But he did tradutor Francês
5,261 parallel translation
Andrew Donnelly's DNA was found at the scene of the Magpie's murder, but he did not commit the crime.
L'ADN de Donnelly a été trouvé chez la Pie, mais il n'a pas commis le crime.
I mean, it was hell, but he did it.
C'était horrible, mais il l'a fait.
But he didn't receive that, did he?
Mais il n'a pas reçu ça, n'est-ce pas?
But he did have a few regulars on the island.
Mais il avait quelques régulières sur l'île.
- Non, mais il l'a agressée verbalement.
Yeah, but he did the whole pie-soup gag and you decided to change, right?
Mais il vous a fait son grand tour et vous avez décidé de changer, c'est ça?
But he did not show up today.
Mais il n'est pas venu ce matin.
Well, the guy didn't have any immediate family, but he did list a cousin in Queens, a Maria Cordero, as his in-case-of-emergency.
Et bien, il n'avait pas de famille proche, mais il avait une cousine du Queens, une certaine Maria Cordero, à contacter en cas d'Urgences.
But he did share it with your firm in case there was trouble.
Mais il vous l'a dit, au cas où.
But he did not rape her.
Mais il ne l'a pas violée.
Rinaldi didn't kill my parents, but he did try to tell me what their lives were worth.
Rinaldi n'a pas tué mes parents, mais il a essayé de me dire ce que valaient leurs vies.
But he did use a green pen, which seems crazy to me.
Est-ce qu'il l'a remplie aux crayons de couleur? Non. Mais il a utilisé un crayon vert ce qui me semble loufoque.
But he did not join you.
Mais il ne vous a pas rejointe.
He didn't have to, but he did.
Il était pas obligé, mais il l'a fait.
Our man did not leave a suitable DNA sample, but he did sign his work.
Notre homme n'a pas laissé d'ADN, mais il a signé son oeuvre.
But he did not set a price limit.
I know, but... he once did a forensic field training with Scotland Yard.
- Je sais, mais... il a suivi un entrainement sur le terrain avec Scotland Yard.
I did- - I didn't answer, but he then sent a text, said, " Liam's getting out of the hospital.
Je n'ai pas répondu, mais après il a envoyé un texto, disant, " Liam sort de l'hôpital.
Well I did but he say he wait outside.
Je lui ai dit mais il attend dehors.
But did you know he was gay?
Mais savais-tu qu'il était gay?
[sighs] I mean, I wanted to yell at him for running off on us like he did, but... what's the point?
Je veux dire, je voulais lui crier dessus pour s'être enfuit comme il l'a fait, mais...
But why did he crash?
Mais pourquoi s'est-il planté?
He's gonna make a mistake, Tate, like you did, but it's gonna cost him his family.
Il va faire une erreur, Tate, comme tu l'as fait, mais ça va lui coûter sa famille.
Right, but the whole reason we brought Sam into the precinct was to get him to give us a lead, and he did.
On a amené Sam au commissariat pour qu'il nous donne une piste, et il l'a fait.
Chung's proud of his beatboxing, but what about the beating and boxing he did in Iraq?
Chung est fier de son beatbox, mais qu'en est-il des Irakiens qu'il a boxés?
I admit that what he did was awful, but you have to remember, he wasn't in his right mind.
Il a fait un truc horrible, mais il faut se rappeler... qu'il n'avait pas tous ses esprits.
But what if he only did it once?
Et s'il ne l'avait fait qu'une fois?
But if you did, he knows that we're on to him.
Mais si tu l'as fait, il sait ce qu'on est sur lui.
So did I, but last night he was saying how this disease is making him feel more human than he's ever felt before.
Moi aussi, mais hier soir il disait comment cette maladie lui donne l'impression d'être plus humain qu'il ne l'a jamais été.
But then, so did infamous zoophile Ebenezer Cornell when he claimed he had not attempted to violate two ostriches at London Zoo.
C'est comme le zoophile Ebenezer Cornell qui disait qu'il n'avait pas essayé de violer deux autruches du zoo de Londres.
I couldn't identify Peer, but I did hack the servers at some of the journals he'd written to.
Je n'ai pu démasquer Peer. J'ai piraté les serveurs des revues à qui il a écrit.
I know how sorry he was, but now that I have a son of my own, I can't imagine ever doing what he did.
Je sais à quel point il était désolé, mais maintenant que j'ai aussi un fils, je ne peux imaginer faire un jour ce qu'il a fait.
Uh, I don't know what that witch did to him, but he seems a little crazy.
Je ne sais pas ce que cette sorcière lui a fait, mais il avait l'air fou.
Because Sam told us the same story you did, but that he killed Justin.
Parce que Sam nous a raconté la même histoire que la vôtre, mais il dit qu'il a tué Justin.
But it looks like he really did have interest from a record label.
Mais on dirait qu'il intéressait vraiment un label.
Of course we did, but they claim that they're in love with Cyrus, that he never hurt them, and that he's being unfairly prosecuted.
Bien sûr qu'on l'a fait, mais elles prétendent être amoureuses de Cyrus, qu'il ne leur a jamais fait de mal, et qu'il est injustement poursuivi.
No, but when we slept together, he did ask me to do a few things that were a little suspect.
Non, mais quand nous avons dormi ensemble, il m'a demandé de lui faire quelques trucs un peu suspects.
But even if he did, who am I to judge?
Mais même dans ce cas, qui suis-je pour juger?
The king did not foresee having a child, but he lived in an enchanted land where all things were possible.
Le roi n'avait pas prévu d'avoir un enfant, mais il vivait dans un pays enchanté, où tout était possible.
Yeah, I did later, but he said it was nothing, so I just let it go.
Oui, je l'ai fait après, mais il a dit que ce n'était rien, donc j'ai laissé tomber.
- Okay, but did he check the Polaroid?
- Mais a-t-il vérifié le Polaroid?
We have no idea who he is or who he works for. But it's safe to say that the secret work you did for the government is no longer secret.
On ne sait pas qui il est ni pour qui il travaille, mais une chose est sûre, votre mission pour le gouvernement n'est plus un secret.
Yeah, but did he actually see them?
Mais il les a vraiment vues?
I was pretty disappointed in Governor Chung's performance, but I did learn that he used to be a soldier.
La prestation de Chung m'a déçu, mais j'ai appris qu'il avait été soldat.
But all he did was ask if I'd mind throwing out the trash on my way out.
Mais tout ce qu'il voulait c'est savoir si ça ne me gênait pas de sortir la poubelle en sortant.
He was pretty nervous that we were here, I did see him kill Duncan, but, with a video game Ogre.
Il était plutôt nerveux qu'on soit là, je l'ai vu tuer Duncan, mais avec un Ogre de jeu vidéo.
But if he did go out, Harold would've known about it.
Mais s'il est sorti, Harold l'aurait su.
[sighs] What he did to me was unforgiveable, but that's certainly not your problem.
Ce qu'il m'a fait est impardonnable, mais ce n'est certainement pas ton problème.
So we don't know if he fired his gun. But if he did, it would prove that this was a crime and no accident.
Si l'inspecteur Mizuki avait fait usage de son arme, ç aurait été la preuve qu'il ne s'agissait pas d'un accident.
Yeah, he did, but it was weird.
Oui il est venu, mais c'était étrange.
But did he use his skills as an extreme athlete to become a master thief?
Mais a-t-il utilisé ses aptitudes d'athlète de sport extrême pour devenir un voleur professionnel?
but he didn't 242
but he didn't answer 18
but he didn't do it 25
but he did it 24
but here's the thing 247
but here's the problem 16
but here we are 98
but here it is 16
but here i am 78
but he doesn't 34
but he didn't answer 18
but he didn't do it 25
but he did it 24
but here's the thing 247
but here's the problem 16
but here we are 98
but here it is 16
but here i am 78
but he doesn't 34
but here you are 88
but here goes 21
but here's the deal 31
but here 306
but he never did 33
but he's a good guy 21
but he wasn't 66
but hey 394
but he's gone 56
but he can't 43
but here goes 21
but here's the deal 31
but here 306
but he never did 33
but he's a good guy 21
but he wasn't 66
but hey 394
but he's gone 56
but he can't 43