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You look well tradutor Espanhol

7,219 parallel translation
You look well, Arabella.
Tienes buen aspecto, Arabella.
You look well.
Te ves bien.
- You look well. - I'm getting there.
- Mejoro poco a poco.
Well, look, um- - I'll get you some more towels.
Bueno, mire, eh... Le traeré algunas toallas más.
You don't look well, Jim.
Note ves bien, Jim.
- You look good. - Well, you know.
Te ves bien.
- Well, you look good.
- Tú te ves bien.
Well, when you do that, it just... it makes you look super...
Cuando haces eso, te hace ver genial.
Well, you look as if you're handling it.
Parece que lo estás haciendo bien.
So, anyway, just treat it like a get-well card, you can look into the lens.
Así que, de todos modos, simplemente trátalo como una tarjeta de buenos deseos, puedes mirar en el lente.
Well, um, we were... should I look at you or should I look at your thing?
Bueno, estábamos... ¿ Debería mirarte a ti o a tu cosa?
Well, look man, I can't give it to you right now but I just need a little bit of time.
Bueno, mira hombre, no te lo puedo dar ahora pero sólo necesito un poco de tiempo.
Well, look, you... You're welcome to stay awhile and look around, - whatever you need.
Es bienvenido a quedarse un rato y echar un vistazo o lo que necesite.
Well, if you wanna look foolish, in front of all of these people, be my guest.
Bien. Si quieres parecer tonto delante de toda esta gente, - adelante.
Well, look at you.
Bueno, mírate.
Well, when you go out tonight, and you look at the sky and you see how dull it is, think about if you would've medicated Van Gogh.
Cuando salgas en la noche, mira al cielo y fíjate lo gris que está, piensa si habrías medicado a Van Gogh.
Hey. - You don't look so well.
Dennis, you don't look so well.
Dennis, no te ves bien.
However, you will have to submit to drug rehabilitation and professional counselling for a period of 12 months. But with your mother's busy schedule, and given that you are still a minor in need of supervision, this court cannot take the chance you will fail to meet these requirements. Your mother has informed me that your father, Jim T. Wallace, is alive and well, and has agreed to look after you for the remainder of your 17th year, and / or until you comply with this court's order,
usted tendrá que presentar a la rehabilitación de drogas y asesoramiento profesional durante un período de 12 meses. este tribunal no puede tomar la oportunidad usted no podrá cumplir estos requisitos. y tiene acordado para cuidar de usted lo que ocurra más tarde.
- Um, well, I thought that maybe you would have a look.
- Um, bueno, pensé que quizá tú le darías un vistazo.
'Cause I'm a helluva surprise when you look past the... Well, you know, me not having much of a job and riding around on a Schwinn, that sort of thing, and I am so much in love with you, okay?
Porque soy toda una sorpresa cuando ya miras más allá de... ya sabes, de no tener buen empleo, y andar por todos lados en bicicleta, y esas cosas, y estoy tan enamorado de ti ¿ si?
Well, you look like an Ewok died on your head.
¿ Sí? Bueno, tu luces como si un Ewok murió en tú cabeza.
Well, you look healthy.
Bueno, te ves sano.
Well, you still look like you're in high school.
Bueno, todavía pareces estás en la escuela secundaria.
Well, you do look a little tired.
Bueno, sí luces un poco cansado.
Well, look at you.
Well, I would take the trash can over you, based on look and smell.
Yo elegiría el tacho en lugar de ti, - por la apariencia y el olor.
- Well, look at you, riffin'on the recipe.
Oh, mirate...
Well, if you take a close look, usually you find they can't justify themselves.
Bien, si miras con más atención, usualmente encontrarás que no pueden justificarse.
And well, anywhere you put it in the house, it's gonna look out of place, so... - Okay.
Donde lo pongas se verá mal, así que...
Well, you look like a shit.
Bueno, luces muy mal.
Well, Mr. Mayor, as the new Sheriff, I really look forward to working with you in the future.
Bueno, Sr. alcalde, como nuevo sheriff estoy ansioso por trabajar con usted en el futuro.
And so to say that, you know, we need to step back and liberalize, well, but you... that's one approach you can take, but then you've got to look at a cause and effect.
Y por así decir, sabes, debemos retroceder y liberalizar, pero ese es un enfoque que puedes tomar, pero luego debes mirar la causa y efecto.
- Look at you. - Well, a shift.
Bueno... un turno.
- Well, you look very tired.
Bueno, te ves muy cansado.
Well, I think you look a little better.
Bueno, creo que te ves un poco mejor.
Which is exactly what you said about Castor, and look how well that turned out.
Eso es exactamente lo que dijiste sobre Castor, y mira lo bien que resultó.
Well, I mean, someone has to take a look in the barn, and you're the only one with the other flashlight.
Alguien debe inspeccionar el granero y eres el único con la otra linterna.
Look, I'm sure he means well... but it is not going to look good for you at the university... if you countermand my authority on this expedition.
Mira, estoy seguro de que tiene buenas intenciones... pero esto no se vera bien para ti en la universidad... si contradices mi autoridad en esta expedición.
Well, look, we're gonna take you in.
Bueno, mire, vamos a tener que llevarlo.
- You look really well.
- Te ves muy bien.
Look, you know as well as I do that you could have got him upon exit.
Mira, sabes tan bien como yo que pudiste haberlo llevado a la salida.
Well, you look great.
Bueno, te ves genial!
Well, if you're like me, you can look forward to your mother forgetting your birthday.
Bueno, si te pareces a mi, podrías esperar a que tu madre se olvidase de tu cumpleaños.
Well, listen to me. It's a little hard for me to loosen up when I look down at my wife, and her eyes look right back up at me. And you know what they say?
Escucha, es difícil relajarme... cuando miro a mi esposa a los ojos... y veo que le espanta tener sexo conmigo.
Well, it's just that when I look at you... I just don't believe it.
Bueno, es que cuando te miro simplemente no lo creo.
Well, you look incredible as always.
Bueno, te ves increíble como siempre.
Well, unless you were to find your original look book.
Bueno, a menos que hallas encontrado tu libro de bosquejos original.
Well, you look like a million bucks.
Bueno, te ves como un millón de dólares.
Look, I don't remember. I don't. Well, your tox screen says you didn't ingest any drugs or alcohol.
Tu análisis toxicológico dice que no ingeriste drogas ni alcohol.
Well, you look like a Bambi.
Bueno, te ves como Bambi.

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