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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ A ] / As of yet

As of yet tradutor Francês

975 parallel translation
As of yet there is no fee. I haven't accepted the case.
Pas d'honoraires tant que je n'ai pas pris l'affaire.
"I toiled for my own in my forehead's sweat, you robbed them of bread, and could mock me yet and over my salt tears gloat."
"Je me sacrifiais pour ma famille à la sueur de mon front. Toi, tu as volé leur pain." "Et de plus, tu te moquais et riais de mes larmes amères."
Why admit a big thing like that and yet be sure she didn't do a small thing such as drink a drop of brandy?
"et nier une chose aussi minime..." "que de boire du cognac?"
We ain't out of this yet and we don't want no softies spilling things!
T'as pas fini avec moi. J'aime pas les lavettes qui bavent!
You haven't sent to prison a woman instead of a real criminal... social order, which you can't change, yet.
Tu n'as pas envoyé une femme en prison, plutôt qu'un vrai criminel. L'ordre social, que tu ne peux pas encore changer.
The writing as a whole displays elusive yet unmistakable signs of madness.
Globalement, l'écriture montre des signes discrets mais clairs de démence.
You laughed at them, shuddered at them... and yet, but for the accident of birth... you might be even as they are.
Ils vous ont fait rire... et trembler. Pourtant, si le hasard l'avait voulu... vous pourriez être l'un d'eux.
Some of them can be traced back as far as ancient Egypt, and beyond that yet, in the countries that was old when Egypt was young.
Certaines d'entre elles peuvent remonter aussi loin que l'Antiquité égyptienne, et même au-delà, dans des pays qui étaient vieux quand l'Egypte était jeune.
meanwhile, back at the inn, the mysterious stranger is trying desperately to find a solution to an aspect of his experiment, one of many, that we're not too clear about as yet.
Pendant ce temps, à l'auberge, le mystérieux inconnu tente désespérément de trouver une solution à un des nombreux aspects de son expérience qui nous laisse pour l'instant perplexes.
Fight at the drop of a hat, and yet, underneath it all, as tenderhearted as a baby lamb.
Il se bat pour un rien, mais au fond, il a le cœur aussi tendre qu'un petit agneau.
We're not yet such lily-livered scum as to be afraid of Col. Bishop. No.
Nous ne sommes pas assez poltrons pour avoir peur de Bishop.
And yet, how well also I know that you may, in the difficulties of your daily life find that the qualities of charity are not always so easy, so ready to observe as one may fancy...
Pourtant, je sais aussi que vous pourriez, dans les difficultés de la vie quotidienne, trouver que les qualités de la charité ne sont pas toujours faciles à pratiquer comme on le souhaiterait.
You see, as a matter of fact, I haven't even met her yet.
Je ne l'ai pas encore rencontrée.
To the latter part of the question as assuming a fact not yet proved.
La 2e question présume un fait non prouvé.
As I told you, I don't know enough yet to say what effect the violent surcharge of poison and antidote will have upon the brain.
Je n'en connais pas assez pour dire quels seront les effets sur le cerveau d'une surcharge de poison et d'antidote.
Though you be a queen and have faith in thy gods and idols yet in this night of reckoning, they shall not avail thee.
Tu es Reine, et tu as tes dieux... Mais ils t'abandonneront le jour de l'expiation!
He doesn't know it yet, but he's got a couple of star boarders for the rest of his life, the old buzzard.
II l'ignore, mais il vient de dégoter deux as qu'il n'oubliera jamais.
I don't think you can kill anybody for a couple of years yet.
Tu as quelques années devant toi avant de tuer un homme.
But you haven't any idea yet of how exciting business can be.
Mais tu n'as pas idée à quel point le monde des affaires est fascinant.
He's not aware of it as yet.
Il ne le sait pas encore.
And you've got none of it yet.
Toi, tu n'en as pas encore.
As a matter of fact, I have an appointment, only she doesn't know it yet.
Je dois la voir, mais elle ne le sait pas.
Say, Mr. Kane, as long as you're promising there's a lot of pictures and statues in Europe you ain't bought yet.
Malgré votre promesse, il y a encore beaucoup de tableaux et de statues que vous n'avez pas achetés!
Yet, I ´ m certain that you haven ´ t brought here with you... the cause of your delirium, the stain that has fallen on our coat of arms.
Mais je suis sûr que tu n ´ as pas amené avec toi la responsable de ton égarement, celle qui a entaché notre blason.
Speaking of people outside, Ben, you ain't told me yet how my Julie looks.
À propos, tu ne m'as pas dit comment va Julie.
Haven't you fellows caught on yet, there is such a thing as lunacy in the world? I can't get a thing out of him, doctor.
Vous n'avez pas entendu parler de l'aliénation mentale?
Did you ever meet one of those things yet when you went to the store for me?
T'en as déjà vu sur le chemin du magasin?
As yet, I must confess that I'm jealous of her least attention.
Vous comprendrez sans doute mes sentiments.
I'm a physician yet not I nor any of my colleagues, no matter how learned have ever found a substitute for those words as a rule for human relationship.
Je suis médecin. Pourtant, ni moi ni mes collègues, quelle que soit leur érudition, n'ont trouvé de substitut à ces mots comme loi des relations humaines.
I am not as yet a man and it would not be of such importance if anything happened to me.
Je ne suis pas encore un homme, ça n'aurait pas grande importance, s'il m'arrivait quelque chose.
As well as I know my own name, and yet I haven't one shred of evidence to connect this woman with her crimes.
Sûr et certain. Mais je n'ai pas la moindre preuve pour la lier à ces meurtres.
You had the illusion of having her there yet... ... looking at you as she never had.
Ainsi tu croyais la voir à tes pieds!
Yet I ’ ll not shed her blood, nor scar that whiter skin of hers than snow and smooth as monumental alabaster.
Pourtant je ne veux pas verser son sang. Ni déchirer cette peau plus blanche que la neige et lisse comme l'albâtre des tombeaux.
If you bethink yourself of any crime unreconciled as yet to heaven and grace, solicit for it straight.
Si vous avez le souvenir de quelque crime non encore absous par le Ciel, demandez vite pardon.
He feels the problem as deeply as anyone else, yet he had a sense of humor about it.
Ce problème le touche plus qu'un autre, mais il a de l'humour.
All of which, sir, though I most powerfully believe, yet I hold it not honesty to have it thus set down, for you yourself, sir, shall be old as I am... if like a crab you could go backward.
C'est vrai mais ça ne doit pas s'imprimer. Vous auriez mon âge... si vous marchiez à reculons...
It doesn't matter nearly as much as what all of you don't know... yet.
Le plus beau, vous ne le savez pas... encore.
He must charm as a snake charms a bird... yet he must make no friends... except those that can be of use to him.
Il doit charmer, tel un serpent charme un oiseau... mais il ne doit pas se faire d'amis... sauf ceux qui peuvent lui être utiles.
As yet, the authorities have issued no statements... concerning their line of investigation... but it is felt that new disclosures are imminent.
Les autorités n'ont encore fait aucune déclaration concernant l'avancée de l'enquête, mais de nouvelles révélations semblent imminentes.
You have met many young men and yet nothing has ever come of it.
Tu as rencontré de nombreux jeunes gens en vain.
Gone now, most of them, and yet as close to me still as people in a favorite story...
Disparus, pour la plupart et pourtant aussi proches de moi que les personnages d'une histoire favorite.
You promised me, as the heir to Israel all the vineyards north of the Mount of Olives as far as the borders of Ephraim yet you have given the large vineyard on the Gibeon road to Absalom.
Tu m'as promis, à moi, ton héritier, tous les vignobles situés au nord du Mont des Oliviers. Or tu as donné un de ces vignobles à Absalon.
The deadly organisms were there. There was no protection against them, and yet a small percentage of people lived on, as we have lived, with the rest of the world of men dropping dead around them.
Il n'y avait aucune protection contre ce virus Et pourtant un petit pourcentage a survécu....
Oh, sir, what manner of foul jackal are you? Coming into our humble home, rich as you are yet reeking of the carrion of the fleshpots?
Oh, monsieur, quel personnage infâme êtes-vous donc pour venir, vous, si riche, dans notre humble demeure, en empestant encore d'une forte odeur de viande?
This carrot, as you call it, has constructed an aircraft capable of flying millions of miles propelled by a force as yet unknown to us.
Cette carotte, a construit un vaisseau pour traverser des millions de kilomètres grâce à une forme d'énergie tout à fait inconnue de nous.
And yet, how nature erring from itself ay, there's the point, as to be bold with you, not to affect many proposed matches of her own clime, complexion, and degree.
Et pourtant, comme la nature, dévoyée... Voilà bien le point.
Yet i'll not shed her blood. Nor scar that whiter skin of hers than snow, and smooth as monumental alabaster.
Pourtant, je ne veux pas répandre son sang ni balafrer cette peau plus blanche que la neige et lisse comme l'albâtre du tombeau.
If you bethink yourself of any crime unreconciled as yet to heaven and grace, solicit for it straight.
S'il vous revient quelque crime que le ciel n'a pas absous, implorez-le vite.
No one has yet turned up any bug-eyed monsters threatening Earth... and so it must be set down as another one of those fantastic hoaxes... this one by a young publicity-seeking astronomer.
Personne n'a encore trouvé de monstres menaçant La Terre. LLfraut donc conclure à un de ces frantastiques canuLars... imaginé dans ce cas par un jeune astronome en maLde publicité.
And since you know you cannot see yourself so well as by reflection, I, your glass, will modestly discover to yourself that of yourself which you yet know not of.
Sachant que tu ne peux mieux te voir que réfléchi, moi, ton miroir, je te révélerai discrètement ce que de toi tu ne sais pas encore.
Yet I insisted, yet you answered not, but, with an angry wafture of your hand, gave sign for me to leave you.
J'ai insisté, en vain. De la main, en colère, tu m'as fait signe de partir.

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