You did it in tradutor Espanhol
3,590 parallel translation
Well, like, if you're quoting one of your professors or something if you did it in an accent, it could be really funny.
Bueno, como, si estás citando a uno de tus profesores o algo si lo haces con acento, puede ser gracioso.
Maybe he did it, and then he set it up like you did it in the video.
Tal vez él lo hizo, y luego lo montó como que tú lo hiciste en el video.
Did you get it in your eye?
¿ Se te ha metido en el ojo?
If your mission in Pakistan- - something you know about it or something you did- - makes it unsafe for you to go back home, you're welcome here.
Si su misión en Pakistán, algo que saben acerca de eso o algo que hicieron hace que sea inseguro para ustedes volver a casa, son bienvenidos aquí.
Max, what you did... pursuing a woman twice your age and proving it by dancing in front of the whole town...
Max, lo que hiciste... perseguir a una chica que te dobla la edad y probárselo bailando en frente de todo el pueblo...
Did you know that my father had to do It was someone in town?
Discúlpenla, discúlpenla. Estamos hablando de ópera, no de folletines románticos. - Perdón.
Did you ever get to see it in person?
¿ Has llegado a verla en persona?
I did say you had money coming in, but with a "no" in front of it.
Si dije que tenias dinero ingresando, pero con la palabra "NO" antes de eso.
- I did not do anything and I'm with her in spirit. I do not care how you feel, but It would be important to clarify. OK, I can honestly wanted to talk about.
No lo sé, pero si él es el culpable, acabará en la cárcel, te lo prometo.
I made it very clear in a wise, manly voice that this was not gonna work out, and you went ahead and you did it anyway.
Dejé bien claro con mi sabia y masculina voz que esto no iba a funcionar, pero tú lo hiciste igualmente.
It was so fun, and then I became a cop, because in my family, that's just what you did.
Era divertido, así que me hice policía, porque en mi familia era lo que había que hacer.
I believe that I deserve your vote because what this game is about, it's about outwit, outplay, outlast. And I believe if you look at those three principles, there's nobody sitting up here that did that remotely even close to what I did in this game.
Creo que... merezco tu voto porque... de lo que trata este juego es de Jugar mejor, Engañar a otros y Resistir más, y creo que si ves esos 3 principios, no hay nadie sentado acá que hizo eso
Then we can hide it on the roof and install it in the middle of the night, and then we can just pretend like you did it without our permission.
Entonces podemos esconderla en el tejado y la instalamos en medio de la noche, y entonces podemos fingir que lo hiciste sin nuestro permiso.
You know, in the past, they've given it to Diane Sawyer, and Elaine May, and did you know that Chuck Scarborough is anatomically a woman?
En el pasado, se lo dieron a Diane Sawyer y a Elaine May, ¿ Y sabías que Chuck Scarborough es anatómicamente una mujer?
If it's "Did somebody put gravel in the couch cushions you're sleeping on,"
Si es "¿ Alguien puso grava en los cojines del sofa en donde voy a dormir?"
Did you have a sense when you walked up and saw what it was when you were in trouble?
¿ Tuviste un sentido cuando te acercabas y sentias que estabas en problemas?
You mean got in, did it, made it look like suicide?
¿ Te refieres a entrar, hacerlo, y que pareciera un suicidio?
when, honestly, it would be a huge event if you DID actually get cast in something.
cuando, de verdad, sería un gran evento Si en realidad alguien te seleccionara para actuar en algo.
If you go back in that well, it's like you did die for me.
Si vuelves a ese pozo, es como si hubieras muerto por mí.
How did you get it in there JD?
¿ Cómo hiciste para entrarle ahí JD?
I did watch it two times in a row, just to really, you know, get it, just so I didn't feel as dumb as I do right now.
Lo vi dos veces seguidas, solo para, cogerlo, para no sentirme tan tonto como me siento ahora.
Ok, I get it. How did you end up taking her picture in the first place?
Lo que quiero saber es... cómo terminaste tomándole una foto.
If I erase it from my heart as though it never happened, I will definitely... not be able to smile as happily as you did in this photograph.
Si lo borrará de mi corazón, como si nunca hubiera existido... yo en verdad... no podría a sonreír tan feliz como tú en esta fotografía.
However, I did manage to notice you had a superhero costume in your suitcase, so I hung it, so it wouldn't wrinkle.
De todas maneras noté que lleva en su maleta un disfraz de súper héroe... así que lo colgué, no lo arrugué.
Did Jen Cole like it rough too, when you sodomized her in the back of your van?
¿ Jane también cuando la sodomizaste en tu camioneta?
I'll tell you what I did. I put some dill in it... because I read in Woman's Day, where pickles drown out the flavor... and dill bring up the flavor.
Puse un poco de eneldo en el mismo, porque he leído en el día de la mujer, donde las salmueras ahogar el sabor y eneldo abrir el sabor.
You've got nothing in the pipe, and even if you did, you've got no money to market it with.
No tienes nada preparado, y si lo tuvieras no tendrías el dinero para comercializarlo.
You feel so great when they're in that mail room and when they make their rise, when you know it's because of what they did together as a team.
Se siente bien al verlos en esa sala de correo y cuando van ascendiendo, cuando sabes que es por lo que hicieron juntos como equipo.
So I said, "I'll do it on one condition, that I get to watch you paint some of your part in airbrush." 'Cause I'd never seen an airbrush in my life, so I wanted to see how he did it, being the master of it.
y dije.., " lo hago con una condicion, que tenga la oportunidad de verte pintar algo de tu parte en aerógrafo porque nunca usé uno en mi vida, así que quería ver cómo es, ser un maestro del mismo.
When we did the- - "We" did- - he did the Shawshank art, there was definitely some conversation with him... about what the elements should be in the image. You know, "Well, let's grapple for what it is about the movie... that we really, you know- - that people really seem to dig."
el poster de "sueño de libertad", hubo una conversacion con èl...... acerca de que elementos estarian en la imagen.... tu sabes, "bien,, concentremonos en el argumento de la pelicula lo que realmente, ya sabes - que parecen cavar".
Did it not occur to you... that he might be an imposter in league with the Wicked Witch... and sent here to kill us?
¿ No se te ocurrió que podría ser un impostor complotado con la Malvada Bruja que lo envió para matarnos?
Because if you did, it means that you, and the FBI, and your friends at Interpol, actually believe, at an institutional level, in magic.
Si lo hiciera significaría que Ud., el FBI y sus amigos de la Interpol creen, a nivel institucional, en la magia.
How did you know it was in my pocket?
¿ Cómo sabías que estaba en mi bolsa?
I've figured it out, what you did in Houston.
He descubierto, lo que hiciste en Houston.
So, I did this thing that juxtaposed the images of the women and then this picture of the little girl in this, like, portrait, and it said, "pretend you like it" on her, and then it
Así que hice esta cosa Con las imágenes yuxtapuestas de la Mujeres y entonces este cuadro de La niña así, como en un portarretrato
- Someone must have brought it around because there were a few. Did you grow up in Australia?
Alguien debió haberla llevado porque había unas cuantas.
Did you know they made a lamp that has the sun in it?
¿ Recuerdas esa lámpara que tiene el sol dentro?
Why in tarnation did you put it on there?
¿ Para qué rayos lo pusieron?
Did it make you feel patriotic when you turned Manning in?
¿ Te hizo sentir patriotico cuando cumpliste Manning en?
Did you see it take all those hits and still stay flat in the corners?
¿ Vieron cuántos choques aguantó sin voltearse?
And the reason I did it... hell, look, I was glad to do it... was because you were in danger of losing everything.
Y la razón por la que hice, mira, yo estaba encantado de hacerlo, era porque estabas en peligro de perderlo todo.
Did you think if you just showed up out of the blue it would be like it was in high school?
¿ Creías que si salías de la nada... sería igual que en la secundaria?
Whatever's broken in you, Cory, whatever your Dad did or didn't do, I can't fix it.
Sea lo que sea que está roto en ti, Cory lo que te hizo o no hizo tu padre, yo no puedo arreglarlo.
And we all rush out and look down, if you know what has happened, and we see them as so rumstolpern, and she goes in the middle of the road, and it is by all cars approached, and we laugh. We laugh because they kill themselves wanted and did not make it.
Y todos corremos hacia adentro para ver si se encuentra bien y la vemos caminando torpemente hacia unos árboles y luego es golpeada por todos estos carros y se ríe de mi porque trata de matarse pero no puede hacerlo bien.
Did you know it is a great sin in Islam, to deface his own flesh?
¿ Sabía que es un gran pecado en el Islam, marcarse la piel?
You did it from your home, and you only have one computer in your home.
Te doy el peor caso. Lo usaste desde tu casa y sólo había un computador ahí.
Did you get it stuck in his throat?
¿ Te has atragantado?
You two vote against P-Hound, nobody knows who did what, because there's a vote against me in there, and it's adios, brothiero.
Ustedes dos voten contra P-Hound, nadie sabe quién hizo qué, porque hay un voto para mí, y es un sayonara, monada.
Did you put it in a drawer?
¿ La metiste en alguna gaveta?
If you did have the money, Mom, why didn't you put it in the bank?
Si tenías ese dinero, mamá, ¿ por qué no los tenías en el banco?
If I did, I'd give it to you in a second.
Si los tuviera, Yo te los daría en un segundo.
you did 4907
you did it 1578
you didn't know 451
you didn't answer me 17
you didn't answer 45
you didn't get it 40
you didn't have to 199
you didn't 2413
you did well 217
you didn't tell me 114
you did it 1578
you didn't know 451
you didn't answer me 17
you didn't answer 45
you didn't get it 40
you didn't have to 199
you didn't 2413
you did well 217
you didn't tell me 114
you didn't see anything 59
you didn't like it 52
you didn't answer my question 88
you did great 231
you didn't call me 25
you didn't let me finish 59
you didn't do it 92
you didn't do anything 146
you didn't ask me 19
you didn't call 40
you didn't like it 52
you didn't answer my question 88
you did great 231
you didn't call me 25
you didn't let me finish 59
you didn't do it 92
you didn't do anything 146
you didn't ask me 19
you didn't call 40