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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ D ] / Damn it

Damn it tradutor Francês

26,537 parallel translation
- Damn it.
- Fais chier.
Aw, damn it, there's a crack in them.
Oh, mince, elles ont une fissure.
Oh, damn it.
Oh, bon sang.
Oh... damn it.
Oh... merde.
Damn it.
Oh. Damn it!
Bon sang!
Now, damn it, speak!
Maintenant, nom de Dieu, parle!
- I'm gonna need less talking out of you and more action, damn it! - Okay...
- D'accord...
Damn it, this kid has no access.
Merde, ce gamin n'a pas d'entrée.
Damn it!
God damn it, Bill gets everything wrong.
Merde, Billy dit tout de travers.
- Run! God damn it, get back here!
Nom de dieu, reviens ici!
Damn it, Rufus, why do you have to make everything so friggin'complicated?
Merde Rufus, pourquoi faut que tu compliques tout?
Damn it.
God damn it, Jake.
Bordel, Jake.
Put your hands down, God damn it!
Baisse tes mains, nom de Dieu!
God damn it.
Bon sang.
What are you doing here, God damn it?
Que faites-vous ici, bon Dieu?
Damn it!
Et merde!
- Ugh, God damn it, Jesus.
Arf, nom de Dieu, Seigneur.
- God damn it.
- Bon sang.
- God damn it, Pete, what the fuck is wrong with you?
Bon sang Pete, qu'est-ce qui ne va chez toi?
Damn it!
Bon sang!
- Damn it!
- Bon sang!
Damn it.
Bon sang.
- Damn it. Where is it?
- Il est où?
I am the book, damn it!
Je suis le livre, bon sang!
You need it. You need the space, and I need you. God damn it, Lorelai!
Tu as besoin de place, et j'ai besoin de toi, bon sang!
Damn it! "
Merde! "
- Yes. "Damn it!"
- Oui! "Merde!"
Damn it!
- Mince!
Damn it, Emily, your sister is going to die.
Bon sang, Emily, votre sœur va mourir.
Damn it, Angus.
Bordel, Angus.
Damn it. Get me a Kelly.
Donnez-moi un Kelly.
Damn it, damn it, damn it.
Merde, merde, merde.
Damn it, Sophia!
Merde, Sophia!
Damn. I thought it'd be somethin'bigger.
Mince, je croyais que ce serait quelque chose de plus gros.
Hey, you better move this damn car before I move it for you!
Bougez cette fichue voiture avant que je la bouge pour vous!
Why are you avoiding an audition when you know damn well it's important to you?
Pourquoi évitez-vous une audition quand vous savez très bien que c'est important pour vous?
Instead of making me proud, proud of how damn determined she was... I hated her for it.
Au lieu d'en être fier, fier de sa détermination, je l'ai détestée pour ça.
God damn it.
Bon Dieu.
- Damn it, no!
It's officially none of your damn business, ma'am.
C'est officiellement pas vos affaires, madame.
Would it kill you to at least wash this damn thing?
Ça te tuerais de laver ta voiture?
It wasn't a damn - -
- C'était pas un -
Damn it!
It's only damn shrapnel.
C'est juste une égratignure.
So I'm sitting there having a drink, trying to take my mind off things for one damn second, and this clown comes up and says if it was his kid that was murdered, he'd be out there trying to look for the killer
Je suis assis buvant un coup, pour me changer les idées pendant une putain de seconde, ce clown arrive et dit que si c'était son fils qui avait été tué, il serait dehors en train de chercher le tueur
Damn it.
Bon sang!
It was pretty damn good.
C'était pas mal.
If no one else gives a damn about it, then I don't either.
Si tout le monde s'en fiche, moi aussi.

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