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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ Y ] / You'll get killed

You'll get killed tradutor Espanhol

486 parallel translation
"You'll get killed."
"Te vas a matar."
- You'll get killed!
- Te matarán.
You'll get killed too!
¡ Te matarán también!
Come away from that window, you'll get killed!
¡ Dios mío, apártate de esa ventana! ¡ Te van a matar!
You'll get us all killed.
Nos va a hacer matar a todos.
You'll get us all killed.
Harás que nos maten.
- You'll get killed. Come on!
- Va a morir. ¡ Venga!
If I take you there, I'll get killed.
Si le llevo, me matará.
You'll get killed here, one way or another.
Terminarás muerto aquí, de una forma o de otra.
You'll get yourself killed.
Harás que te maten.
You give me the authority, and I'll get you the man that killed him.
Deme esa autoridad y le entregaré al hombre que lo mató.
You get this stuff killed, or I'll... - Or what?
Haz que paren esto o...
You've got to get us out of here or we'll all be killed.
Deben sacarnos de aquí, o nos matará a todos.
You'll get killed.
Te matarán.
Bill, you'll get us all killed.
Harás que nos maten a todos. ¡ Anda!
If you do get killed, I'll make sure you get a first-rate funeral in Hollywood, at Grauman's Chinese Theatre.
Si te matan, me aseguraré de que tengas un funeral de primera en Hollywood, en el Teatro Chino Grauman.
You'll get him killed.
Lo matarán por su culpa.
Don't go out, Warden, you'll get killed! Put your pants on.
¡ No salgas, Warden, te matarán!
Don't jump! You'll get killed!
No saltes, ¡ te matarás!
You'll all get killed.
Van a matarse.
You'll get us killed!
¡ Atrás! ¡ Nos matará!
So you'll get me killed!
¡ Vos me hacés morir!
They'll work and kill and even get killed for you.
Trabajan, matan y hasta se dejan matar por ti.
She'd have been able to see that all you'll do is get yourself killed.
Ella comprenderá que sólo conseguirás que te maten a ti.
You'll get yourself killed too.
Te matarán a ti también.
You'll get yourself killed!
¡ No se queden ahí, les va a matar!
Get out of here, you'll get killed!
¡ Sal de aquí, puedes resultar muerto!
Mike, look out. You'll get killed.
Mike, mírale. ¡ Cuidado!
- You'll get killed.
- Conseguirás que te maten.
You're saying that you want to save your men with the Chronicles. But it'll do is get them killed.
Tú lo dices, tú quieres salvar a tus hombres con las Crónicas, pero solo harás que los maten.
I'll do anything you say as long as you get that- - the one who killed Eric.
Haré lo que ustedes quieran con tal de que cojan a esa mujer que mató a Eric. Aquí tienes Birdy, el director Gideon me ha dado esto para ti. Vuelve a la iglesia y procura no salir de ella.
If I am to be killed, and the only way you'll get out of here is by killing me, you'll both go to the gallows.
Si he de morir y para escapar deben matarme, los ahorcarán a los dos. No pienso escucharle.
Who'll do it if you all let yourselves get killed.
¿ Quién lo hará si deja que lo maten?
Hey, get moving or you'll be killed!
¡ Oye! ¡ Muévete o te matarán!
You'll just get Joe killed.
- Acabará matando a Joe.
And if someone does get killed, it won't be me. I'll be the one to tell you.
Sí. Y si matan a alguien, no será a mí. Yo sere quien te lo diga.
You'll get us killed!
¡ Nos vas a matar!
Mike, you'll get killed!
Pronto nos enteraremos.
Danny, you go through that wire and you'll get killed.
Si sales por el alambre, te matarán.
Watch out, you'll get us all killed!
¡ Cuidado, nos vas a matar!
I'll never leave you, that's why I don't want you to get killed.
Yo nunca te dejaré, es por eso que no quiero que te maten.
You'll get killed, steel.
Puedes morir, Steel.
You'll get her killed too.
Haràs que la maten a ella también.
You thought you done good, she'll get us all killed.
Deshazte de ella o nos matará. - ¿ Me oyes?
You'll get us killed!
Hará usted que nos maten!
Wait. You'll get yourself killed.
Espera. ¿ Quieres que te maten?
If I get killed, you'll never get your hands on all that beautiful money.
Si me matan nunca pondrás tus manos En el dinero.
- And if I get killed you'll know.
Si me matan, sabrás que así es.
You are such cowards, you'll get yourselves all killed!
¡ Sois unos cobardes, os mataré a todos!
You'll get yourselves killed!
Uds se haran matar!
Chances are you'll get killed anyway.
Lo más probable es que le maten.

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