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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ H ] / He'll listen to you

He'll listen to you tradutor Francês

166 parallel translation
Well, go and listen to him in the Senate tomorrow... and you'll learn what he plans to do.
va l'écouter au sénat, demain. tu sauras quels sont ses plans.
Admire him with his medals, his amulets but don't listen to him. He'll tell you about friends going down in flames.
- Admirez-les, ses médailles et ses amulettes mais l'écoutez pas, il vous racontera des histoires.
Please listen for one second. He'll do anything she tells him to. He'll even like you.
Il fera tout ce qu'elle lui demandera.
If you listen to him, he'll have you nuts, too.
Écoutez-le et il vous rendra fou.
Listen, Patterson, you tell that smart reporter of yours, Ross, that he's digging himself into a hole it'll be awfully tough to get out of.
Dites à votre journaliste Ross qu'il va au-devant de gros ennuis.
Listen to him, Oscar. He's getting ready to swear it was you and Leo.
Ecoute-le, Oscar. ll est pret a tout blamer sur toi et Leo.
He'll listen to you.
Il t'écoutera.
He'll listen to you. He must!
Il t'écoutera.
But if you'll come with me, why, he'll listen to you.
Mais si vous venez avec moi, il vous écoutera.
You don't listen to me, he'll throw you in jail.
Cesse de pleurer ou il t'emmènera avec lui.
Please, speak to my brother. He'll listen to you. Speak to him.
Je t'en supplie... mon frère t'écoutera.
What makes you think he'll listen to me?
Qu'est-ce qui te dit qu'il m'écoutera?
Look, if you tell him that it's worthwhile he'll listen to you, won't he?
Si vous lui dites que ça vaut la peine, il va vous écouter, non?
Please tell him not to go. You're the only one he'll listen to.
Billy, s'il vous plaît, dites-lui de ne pas y aller.
Talk him into the ring, he'll listen to you.
Vous seul pouvez le faire monter sur le ring.
Sure, he'll listen to me. You said nobody gets hurt. Right?
Vous avez dit qu'il n'y aurait pas de casse.
you talk to him. Maybe he'll listen to you.
Peut-être qu'il t'écoutera.
Who'll listen to you? Came here but couldn't achieve anything, now he's going back to Italy more miserable than when he arrived and makes a huge deal about spending 3 hours in lock-up.
Pauvre minable qui n'est arrivé à rien ici, qui repart sans un sou et hurle pour 3h de taule!
Maybe he'll listen to you.
Peut-être t'écoutera-t-il.
Even if you go to the Commandant, think he'll listen?
Vous croyez que le commandant vous écoutera?
Now, I'll go and have a talk with Mr. Bennett and I promise you, I'll listen to everything he says.
Je vais à présent aller parler à M. Bennett et je vous promets que j'écouterai tout ce qu'il aura à me dire.
- We sure will. Now, listen, if he comes around here and tries to bother you I'll just pull out my pistol and go, "Bang, bang!"
Ecoute, s'il se pointe ici et essaye de t'embêter... je dégaine mon pistolet et je fais "Pan, pan!"
But you're the only one he'll listen to.
Mais vous êtes le seul qu'il écoute.
Now, listen, "Natischa." If Ogden goes to the Captain... he'll believe him before he'll believe you, and you'll be sent to jail.
Ecoutez, "Natischa". Si Ogden va voir le capitaine... il le croira avant de vous croire... et vous serez envoyée en prison.
Listen to Butch. He's tryin'to tell you somethin'.
Ecoute Butch. ll veut te dire quelque chose.
Listen, I'll tell you what. If you go to my brother's pet shop in Bolton he'll replace your parrot for you.
Ecoutez, je vais vous dire, si vous allez dans le magasin d'animaux de mon frère à Bolton.
Listen to what he wrote one hundred years ago, even if you believe him to be a heretic, and I assure you that you'll understand.
Écoutez ce qu'il a écrit il y a cent ans, même si vous le tenez pour hérétique, et je vous assure que vous comprendrez.
Listen to him, write what he says or he'll beat you up.
Ecris ou il va te taper dessus.
I think maybe he'll listen to you.
Vous, il vous écoutera peut-être.
You must give blood to the devil so he'll listen to us.
On doit donner du sang au Diable pour qu'il nous écoute.
Birnbaum refused absolutely. I begged him to give me those points but he won't listen. You gotta talk to him.
J'ai supplié Birnbaum de me les donner, rien à faire ll faut que tu lui parles toi, papa
I'll see to it. - He won't listen to you.
Je m'en occupe ll ne t'écoutera pas
Listen, do you think if we can get the amulet back that he'll go back to being a... Ghost.
Tu penses que si on récupère l'amulette il redeviendra un... fantôme.
Would you please go and talk to him? I know he'll listen to you.
j'espère que vous en avez trouver une!
I hope you'll listen carefully to what he has to say.
Écoutez attentivement ce qu'il a à nous dire.
Hank, he'll listen to you.
Hank, toi je sais qu'il t'écoutera.
- He'll listen to you.
- Il vous écoutera.
Maybe he'll listen to you.
Peut-être que toi il t'écoutera.
If you listen to him, you'll see what he means.
Écoutez-le, vous comprendrez.
Indeed, my dear, nothing can clear Mr Collins of the iniquitous crime of inheriting Longbourn, but if you'll listen to his letter, you may be softened by how he expresses himself.
En effet, ma chère, rien ne peut laver Mr Collins de ce crime inique d'hériter de Longbourn, mais si vous preniez connaissance de sa lettre, vous pourriez être adoucie par son contenu.
You're the only one he'll listen to. Why?
Vous êtes le seul qu'il écoutera.
He'll listen to you.
Vas-y. Il t'écoutera.
He'll listen to you.
Toi, il t'écoutera.
He'll listen to you.
Il vous écoutera.
Go to Weyoun. He'll listen to you.
Weyoun vous écoutera.
Doctor, he'll listen to you.
Docteur, il vous écoutera, vous.
He'll listen to you.
Vous, il vous écoutera.
He respects you. He'll listen to you.
Il te respecte, il t'écoutera.
Listen, you'll have to do something. He bites a lot.
Il faut agir, il mord beaucoup, c'est pas la 1re fois.
You call him. He'll listen to you.
Non, appelles-le toi, il t'écouteras plus que moi.
If he does not listen to you, I'll do it myself.
Si il ne vous écoute pas, je le ferai.

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