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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ G ] / Go ahead and shoot

Go ahead and shoot tradutor Francês

110 parallel translation
Go ahead and shoot the 40.
And if I'm caught, go ahead and shoot me!
Abattez-moi, si vous m'y surprenez! Aucune pitié pour Tchapaev!
Go ahead and shoot, if you want to dive 200 feet for it.
Allez-y, tirez, si vous voulez plonger de 60 m pour l'avoir.
Well, go ahead and shoot, only make sure you aim at me.
Allez-y, tirez. Mais visez-moi bien.
Go ahead and shoot before he bites you.
Tirez donc avant qu'il ne vous morde.
Go ahead and shoot.
Allez, tirez.
- Go ahead and shoot.
- Vas-y, tire.
If you're so sure, go ahead and shoot me.
Si vous le croyez, alors tirez.
Maybe you better just go ahead and shoot!
Peut-être que vous feriez mieux de tirez!
Go ahead and shoot, walt.
Vas-y, tire.
Well, go ahead and shoot.
Bon, vas-y, tire.
I don't like my picture taken usually, but uh... since you've got such pretty eyes... go ahead and shoot.
D'habitude, j'aime pas être pris en photo, mais... avec ces yeux-là, allez-y, mitraillez.
Go ahead and shoot.
- Tuez-moi!
Go ahead and shoot! Why don't you shoot?
Pourquoi ne tirez-vous pas?
- Go ahead and shoot!
- Eh bien, vas-y, tire!
Go ahead and shoot.
Vas-y, tire.
Go ahead and shoot somebody if you feel like it. I don't care.
Tu peux tuer qui tu veux, je m'en fous.
Go ahead and shoot me!
Vas-y! Tire!
So go ahead and shoot.
Alors, vas-y et tire.
Go ahead and shoot me.
Go ahead and shoot him.
Allez, descendez-le.
I feel that what I know about you... you're gonna wanna go ahead and shoot.
À mon avis, vous leur tirerez dessus.
- So am I! You want to die? Go ahead and shoot!
Si tu veux mourir, vas-y, tire.
Shoot her. Go ahead and shoot her.
Allez-y, tuez-la.
Go ahead and shoot. No.
Vas-y, tire.
You'll just have to go ahead and shoot.
Il ne te reste plus qu'à tirer.
Go ahead and shoot, I've had a rotten day.
Tire. Sale journée.
Go ahead and shoot me now.
Allez-y, tirez.
So go ahead and shoot.
Vas-y. Descends-moi.
- Go ahead and shoot!
- Alors vas-y, tire, merde.
Go ahead and shoot first, Billy.
Vas-y, tire, Billy.
Then go ahead and shoot.
Allez-y. Tirez.
Go ahead and shoot!
Vas-y, tire!
Go ahead and shoot me, you stupid bitch!
Vas-y, tire, connasse!
Go ahead and shoot.
Vas-y, tire!
Go ahead and shoot me.
Well, go ahead and shoot, then.
Vas-y, tire alors.
- Oh, for crying out loud, go ahead and shoot!
- Oh, pour pleurer à haute voix, allez tire!
You don't like the way that tastes, go ahead and shoot me.
Si ça te plaît pas, vas-y, tue-moi.
- Go ahead and shoot it then.
- Vas-y alors, descend le.
Go ahead and shoot.
Allez-y, tirez.
Why don't you just go ahead and shoot me then?
Pourquoi est-ce que tu ne me tues pas de suite?
Cheeseburger for me, and go ahead and shoot everybody here some fries
Cheeseburger pour moi et ramène-nous un bon paquet de frites
Now if you still want to go to that convention and shoot your trap off, you go ahead and do it.
Maintenant, si vous souhaitez tout dénoncer, allez-y!
We'll have to go this way as far as possible... and then back up here... then shoot ahead.
Il faudrait prendre par ici. Puis jusqu'au fond. Ensuite reculer jusqu'ici.
Go ahead, load up and shoot.
Vas-y, recharge et tire.
Listen. You get an idea to shoot up another saloon, you go ahead and I'll bail you out, cos it's good publicity.
Si l'envie te reprend de dégainer dans un saloon, te gene surtout pas, ça nous fait de la publicité.
Look. If you have to shoot me, then you go ahead and you shoot me.
- Si vous devez me tirer dessus allez-y, tirez-moi dessus.
If you want to shoot me, then go ahead and do it.
Si tu veux me tirer dessus, vas-y.
"You wanna shoot yourself in the head," go ahead and do it. I can't stop you.
Tu veux te flinguer, vas-y, je n'y peux rien.
If we go ahead and try to shoot today, we won't get that done.
Si on tourne, rien ne sera en place.

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