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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ Y ] / You tell him that

You tell him that tradutor Espanhol

4,998 parallel translation
Mm. Well, you tell him that I'll be home tomorrow night.
Bueno, le dijiste que estaré en casa mañana por la noche.
Can you tell him that we'll be picketing there and not afraid of arrest or police brutality.
Puedes decirle que vamos a estar allí en huelga y no tenemos miedo de la detención o la brutalidad policial.
Why don't you tell him that, then?
¿ Por qué no le dices eso, entonces?
Can you tell him that I saw him at the funeral Donnas.
¿ Puede decirle que la vi en el evento de Donna?
Now you tell him that he's gonna be sent off to detention and the Iraqi courts can decide what to do with him.
Dile que lo vamos a detener y que los tribunales iraquíes sabrán qué hacer con él.
Listen, if I don't get a chance, would you... would you tell him that I love him, I never stopped?
Lo hemos hecho, también. Escucha, si no tengo la oportunidad, ¿ tú le...
Why would you tell him that?
¿ Por qué le dijiste?
Did you tell him that she's arriving today?
¿ Le dijiste que va a llegar hoy?
You tell him that it is very tricky to film children.
Dile que es muy difícil filmar niños.
"When the king asks you if you have any last words, you tell him that you want me to tell you a story."
"Cuando el rey te pida que digas tus últimas palabras, dile que quieres que yo te cuente una historia".
Could you tell him that I'm busy right now and that I need a few minutes?
¿ Puedes decirle que estoy reunido - y le atenderé en unos minutos?
You tell him that a group of German terrorists seized the Nakatomi building and now, Nakatomi is looking to unload the Plaza for a price.
Que un grupo de terroristas alemanes ha tomado el edificio Nakatomi y ahora Nakatomi quiere evacuarlo, pagando el precio.
Maybe in 20 years Mr. Turlington call the old... and you tell him "thank you, sir"... for that big talk in the dark room.
Tal vez dentro de 20 años llames al viejo Sr. Turlington... y le digas "gracias, señor"... por esa gran charla en el cuarto oscuro.
You find Tommy, you tell him to call me right away... or I swear, I'm coming down there, dead or alive... and shoving that "Anybody can dance" tutu down your throat!
Busque a Tommy y dígale que me llame enseguida, o le juro que iré, vivo o muerto, y le haré tragar su tutú con eso de que "cualquiera baila".
If you tell me where I find him, maybe I'll choose to believe you on that.
Si me dices donde encontrarlo... Quizás elija creer en lo que me dices.
So now I guess the only thing left to do is to make sure that you don't tell him anything else before I'm ready to deal with him.
Tan ahora adivino la única cosa dejado hacer debe asegurarse que usted no haga dígale algo más antes de que yo esté listo tratar con él.
What are you going to tell him, okay, that his best friend is going to have to mop him up after the ceremony?
¿ Qué vas a decir? , De acuerdo, Que su mejor amigo va tener que limpiar su espalda
Did he tell you that before I took him on he was studying to be a hairdresser?
¿ Te dijo que antes de mí estudiaba para ser peluquero?
Well then you need to go to a doctor and you need to tell him that this is the drug you need.
Rufus Hound Comediante, actor Bueno, debes ir a ver a tu médico y necesitas decirle
Why don't you just tell him that there's no Santa Claus?
¿ Por qué no le dices que no hay Santa Claus?
And what would you tell him, if that's how someone made him feel?
¿ Y qué le dirías a él si alguien le hiciera sentir así?
When I had Jared, and I know this is wrong, but do yöu know that when I had him I wanted to tell yöu.
Cuando tuve Jared, y sé que esto está mal, pero ¿ sabe usted que cuando le había querido decir.
And I don't want to tell you a bunch of bad things about him, so that I feel less responsible.
Y no quiero decir un montón de cosas malas sobre él, por lo que me siento menos responsable.
Did you tell him about that?
¿ Le dijiste eso?
Look, I'm not here to entertain the President, but you may tell him that the war will be over.
No estoy aquí para entretener al presidente, pero le puede decir que la guerra se va a acabar.
I'm gonna find Dr. Mike and tell him that you're talking.
Me voy a encontrar el Dr. Mike y decirle que usted está hablando.
You tell him to sign that or we're gonna lose our window of opportunity.
Dile que firme o perderemos la oportunidad.
And then, I want to watch when you tell Roger's wife and kids that you had him murdered for money.
Y luego quiero estar ahí cuando le diga a la familia de Roger que hizo que le mataran por dinero.
Oh, well, then you tell him from me, that he should be.
Oh, bueno, entonces le dices de mí, que debía ser.
I remember I just got my salary from the Agency, and I told them, " Take the money, go to this address, and tell the guy that I sent you, and gioe him the money, and he will gioe you
Recuerdo que la Agencia acababa de pagarme, y les di el dinero, les dije que fueran a una dirección, y que dijeran que les enviaba yo. "Si le dais el dinero, os dará un sitio seguro".
Can you at least tell him that I love him?
¿ Le puede decir que lo quiero?
So, why don't you just tell Tommy that I'll see him later, OK?
Por qué no le dices a Tommy que nos vemos luego ¿ de acuerdo?
Look, could you tell Ivan that, uh... Joseph Cutter's here to see him, please?
¿ Puedes decirle a Ivan que Joseph Cutter está aquí?
And, basically what you have to do is you have to go in and see Mr. Anderson and tell him some reasons of why you think that you're ready to get off of it, so, now I'm support-free and I'm good to go.
{ \ fnMicrosoft Sans Serif } Lo que hay que hacer es ir con el Sr. Anderson y exponer porque no quieres tomarlos más.
And you know Dave, he likes to think that he's all up to date, and if you suddenly tell him something like that, he'll just go...
Y sabes a Dave, le gusta pensar que es todo hasta la fecha, y si de repente le dijiste algo como eso, que va ir solo...
That's what you tell him.
Eso es lo que le digas.
Why'd you tell that man I could help him?
¿ Por qué le dijo a ese hombre que podía ayudarlo?
Just tell him that the medicine is for Leslie, it's very important that you stay that, that it's for Leslie.
Solo dile que la medicina es para Leslie, es muy importante que le digas eso, que es para Leslie.
Okay, Rachel, honey, you go call grandpa, and you tell him not to watch the news and that I'm here with daddy now, okay?
Vale, Rachel, cariño, ve a llamar al abuelo, y dile que no vea las noticias y que ahora estoy aquí con papá, ¿ vale?
And he was going to tell you the last time that you saw him.
Y él se lo iba a decir la última vez que usted lo vio.
That means any idiot can come and tell you anything and you will believe him?
¿ Eso significa que cualquier idiota puede venir y decirle lo que sea.. -.. y usted le creerá?
Would you kindly tell him that we know nothing of any prostitution.
¿ Quieres decirle, amablemente, que no sabemos nada de ninguna prostitución?
You can never tell him that Roxy was here.
Nunca se le puede decir que Roxy estaba aquí.
Can you please just, um, tell him that it couldn't be helped, and I'm really sorry.
Podrías solo, eh, decirle que no podía evitarlo y que lo siento mucho.
You know what, you tell Tony... that I said you and him ain't gonna be friends no more... and that's final!
¿ Sabes qué? Dile a Tony que yo digo que tú y él ya no serán amigos y es mi última palabra.
It that jerk touches you, just tell me. I'll show him.
¡ Si ese tonto te toca, Yo le enseñaré lo que es bueno!
You tell your mayor that and then tell him come and talk to me.
Dígale eso a su alcalde. Y luego dígale que venga a hablar conmigo. ¿ Está bien?
And you tell him when it's time, you got that?
Y dile cuando sea el momento, ¿ entendiste?
But he wouldn't tell Janet or Lina either and, um, we don't need to know where he's going, we just want to know that you know so that if there's an emergency, you can contact him for us.
Pero no quiso decírselo ni a Janet ni a Lina y no necesitamos saber dónde va, solo queremos saber si tú lo sabes para que si hay una emergencia, puedas contactar con él.
I don't have the heart to tell him you're not that kind of guy.
No he tenido el valor de decirle que tú no eres de esa clase de tío.
Well, I'm gonna call him right now, and I'm gonna tell him that you said that.
Lo llamaré ahora mismo y le diré que tú dijiste eso.

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