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You would've tradutor Espanhol

11,873 parallel translation
You know, we would've made it, by the way.
Ya sabes, que lo he hecho, por cierto.
Oh, Christ. If I cut ties with every numbnut who tried to shoot me, I never would've gotten pregnant with you.
Por Dios, si hubiese cortado mi relación con cada idiota que trató de dispararme, nunca te habría concebido.
Jeez, Erwin, I would've been nicer to you.
Cielos, Erwin, te habría tratado mejor.
Uncle Jackie would've added a dash and a splash of his own but that would be incest, and incest, you know, is even worse than being gay.
El tío Jackie habría agregado un poco de su sustancia... pero sería incesto y el incesto es peor que ser homosexual.
Oh, you think me waving would've made the difference? !
¡ ¿ Piensa que agitando yo hubiera hecho la diferencia?
You would've been a strong Trow mother.
Habrías sido una madre Trow fuerte.
Which would be the case... If you've been drinking a lot of alcohol.
Sería el caso si has estado bebiendo mucho alcohol.
Now, do us a favor and get your ass down to Ibis Clear Capital, would you, please?
Haznos un favor y ve a Ibis Clear Capital por favor.
If I was gonna kill you, Cassie, I would've done it a long time ago.
Si fuera a matarte, Cassie, lo habría hecho hace mucho.
How do you know he would've come this way?
¿ Cómo sabías que vendría por este camino?
If he raised you, you would not be the man you've become.
Si él te hubiera criado, no serías el hombre en que te has convertido.
The main thing I remember is, we all had meetings about tax structure and they would sorta say, oh you've gotta put your money in the Bahamas or somewhere.
Lo principal es que recuerdo, todos tuvimos reuniones sobre la estructura fiscal y decían sorta, oh Tienes que poner su dinero en las Bahamas o en algún lugar.
Every conversation would be a game, every idea expressed through opposition, victory, defeat. You see the problem?
Toda conversación sería un juego toda idea, expresada a través de oposición, victoria. ¿ Ve el problema?
And, Terri, you think anybody else would've hired you right out of college?
Y, Terri, ¿ crees que otro te hubiera contratado recién graduada?
Had I known what treasures awaited within these walls, I would've broke down that door a long time ago, I'll tell you!
De haber sabido los tesoros que había aquí adentro, hubiera derribado esa puerta hace mucho tiempo.
You're lucky I know the judge, or we would've had plenty of time to see how that played out.
Tienes suerte que conozca al juez, o tendríamos tiempo suficiente para ver cómo funcionaba.
Funny you should say that, because I've been thinking... it would be nice to have a partner.
Es gracioso que digas eso, porque he estado pensando... y me gustaría tener un compañero.
It would seem you've arrived.
Parece que llegaste.
It would be the death of the honest pride with which we've always considered you.
Sería la muerte del orgullo sincero con el que siempre te hemos considerado.
I would've met you on that beach.
Me gustaría que conocieras esa playa.
You would've said I couldn't.
- Habrías dicho que no viniera.
But they would've brought you in to see her one last time... to say goodbye.
Pero te trajeron para que la vieras por última vez para despedirte.
But I know she would've tried to say, if she could... the one thing she would never want you to forget.
Pero sé que de haber podido, habría tratado de decir lo único que no quería que olvidaras.
Think I would rather chop off my hand than get rid of you after everything that you've done for me. Now, come on.
Me cortaría la mano antes de dejarte... después de todo lo que has hecho por mí.
That's too bad, I would've loved for you to leave me alone.
Es una lástima, me hubiera gustado que me dejaras en paz.
It would've been, you know, as a teenager, it would've been very private for me, too. Uh-hmm.
De adolescente, también habría sido algo muy íntimo para mí.
Yes, I'm going to vote for this bill, but what I would like to say is as we look at the obesity problem in the future, let's bring some professionals in who've spent their lives in the research in this area to give us some advice. Thank you.
Sí, votaré a favor de la ley, pero quiero decir es que, cuando abordemos el problema de la obesidad en el futuro, llamemos a profesionales que se hayan pasado la vida investigando el asunto para que nos asesoren.
You have fought for us... protected us, risked your lives... but while a great many people see you as heroes... there are some... who would prefer the word "vigilantes."
Han peleado por nosotros nos han protegido, arriesgado sus vidas pero mientras mucha gente los ve como héroes hay otros que prefieren la palabra "justicieros".
Well, I hope you know all the words to the German national anthem, because you'll be hearing it every time one of those Nazis win a medal I would've won.
Espero que se aprendan la letra del himno de Alemania. Es lo que oirán cada vez que un nazi gane una medalla que habría sido mía.
Oh, gosh, I wish you would've had more time to break them in though.
Ojalá hubiera habido tiempo para suavizarlos.
You would've noticed that.
¿ Lo habría notado?
I've never thought the day would come when I could meet you.
Admito que no creí que llegaría el día en que te vería cara a cara.
Emir, Would you tell me... What do you see there?
Emir, ¿ me diría... qué ve aquí?
I would've gone with you.
Hubiera ido contigo.
If you would've said no, i would've never gone.
Si hubieras dicho que no, jamás hubiera ido.
And, hell, you know, if Bin Laden's parents hadn't have gotten divorced, maybe none of us would've been in the Stan to begin with.
Y, diablos, si los padres de Bin Laden se hubieran divorciado, quizá ninguno de nosotros habría estado en Afganistán.
I don't know what i would've done if you hadn't been there today.
No sé lo que habría hecho si hoy no estabas ahí.
Marianne, I would offer you my congratulations, but I've known Max a long time.
- ¡ Por la libertad! Marianne, te felicitaría, pero conozco a Max desde hace mucho.
And that's why I can't believe that you would do this to me, because... We've been through so much together, and we have this kid, and this... it's what you've done to me...
Y por eso no puedo creer que me hayas hecho esto porque hemos vivido muchas cosas juntos, tenemos un hijo y este...
At least with me, you would've been loved.
Al menos conmigo habrías estado enamorada.
You would've done the same thing for me.
- Tú habrías hecho lo mismo por mí.
And a lot of people said some really, really sappy things that you and I would've made fun of.
Y un montón de gente dijo algunas muy, unas muy cursis cosas de las que... tú y yo nos habríamos burlado.
I'm pretty sure if that ball was an std you would've caught it!
Estoy bastante seguro de que si esa bola era una enfermedad de transmisión sexual que le has cogido!
- No, you're right. If Josh was still alive, I would've done the same thing.
No, tienes razón, si Josh estuviera vivo hubiera hecho lo mismo.
Look, we've done amazing work together, and I would hate to see you fall back just because...
Mira, hemos hecho un trabajo increíble juntas, y odiaría verlos caer sólo porque...
And now all of a sudden if you had these problems, I wish you would've said them earlier...
¡ Si te molesta, lo hubieras dicho antes!
You know none of this would've happened without you, Uncle Dick, none of it.
Nada de esto habría pasado sin ti, tío Dick, nada.
Do you have any idea what she could've done that would prompt her to have such a, a lethal dose of guilt? - No!
¿ Tienes alguna idea de lo que puede haber hecho que le haya llevado a tal dosis letal de culpa?
That I would share everything that I've worked my whole life for with somebody like you?
¿ Que compartiría por lo que trabajé en toda mi vida, con alguien como tú?
¿ Quién diría que habría información útil en un libro?
Sinceramente pensé que vendría más gente.

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