Fast as you can tradutor Francês
872 parallel translation
You get out of here as fast as you can go.
Sortez immédiatement.
You will make it fast as you can, won't you Mr Horan?
On peut faire vite? Je suis déjà en retard pour le dîner.
Get that to me in triplicate just as fast as you can.
Dépêchez-vous de me fournir cela en trois exemplaires.
– Yeah. – Going as fast as you can see.
- Il est rapide comme l'éclair!
Get out of this house as fast as you can.
Quittez cette maison sur-le-champ.
Ride as fast as you can to the castle, and tell the old Baron Frankenstein we are bringing his son home.
Rendez-vous au plus vite au château et dites au vieux baron Frankenstein qu'on lui ramène son fils.
You better get your patents out on this paper cup as fast as you can.
Vous devriez faire breveter cette invention au plus vite.
Then get it and come back here as fast as you can!
Va la chercher et reviens ici dès que tu le peux!
Now get home as fast as you can, understand me?
Rentre, et en vitesse, compris?
Medwick Country Club, as fast as you can make it.
Au Medwick Country Club, le plus vite possible.
Go as fast as you can.
Foutez-moi le camp, et vite.
See if you can sneak out the back way and bring help as fast as you can.
Faufile-toi par-derriere et va vite chercher de l'aide.
- Get it here as fast as you can. - Sure.
- Amène-le ici dès que possible.
Fast as you can and don't look back.
cours, sans te retourner.
Keep it coming as fast as you can.
Continue comme ça.
Fred, get to the village as fast as you can.
Va au village!
Look here, Maximych, run as fast as you can to Derenkov's bakery.
Écoute, Maximovitch, cours vite à la boulangerie de Derenkov.
Burke, go and get them, bring them back as fast as you can.
Burke, allez les chercher, ramenez-les le plus vite possible.
You drive to Dr. Morris'in Centerville as fast as you can.
Va chez le docteur Morris aussi vite que tu peux.
You come down here as fast as you can.
Rentre chez toi! Rentrez chez moi!
Get those copies made as fast as you can.
Fais rapidement ces copies.
Start as fast as you can, and jump sure and clean.
Démarre le plus vite possible et saute haut!
Better get out of here as fast as you can.
Partez d'ici aussi vite que possible.
You're to get this to Hamburg just as fast as you can make the transmission.
Transmettez ceci à Hambourg aussi vite que possible.
Take the car and drive as fast as you can.
Roulez aussi vite que vous pouvez.
Run back to the hotel as fast as you can and put this in the lost-and-found.
Fonce à l'hôtel et mets ça aux objets trouvés.
Hey, change that, will ya? Get me down to police headquarters fast as you can!
Emmenez-moi au quartier général de la police le plus rapidement.
Get Jenks over here fast as you can.
Faites vite venir Jenks.
And get married just as fast as you can.
File avec celui que tu aimes et mariez-vous en vitesse.
Keep going fast as you can.
Va aussi vite que tu peux.
Get out to Detroit as fast as you can.
Jim, filez à Détroit.
- Okay, right in here. - Fast as you can. Don't worry.
Fais vite.
- Get them refueled as fast as you can. - Yes, sir.
Alors, faites le plein d'essence en vitesse.
Run as hard and as fast as you can and come back with help.
Courez aussi vite que vous pouvez et ramenez de l'aide.
Fast as you can, cut away the clothes.
Otez les vêtements aussi vite que possible.
As fast as you can.
Aussi vite que possible.
And tear down all of the notices as fast as you can!
Faites arracher les pancartes.
If it starts to snow then you get yourself home fast as you can.
S'il se met à neiger, tu rentres à la maison tout de suite.
Get back here as fast as you can.
Revenez ici aussi vite que possible.
I want to get away from here, from you, just as fast as I can... and as far as 100,000 francs will take me.
Je te quitte au plus vite, mais avec 100 000 francs!
Soon as I hear a shot, I'm gonna pull both my guns and start pumping lead into you as fast as I can.
Tire, et je dégaine mes deux revolvers et je te crible de plombs en quatrième vitesse.
- I think I wanna get back and see you as fast as we can buy another load.
On achète une autre cargaison et je rentre.
- You bet I will, just as fast as I can.
Le plus vite possible!
"Drive as fast as you can."
When is he gonna learn you can't drink it as fast as they make it?
Quand apprendra-t-il qu'on ne peut pas les vider plus vite qu'on les remplit?
You get in behind, fast. Cut out as many as you can, and run them up the ravine.
Vous arrivez par derrière, vous en isolez autant que vous pouvez et vous les emmenez vers le ravin.
I want you back on the job just as fast as ever you can.
Je veux que tu reprennes ton travail le plus tôt possible.
Anything you got to say, you can say right here, but say it fast.
Viens. Tout ce que tu as à dire, tu peux le dire ici, mais dis-le vite.
- Get back as fast as you can.
Purvis a tout le fric.
Now, listen, stall him as long as you can. Then go out the back way and go fast.
Retiens-le autant que tu peux et sors par derrière, il y a sûrement des flics devant.
I'll delay them. Meanwhile, run away as fast as you can.
Je les retiendrai.
fast asleep 26
as you can see 1468
as you can imagine 154
as you can tell 29
you can do it 1412
you can 2818
you can't be serious 595
you can't miss it 64
you can't beat me 46
you can't 4106
as you can see 1468
as you can imagine 154
as you can tell 29
you can do it 1412
you can 2818
you can't be serious 595
you can't miss it 64
you can't beat me 46
you can't 4106
you can talk to me 162
you can't kill me 112
you can't beat that 16
you can't fool me 70
you can't understand 78
you can't go wrong 20
you can't help me 85
you can't have it 85
you can't make me 84
you can't stop me 130
you can't kill me 112
you can't beat that 16
you can't fool me 70
you can't understand 78
you can't go wrong 20
you can't help me 85
you can't have it 85
you can't make me 84
you can't stop me 130