You died tradutor Espanhol
12,381 parallel translation
I was told you died that day in Pishin.
Me dijeron que moriste ese día en Pishin.
And you just learned the FBI has a file on her dad, which shows he was using NZT before he died.
Y usted acaba de aprender que el FBI tiene un archivo de su padre, lo que demuestra que estaba usando NZT antes de morir.
When Pavel Ostrov died, you said you hoped I would succeed him.
Cuando Pavel Ostrov murió, dijiste que esperabas que yo lo sucediera.
You have anything on the night Alison died?
¿ Tienes cualquier cosa de la noche que murió Allison?
Hakan... My mother died recently You see the condition of my sister, if you keep pushing me more...
Hakan... mi madre falleció hace poco ves la condición de mi hermana, si sigues presionándome más...
You're going back to that house where your mother died at night.
Vas a volver a esa casa donde tu madre murió, vuelve a esa noche.
I mean, that would explain why you were in her apartment the night she died.
Quiero decir, eso explicaría el porqué estabas en su piso la noche que murió.
And you could've died.
Y podrías haber muerto.
Both of you were there the night Howard Cudlow died.
Ambos estaban allí la noche Howard Cudlow murió.
You lost your brother, you nearly died.
Has perdido a tu hermano, que casi te mueres.
Yeah, in ancient Greece, uh, when a person died, some people believed you had to put an obol, or a-a coin, in their mouth so they can use it as currency to be taken across the river to the underworld.
Sí, en la antigua Grecia, uh, cuando una persona moría, algunas personas creyeron que tenías poner óbolo, o una moneda aa, en la boca para que puedan utilizarlo como moneda ser tomado a través del río al inframundo.
That's the day that Janice died, for those of you keeping score.
Ese es el día que Janice murió, por si quieres llevar la cuenta.
They have evidence that you were with your ex-wife on the day that she died.
Ellos tienen evidencia de que tú estabas con tu ex esposa el día que ella murió.
After you released the fake Grey Ruin video, you helped Colleen while Lindsey Mullen died.
Después de lanzado el falso vídeo Ruina Grey, ayudaste Colleen mientras Lindsey Mullen murió.
You just mope around like your dog died.
Solo vas deprimido como si se hubiera muerto tu perro.
Unless one of you has died, there's no circumstance under which a mother can't see her child.
A menos que uno de ustedes haya muerto, no hay manera en que una madre no pueda ver a su hijo.
You know how Keith backdated the reports right after Keisha died?
¿ Recuerdas que Keith creó los informes después de la muerte de Keisha?
It's been months since dad died and I've never talked to anybody like I talked to you.
Pasaron meses desde que papá murió... y nunca había hablado con nadie como hablé con usted.
It was just you and me for all those years after daddy died...
Eramos solo tú y yo, todos esos años tras la muerte de tu padre.
♪ I love you so much, can't count all the ways ♪ ♪ I've died for you, girl, and all they can say is ♪
* te quiero tanto, no puedo contar todas las formas * * en las que he muerto por ti, chica, y todo lo que dicen es *
And after she died, Sully, I... I never needed you more.
Y después de que muriera, Sully, yo... nunca te había necesitado más.
I panicked when Audrey died, and I left you to deal with the pain'cause I couldn't handle being the one that caused it.
Entré en pánico cuando Audrey murió, y te dejé lidiar con el dolor.... porque no podría soportar ser el causante de ello.
It's true that the patient almost died because you couldn't find the bleeder.
Es cierto que el paciente casi muere porque no pudo encontrar la hemorragia.
Did you forget he nearly died trying to save you?
¿ Ya olvidaste que el otro día estuvo a punto de morir... mientras intentaba salvarte?
As soon as you left, he coughed up blood and died.
Tan pronto se fue, él empezó a toser sangre antes de morir.
The Forbidden Quest you served has died.
Misión Prohibida a quién servían ya murió.
I know it may torment you that your father died to save you.
El hecho que tu padre para salvarte halla dado su vida... tiene que perseguirte cada vez que respiras. Tiene que ser tan doloroso como la muerte.
You nearly died...
Pudiste haber muerto...
And you thought he died in Pishin.
Y tú creías que murió en Pishin.
Clara just died, and you're getting high?
Clara murió y tú estás colocándote?
Is it about how I can't have new wallpaper'cause your dad left when you were little and your mom died?
¿ Es sobre cómo no puedo pensar en un nuevo papel de pared porque tu papá se fue cuando eras un niño y tu mamá murió?
Convince the judge Nia died of natural causes and that Sinclair has some vendetta against the two of you.
Convencer al juez de que Nia murió por causas naturales y que Sinclair tiene una venganza personal contra vosotros dos.
Because someone really died, and you know who killed him.
Porque alguien murió de verdad, y tú sabes quién lo mató.
How do you feel now that Kim Hye Jin died?
¿ Cómo te sientes ahora que Kim Hye Jin murió?
We were on a plane, and we just picked up a transplant organ from a kid who died, and you were upset and pissy because you thought that I didn't care.
Estábamos en un avión y acabábamos de buscar... un órgano para trasplantar de un niño que había muerto... y tú estabas molesto y enojado... porque pensabas que a mí no me importaba.
When they get here, you will be responsible for informing them that their loved ones have died.
Cuando lleguen... serán los responsables de informarles... que sus seres queridos murieron.
You have to use the word "died."
Deben utilizar la palabra "muerto".
When you walk into a room to tell someone that their loved one has died, it's more than just a list of bullet points you've memorized.
Cuando entren a una sala... para decirle a alguien que su ser querido murió... es más que una lista de puntos claves que memorizaron.
Your wife died years before you resigned tenure and disappeared.
Su esposa murió antes de que abandonara su tenencia y desapareciera.
If Anton died of natural causes, why was he brought to you?
Si Antón murió de causas naturales, ¿ por qué fue traído a usted?
Every councillor here knows you've long sought the position of regent, even before Francis died.
Cada consejero aquí presente sabe lo mucho que habéis perseguido el puesto de regente, incluso antes de que Francisco muriese.
You know, I was saying you look good for somebody who died in a plane crash four years ago.
Sabes, estaba pensando que tienes buen aspecto para alguien que murió en un accidente de avión hace cuatro años.
You know, I can't tell if you're more disappointed that people died or that I lost the bet.
Sabe, no sé decirle si estoy más decepcionado porque haya muerto gente o porque haya perdido la apuesta.
And then, you know, died...
Y luego, ya sabes, murieron...
It's kind of our thing since, you know, I died.
Es una especie de lo nuestro, ya que, usted sabe, yo morí.
Since Mother died, I have been expected to take her place, running the house, while you seem to be left to do as you please without a care in the world.
Desde que madre murió, he estado esperando a reemplazarla, llevando la casa, mientras que parece que tú haces lo que te viene en gana sin que te importe nada.
- My wife- - my wife died because of you.
Mi esposa... Mi esposa murió por tu culpa.
He almost died today because of you and your drug.
Hoy casi murió por culpa tuya y de tu droga.
Yeah, you could've died, but you didn't.
Sí, podrías haber muerto, pero no lo hiciste.
You almost died.
Casi mueres.
You should have died with me that day
Debiste haber muerto conmigo aquel día.
died 275
died in 24
you don't want to talk to me 24
you did 4907
you don 159
you don't 4631
you do 5232
you did it 1578
you don't have to 1176
you don't understand 2732
died in 24
you don't want to talk to me 24
you did 4907
you don 159
you don't 4631
you do 5232
you did it 1578
you don't have to 1176
you don't understand 2732
you don't understand me 29
you don't have to worry 197
you don't know me 657
you don't remember me 206
you don't know nothing 35
you don't know anything 267
you don't believe me 569
you don't mean that 235
you don't want to 180
you don't know what love is 17
you don't have to worry 197
you don't know me 657
you don't remember me 206
you don't know nothing 35
you don't know anything 267
you don't believe me 569
you don't mean that 235
you don't want to 180
you don't know what love is 17