando visitaba, y la trajo a Afganistán. Era muy contagiosa.
It was you or him, and you saved yourself.
Eras tú o él, y te salvaste a ti misma.
He also told me it was a low point for him.
También me dijo que era un punto bajo para él.
I assumed it was Arietta, and I'm not afraid of him.
Supuse que era Arietta, y no tengo miedo de él.
was what I was gonna make for him to prove it.
Era lo que iba a hacer por él para probarlo.
It was him.
Fue él.
I told him it was irresponsible.
Le dije que era irresponsable.
It was a relief for him to confess, finally.
Fue un alivio para él confesar, por fin.
Look, it wasn't like there was exactly a welcoming party for him returning back to the neighborhood.
Mira, no era como si no era exactamente una fiesta de bienvenida para él regresar de nuevo a la vecindad.
He was moving lots of dope, but also using, and it made him do wild things, like what went down with that cop, Reese.
Se movía un montón de droga, sino también el uso, y se le hizo hacer cosas salvajes, al igual que lo que pasó con ese policía, Reese.
Was it just after you stopped beating him and abandoned him at the zoo?
¿ Justo después de golpearlo y abandonarlo en el zoológico?
It does sound like there was no telling him.
Parece que no había nada que pudiera hacer.
I dragged you into this. It's just you showed up with that sigil on your hand, and it was the same one that was on the book that I needed, and my brother... his spirit, I mean, sent you to help me contact him.
Es solo que apareciste con esa marca en tu mano, y era la misma que estaba en el libro que necesitaba, y mi hermano, su espíritu... te envío a ayudarme a contactar con él.

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