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You look awful tradutor Espanhol

491 parallel translation
Yes. You look awful.
Sí, luces horrible.
You look awful peaked.
Te ves realmente horrible.
You look awful, Mr. Walter.
Sus ojos no pueden ocultar las malas intenciones, Mr. Walter.
Say, you look awful tired.
Oye, pareces muy cansada.
But you look awful.
Qué cara tan lúgubre tiene.
- I adore you, but you look awful.
- Te adoro, pero estás horrible.
Here, mop'em up with that, you look awful.
Tome, límpiese, está horrible.
You look awful good in that three-alarm number.
Estuviste muy bien en el número de los árboles.
Agnès, darling, you look awful.
Agnès, cariño, tienes un aspecto horrible.
You look awful.
Tienes muy mal aspecto.
You look awful blue today.
¿ Por qué tienes esa cara tan triste?
For the producer of a hit show, you look awful sad. What's up, Bert?
Para ser un productor exitoso, te ves muy triste. ¿ Qué pasa, Bert?
You know, you look awful pretty today.
Hoy estás más guapa que nunca.
Henri, you look awful.
Henri, tienes muy mala pinta.
You look awful.
Te ves horrible.
Oh Walt, you look awful.
Walt, estás horrible.
You look awful thin.
Está más delgado.
And don't say "fine" because you look awful.
Y no digas "bien". Tienes muy mal aspecto.
- You look awful.
- Por el aspecto de pollo mojado.
- Yeah, you look awful.
- Sí, tienes mal aspecto.
You look awful.
Tienes un aspecto horrible.
Then go back to bed. You look awful.
Luego vuelve a la cama, tienes una pinta horrible.
You look awful tired, kid.
Pareces agotado, chico.
You look awful.
Tienes mal aspecto.
You look awful. What should he do?
Viéndola de esta guisa, ¿ qué sino?
You look awful.
¿ Haces mala cara?
Walter, te ves muy pálido.
You look awful.
Pareces cansadísimo.
My poor darling, you look awful.
Mi querida, te ves horrible.
- You look awful pretty tonight.
- Te ves horriblemente bella esta noche.
You look an awful lot like an APB they just put out...
Te ves mucho a una orden de búsqueda que acaba de poner out...
It's awful kind of you to look after me.
Le agradezco que se preocupe por mí.
It's been awful coming here, finding you gone, not knowing where to look for you.
Ha sido terrible llegar, no encontrarte y no saber dónde buscarte.
You see me in the morning, Grace. Before I've touch myself up. I look awful.
Si me vieras por la mañana, antes de arreglarme, estoy horrible.
You look as though something awful had happened.
Parecería que algo horrible hubiera ocurrido.
Look... I guess you have an awful lot of things to do... taking care of everybody.
Mira supongo que tienes muchas cosas que hacer ya que cuidas de todos.
My, you both look awful nice!
Estáis muy elegantes. Gracias.
You know, Amy, there's an awful lot of good in people If you just look for it.
Hay mucha bondad en las personas si sabemos buscarla.
You can see him coming toward you now... with that awful look in his eyes, a wild look!
Puede verlo venir hacia Ud. ahora... con esa mirada horrible en los ojos, ¡ una mirada salvaje!
You'll look awful pretty peeling potatoes.
Se verá muy bien pelando papas.
It won't seem small to them, Miss McDonough. Even a little pie can look awful big if you hadn't had very much to eat for days and days.
A ellos no les parecerá pequeño, señorita... lncluso un pequeño pastel puede resultar grande cuando llevas días sin comer.
My poor child, you look simply awful.
Mi pobre niña, tienes un aspecto horrible.
You look like something awful.
Te ves horrible.
You know, you're gonna look awful silly when I get through with you.
Sabes, vas a parecer tremendamente tonto cuando acabe contigo.
It's queer alright. But you have to look awful close.
Es falso, pero tienes que fijarte detenidamente.
When you look for your way at night in these awful suburbs, you have to drive slowly.
Cuando estás intentando encontrar el camino de noche en estos horrorosos suburbios, tienes que conducir despacio.
- You look awful pretty.
- Estás muy hermosa.
It don't look like to me you're awful glad to see me... after comin'up all this way too.
Al menos finge que te alegras de verme, después de haber venido hasta aquí.
They look awful. - You're too young to understand.
Eres demasiado joven para entenderlo.
I mean, I've never seen you look so awful.
Nunca te he visto con tal mal aspecto.
Look, sir, you've been asking an awful lot of questions about my dancing with Mrs. Hardwicke, dining with her, having my arms around her.
Mire, señoría, está haciendo un montón de preguntas sobre si bailaba con la Sra. Hardwicke, si cenaba, si la abrazaba.

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