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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ Y ] / You wouldn't dare

You wouldn't dare tradutor Espanhol

495 parallel translation
You wouldn't dare lay a hand on me!
¡ No me pondrás la mano encima!
- You're lying. You wouldn't dare!
- Mientes, ¡ no te atreverías!
You wouldn't dare.
No te atreverías.
- So Stan wouldn't dare lie to you?
¡ Y tú decías que Stan no se atrevería a mentirte!
Stanley wouldn't dare lie to you...
Conque Stanley no era capaz de mentirte, ¿ eh?
You wouldn't dare.
Esta noche.
- You wouldn't dare.
- No se atrevería.
You wouldn't dare.
No se atrevería.
You wouldn't dare!
- ¡ No se atrevería!
- You wouldn't dare!
- ¿ No se atreverá?
I wouldn't dare to go on a honeymoon with you unless you were on a diet.
No me iría de luna de miel contigo salvo que te pusieses a dieta.
I heard you singing, but wouldn't dare intrude.
Le oí cantar, pero no me atreví a acercarme.
- You wouldn't dare.
- No te atreverías.
I wouldn't give you one ducat for a fortune like that!
No les daré ni un ducado por una prediccion como esa.
You wouldn't dare do such a thing.
No te atreverías a hacer algo así.
You wouldn't dare.
- No te atreverías.
- You wouldn't dare take this to court.
- No querrá llevar esto a los tribunales.
Great Scott, Mrs Mudd, you surely wouldn't dare...
Por Dios, Sra. Mudd, no se atreverá,...
You wouldn't treat anybody in the world like this except old Fanny!
"Sólo es la vieja Fanny. Le daré un puntapié."
I'll scream. You wouldn't dare.
- No se atreverá.
- You wouldn't dare.
- No osaréis tocarlos.
You wouldn't dare.
No os atreveréis.
I wouldn't dare give a reason for anything you do.
No tiene que haber razones para lo que tú haces.
You wouldn't dare say you're sorry you missed it.
¿ Te atreverías a decir que lamentas haber fallado?
- You wouldn't dare.
- No se atreverán.
You wouldn't dare!
- ¡ Atrévase!
If I should decide to resist, you wouldn't dare to shoot me.
Si decidiera resistirme, no se atrevería a dispararme.
But you wouldn't have the nerve to ask the same for teaching'me me own language... as what you would for French, so I won't give you more than a shillin'.
No creo que "usté" se atreva a pedirme la misma cantidad... por enseñarme mi propio idioma, así que sólo le daré un chelín.
You'd both be miserable and you wouldn't dare to have children.
Seríais infelices y no os atreveríais a tener hijos.
I was afraid you wouldn't dare.
- Temía que no vinieses.
You wouldn't dare.
- No se atreverá.
You wouldn't dare.. a second time.
No te atreverías... otra vez.
- I bet you £ 10 to a shilling... you wouldn't dare let your wife pick up the telephone and ask Melbeck... if he ever saw this American.
- Te apuesto a que no dejas... que tu esposa llame a Melbeck y le pregunte si conoce... a ese americano.
And were I not a very vile man, you wouldn't dare.
Y si yo no fuese un hombre vil, no te atreverías.
Anyway, you wouldn't dare shoot. You'd get caught.
No tendrá valor para disparar, le detendrían al momento.
You wouldn't dare.
- No lo harás
- You wouldn't dare.
- No te atreverás.
I wouldn't dare tell you the price, though.
No me atrevo a decirte el precio.
- You wouldn't dare to keep me here.
- No puede obligarme a quedarme aquí. - ¿ Obligar?
You wouldn't dare fire here.
No deberíamos disparar aquí.
You wouldn't dare.
No te atreverías...
Acaba de decirlo. No tiene agallas.
- You wouldn't dare interfere.
No te atrevas a entrometerte.
You can't After promising me, you wouldn't dare
- ¡ Pero no puedes! - Después de prometérmelo, no lo harías.
You wouldn't dare lay a finger on me.
Ud. no se atrevería a ponerme un dedo encima.
- You wouldn't dare, you're chicken!
- Si me arrestan, iremos juntos.
* You wouldn't dare be too bold *
No te atreverías a sertan osado
You wouldn't dare.
No haras tal cosa.
I wouldn't dare in front of you.
No me atrevería delante de usted.
You wouldn't dare do anything to me!
No te atreverías a hacerme ningún daño.
Soy el Coronel Gómez, de la guardia personal del gobernador.

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