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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ A ] / An accomplice

An accomplice tradutor Francês

851 parallel translation
And by withholding that information, you make yourself an accomplice to a murder.
Ce faisant, vous vous rendez complice d'un meurtre.
She's an accomplice of Cairo and the kid.
C'est la complice de Cairo et du gamin.
She's an accomplice, and you can get them both at the same time.
Oui. C'est sa complice, et vous attraperez les deux en même temps.
One day, to save my own skin, I ratted on an accomplice.
Un jour, pour ne pas me mouiller dans une affaire de vol, j'ai dénoncé un complice.
Do you know Zorro had a priest for an accomplice?
Figurez-vous que Zorro avait un complice :
You've got an accomplice now, huh?
Vous avez une complice maintenant, hein?
It makes you an accomplice.
Ça fait de toi une complice.
The motive might have been to get rid of an accomplice who'd become dangerous.
Elle aurait pu vouloir se débarrasser d'un complice - devenu dangereux.
And your sweetheart is an accomplice to the same assassins.
Et votre petite chérie est la complice sans pitié de cet assassin.
Then if you believe me an accomplice. Do as you like.
Très bien, si vous me croyez complice, faites comme vous voulez.
The other is an accomplice.
L'autre est complice.
● He's an accomplice.
C'est son complice. - Moi?
You heard them. They said I'd an accomplice, a girl.
La police dit que j'avais une complice.
Yes, I was an accomplice to this load of lies, because my ancestors'motto was'to serve with loyalty'.
Oui, messieurs, j'ai été comparse dans cette avalanche de mensonges, car "servir avec loyauté" était le point d'honneur de mes ancêtres.
As I explained to you yesterday, you will be arrested as an accomplice if you are hiding Mohei.
Comme je te l'ai dit hier, tu seras arrêté comme complice si tu caches Mohei.
During the war when the front passed through here, the deceased fled with an accomplice after committing a robbery. He then killed his friend and hid the corpse somewhere which, according to his instructions, is on your property.
Pendant la guerre, ici, le défunt, fuyant avec son complice après un vol, a tué son complice et caché le corps en un lieu, qui, selon ses indications, est sur vos terres.
Thinking I'd be an accomplice to murder?
Tu t'imaginais que j'allais me faire le complice d'un meurtre!
That woman, she was a harmless old fool, and he makes of me an accomplice to the murder.
C'était une sotte inoffensive. Il a fait de moi sa complice.
Can you see me as an accomplice in a hold-up?
Tu m'imagines complice d'un hold-up?
They had an accomplice in the bank.
Ils avaient une complicité dans la place.
But it could get you charged with being an accomplice.
Mais elle pourrait te coûter une inculpation de complicité.
I dislike seeing you as an accomplice... Of what?
II me deplaît de vous voir complice de...
If you insist on pressing charges include me as an accomplice.
Portez plainte contre lui, et contre moi comme complice.
If I fake that report I'd become an accomplice.
Si je fais ça, je me rends complice d'un assassin.
And now I'm an accomplice of murderers!
Et je me suis fait le complice d'un assassin.
We know that you were an accomplice in the murder of former Secretary and his wife... and in numerous other crimes.
Pour le meurtre de l'ancien ministre et de sa femme, et de nombreux autres crimes.
You were an accomplice at least.
Tu étais au moins complice.
"The police surmised that the thief, " obviously working with an accomplice,
" La police présume que le voleur, qui travaillait d'évidence avec un complice,
"Tagliabue was doing time for the murder of an accomplice who had betrayed him." "He had tried swindling him when splitting the booty."
Rappelons que ledit Tagliabue servait une peine pour avoir tué un complice qui l'avait trahi en essayant de le rouler dans le partage d'un butin
And that for unduly influencing witnesses for putting prejudicial pressure on the court and for acting as an accomplice before the fact a warrant should be sworn out for the arrest of Father Clark.
De plus, pour avoir influencé des témoins, pour avoir fait pression sur la cour, et pour avoir été complice, un mandat doit être émis pour l'arrestation du père Clark.
You are being an accomplice in this very serious matter.
Vous devez faire quelque chose! Couvrez-la, dissimulez-la.
Get me an accomplice. I'll start already.
Trouve moi un baron, je vais commencer tout de même!
- Yeah. Maybe it's what led the Inspector to believe there might be an accomplice.
D'où l'idée d'Oliphant qu'elle avait un complice.
Because of my weakness Marta involved me in a dirty business an accomplice in an effort to save a Jewish child
A cause de ma faiblesse Marta m'avait entrainée dans un sale boulot complice d'une tentative pour sauver un enfant juif
Your little memories, bathed in nostalgia, your inoffensive and fundamentally sentimental evocations are all the expressions of an accomplice...
Vos souvenirs baignés de nostalgie, vos évocations émotives, vos évocations innocentes sur un fond émotif sont le fait d'un complice!
No, your intention was to denounce, but you end up supporting it like an accomplice.
Non, Votre ambition est de dénoncer mais vous finissez par en être complice.
An accomplice may have help him to flee.
On suppose qu'un complice l'a aidé à s'enfuir.
Then there's an accomplice.
Alors il y a un complice.
If one knows and does not speak, he becomes, even unwittingly an accomplice to the crime. I'm sorry...
Celui qui sait et ne dit rien devient, sans le vouloir, complice de l'assassin!
Probably an accomplice,
Sûrement un complice.
It seems that his fiancée is an accomplice because she disappeared as well.
Il semble erop ce son verloofde est complice... car aussi elle a disparu.
I've done nothing wrong. They'll assassinate me, and you'll be an accomplice.
( Ils vont m'assassiner et vous serez complice. )
But did he have an accomplice? Oh, yes.
- avait-il un complice?
- An accomplice, through her silence.
- Complice, par son silence.
Oh, it does suggest you had an accomplice, I agree.
Cela suggère en effet que vous aviez un complice, je le reconnais.
It is also clear that he had an accomplice.
Il est aussi évident qu'il avait un complice.
An accomplice.
Vous êtes complice.
Possibly.. there must be an accomplice.
It had all becoming a dangerous game... in which I'd become an unwilling accomplice.
Cela était devenu un jeu dangereux dont je n'avais pas à me faire la complice.
To perfect this scheme, my second idea was to find an unwitting accomplice among the criminals invited here for punishment.
Pour parfaire ce plan, j'ai aussi eu l'idée de trouver un complice parmi ces criminels conviés à cette punition.
You've made me an accomplice in your plans! Your love was never true.
Tu as réussi à faire de moi un complice.

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