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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ Y ] / Yanked

Yanked tradutor Espanhol

481 parallel translation
If you had said, "Come here," yanked me into a corner and kissed me I'd have been terribly grateful.
Si me hubiese dicho "ven aquí", arrastrándome a una esquina y besándome... habría estado terriblemente agradecida.
Till Dad yanked me.
Hasta que papá me sacó.
Less than an hour ago, I, a free and patriotic citizen of the United States, am on my way to France, when all of a sudden I'm yanked from the train, threatened with arrest, and summoned here for what?
Hace menos de una hora, yo, un ciudadano libre y patriota de los EE.UU., iba camino de Francia, cuando de repente me sacaron del tren, bajo amenaza de arresto, y me convocaron aquí ¿ para qué?
It irritates me to be yanked.
Odio que tiren de mí.
He ought to have his nose yanked through a keyhole.
Tendría que ocuparse de sus propios asuntos.
He still talks as if he were having a tooth yanked.
Sigue hablando como si le estuvieran sacando un diente.
I said that Mary went into the fitting room and yanked the coat off the Allen girl.
Dije que Mary entró en el salón de pruebas y le dio un tirón al abrigo de la Allen.
Yanked the scalp off that Allen woman in the fitting room.
Le arrancó los pelos a la Allen en el salón de pruebas.
They yanked the line too hard and I felt like I was going through with wall.
Tiraron demasiado fuerte de la cuerda y sentí como que atravesaba la pared.
Had every one of'em yanked out, and they was all good too.
Me arranqué todos, y todos estaban sanos.
Soon as a man gets warmed up for research he's yanked off for duty.
Cuando empiezas a investigar te llama el deber.
It's tough to get yanked out of the ring when the main event is about to start.
Es duro que te retiren cuando lo bueno está a punto de empezar.
He put his hand on me head... and it yanked me back to life as sudden as a rope around me body.
Me ha puesto la mano en la frente... y me ha traído de vuelta a la vida como si hubiera tirado de mí.
Boy, they certainly yanked me out of a sweet spot.
- Bien Johnny. Muy bien. Me han sacado de un lugar agradable.
This is going to be like waiting to have your first tooth yanked.
Serâ como esperar que te quiten el primer diente.
I know, but many people saw them yanked out of her apartment in the wee hours of the morning.
Lo sé, pero mucha gente vio cómo le sacaban del apartamento de ella de madrugada.
I sent a tow car over to your garage this afternoon... and they'yanked up that burned-out truck of yours.
Envié una grúa a su garaje esta tarde... y levantaron los restos de su camión.
When I reached for that doorknob, something, some invisible force, yanked it open, and then I was met by that gust of icy wind.
Cuando llegué a puerta, algo, una fuerza invisible, la abrió, y luego sentí unas ráfagas de viento helado.
Am I yanked by my boots or pulled by the hair of my head?
¿ Alguien está tirando de mis botas o de los pelos de mi cabeza?
She yanked the blinkers off of me and made me see what an ornery ol'moss horn I was to -
Me arrancó los anteojos y me hizo ver lo burro que he sido por...
We've had 5 years yanked out of our lives.
Nos han quitado 5 años de nuestra vida.
The same door they dragged Adams through when they yanked him out of that cell last night.
Por donde se llevaron a Adams... cuando lo arrancaron de su celda anoche.
Yanked what story?
¿ Retirar qué artículo?
Would we have yanked you out in the face of that mob Just to get you caught again?
No te dejaríamos a merced de esa chusma para que te cojan de nuevo.
Our story is that the dog, one of those great big monsters yanked on the leash and threw her to the floor.
Nuestra versión será que el perro, esa especie de monstruo tiró de la correa y la hizo tropezar.
It's been yanked.
Cortamos la línea.
I was yanked back in, too.
Me arrastró de nuevo, a mí también.
Do you think I like being yanked out of bed and brought here night after night?
¿ Cree que me gusta que me saquen de la cama y me traigan aquí noche tras noche?
If you'd told me about it, I wouldn't have yanked your stripes.
Si me lo hubieras dicho, no habría arrancado tus galones.
It started into itching, sir, so I just yanked her off.
Me empezó a picar, así que me lo quité.
Alguien lo sacó de aquí.
It's already been 15 years since they yanked us out of high school to man that factory.
Nos recIutaron y nos enviaron aquí hace 15 años.
That tv set doesn't work because, obviously, you got in back of it, and you yanked out a lot of wires, and i don't know what else.
¡ Esa televisión no funciona porque evidentemente investigó detrás y arrancó los cables y Dios sabe que más haría!
Somebody snuck up afterwards and yanked the dagger out of the man's chest even before he was dead.
Alguien se acercó a hurtadillas y lo arrancó del pecho de aquel hombre, - Antes incluso de que hubiera muerto.
- So you had it yanked?
- ¿ Y te la has sacado?
Kay was about to have her phone yanked.
Casi les cortan el teléfono.
- Like the planet's yanked at us.
- Es como si tirara de nosotros.
I got half my foot through it, then I yanked my knee up to my chest.
Ya me cabía medio pie. Luego subí la rodilla hasta el pecho.
Whatever that thing is outside, it yanked us off course from the Enterprise.
Sea lo que fuere esa cosa allí afuera nos desvió del curso del Enterprise.
Your claws have been yanked, McCord.
Te arrancaron las uñas, McCord.
I had him, and something yanked him away.
Lo tenía. Algo se lo llevó.
I was beaming up Mr. Seven and something yanked him away from me.
Estaba transportando al señor Seven a bordo cuando algo se lo llevó.
Then seemed to me that the whole world yanked.
Entonces me pareció que todo el mundo se derrumbaba.
I'm going down to Doc Ivan this morning, get the rest of this cast darn booger yanked off.
Primero iré a ver al doctor para que lleve lo que queda.
Someone yanked it off, trying to break their fall.
Alguien me lo ha arrancado al intentar no caerse.
Someone yanked him off the life-support system at the hospital.
Alguien desconectó el respirador en el hospital.
So I yanked And pulled myself from the mire. And the horse too.
Así que tiré y... me saqué a mí mismo del pantano, caballo y todo.
"Three Corpses Yanked from Coffins"
"Tres Cadáveres Sacados de Ataúdes"
And then this hand came down, grabbed me by the collar and yanked me out.
Y una mano bajó, me sujetó del cuello y me sacó.
They yanked out my telephone.
- Esta Sra., me cortó el teléfono.
I feel like a big fat hairy hand reached inside of me and yanked something out.
Me siento como si una mano peluda me hubiera sacado algo de las entrañas.

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