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He called it tradutor Francês

1,322 parallel translation
He called it a wind-sock?
Il a appelé ça une manche à air?
He called it off?
Il a tout annulé?
He called it the unholy alliance.
Il appelait ça l'alliance non-sacrée.
That's what he called it, "Fool's errand."
C'est ça qu'il disait : "Perdre son temps."
He called it a "dream-catcher".
II l'appelait un " "attrape-rìves" ".
He called it job training.
Il me donnait un métier!
He called it "The engineering of consent".
Il nomma cette technique "La fabrique du consentement".
He called it the engineering of consent.
Il nommait cela l'ingénierie du consentement.
He called it'orgone energy'and Reich built a giant gun which he said could capture this energy from the atmosphere and concentrate it onto clouds to produce rain.
Elle s'est arrangée pour l'exclure de l'Association Internationale de Psychanalyse Vous prenez votre revanche?
He called it the hierarchy of needs, and it described the different emotional stages that people had went through as they liberated their feelings.
Il décrivait les étapes émotionnelles que les gens traversaient en libérant leurs sentiments. Tout en haut, il y a l'auto-actualisation.
And because he always got everything wrong, he called it "Igby."
Comme il se trompait toujours, il l'appelait "lgby".
He called it in before I could stop him.
Désolée, il avait déjà appelé.
Hector finds out the cops got his cigarettes, he'll think she called it in.
Hector va croire qu'elle l'a balancé aux flics.
SOLDIER : "And so we would lay in ambuscade", " as he called it,
" On se tenait ainsi en embuscade
He called it incipient communism, you know, and of course, that's when he had his stroke.
Papy disait "communisme naissant"... et il a eu son attaque.
You know, if it wasn't for me... he would have never called you back.
Sans moi, il ne vous aurait jamais rappelée.
When he saw there was not enough wood to finish roasting it he called Harlequin and the Punchinello and said
"Voyant qu'il manquait de bois pour le feu, " il appela Arlequin et Polichinelle et dit,
He wants to be called dogman. He gets a kick out of it.
Il veut qu'on l'appelle Dogman.
It was less than 48 hours ago that Ray Brown called to confirm plans with Jane Goodale tonight a clear indication he regretted terminating their involvement.
En bref, il y a moins de 48h, Ray Brown... a confirmé qu'il sortait avec Jane Goodale ce soir... signe manifeste qu'il regrette d'avoir mis un terme à leur liaison.
It's the life... childhood and adolescence of Jacques Demy... when he was a child and they called him "Jacquot".
Son thème est l'enfance et l'adolescence de Jacques Demy... quand il était petit et qu'on l'appelait Jacquot.
I brought over an answering machine And I thought it was a prank again He probably called to say he'll be back
J'ai apporté un répondeur téléphonique et j'ai cru que c'était encore un canular.
Well, we came up with the concept of Open Source, we called Linus in fact and asked Linus if he liked it.
Bien, nous étions venus avec le concept d'Open Source, Nous avons appelé Linus et lui avons demander si ca lui plaisait.
I called my dad last night to ask him what he thought and he said, "Give it a rest."
J'ai appelé mon père pour lui demander ce qu'il en pensait et il m'a dit : "Ne t'inquiète pas."
It's called Siegfried Idyll... and he wrote it as a birthday present for his wife Cosima.
L'Idylle de Siegfried. Il l'a écrite en cadeau d'anniversaire pour sa femme Cosima.
Except that guy who called me a fizzle and then ran off. He got away with it.
Sauf le type qui s'était enfui avant de payer.
It's been a week since that party and he has not called.
- Tire. La fête était il y a une semaine, il n'a pas encore appelé.
- Yes, he called. He called and invited you and it's not too late to go.
- Oui, il a appelé, et il t'a invitée et il n'est pas trop tard pour y aller.
He called you once, and I never told you about it.
Il t'a appelée et je ne te l'ai jamais dit.
Hé, ça s'appelle la liberté d'expression!
And I called it off after he died.
J'ai rompu quand il est mort.
- He called Noah things that are so ugly I can't even repeat it.
Il a traité Noah de noms si horribles... que je n'ose même pas les répéter.
It turned out he lived on some sort of commune... where everyone called him God.
Il s'est avéré qu'il vivait dans une sorte de communauté... où tout le monde l'appelait "Dieu".
He wrote a book called "Civilization and it's Discontents".
Il écrivit le livre "Malaise dans la civilisation".
It resulted in what he called one-dimensional man - conformist and repressed.
"Ils ont aidé à la création d'un monde où les gens sont réduits à exprimer leurs sentiments et leurs identités à travers les objets produits en masse."
He can't help it. What's wrong with Dizzy, in medical terms it's called Tourette's syndrome.
Dizzy souffre, médicalement parlant... du syndrome de Tourette.
He said he would stick his foot... up my so-called "patootie." Damn it.
Il a dit qu'il collerait son pied à mon prétendu "arrière-train." Putain...
He called us to Misano, it's him.
Il a fait la convocation à Misano, c'est lui.
I figured he got it right before I got there, so I called 911.
Je me dis qu'il vient de morfler, j'appelle police secours.
Because it sounds like they have shit well-scheduled, 19 minutes but then again, this is the third time he called.
Ils avaient l'air d'etre super organises. 19 minutes... Mais en meme temps, ca fait trois fois.
Sullivan called it in. He's a typical tow guy.
Sullivan, un ferrailleur, a appelé.
Yeah, it's weird that he hasn't called me back.
Ouais, c'est bizarre qu'il n'ait pas rappelé.
Edgar had it coming. He called me a puss.
Il m'avait traité de poule mouillée.
Find out for yourself... but you better do it quick because he's just called for a dreadnought to take him back to Scarranburg.
Rendez-vous compte vous-mêmes. Mais vous feriez mieux de faire vite car il vient juste de contacter un Cuirassé Scarran pour le ramener à Scarranburg.
So in the end, he just called it a bonus.
Alors à la fin, il a dit que c'était un bonus.
So in the end, he just called it a bonus.
Finalement, il a juste dit que c'était une prime.
So they called my dad, and he came to get me... and it was just the two of us alone in the car, from Maine... with nothing to talk about but my camp failure.
Ils ont appelé mon père, il est venu me chercher, et on s'est retrouvés tous les deux pendant tout le voyage du retour sans autre sujet de conversation que ma mise à la porte.
He be coming up with all kind of little ways, you know, and shit, you know, to help me try to lick my... what's it called?
T'as vu comment il essaie de trouver dix milles solutions, pour m'aider à résoudre mes... comment ça s'appelle?
Well, what the article didn't say is that two years ago he accepted a position with a company called lmmunitech Research, which, it turns out, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Zetatron lndustries.
Par contre, l'article ne précisait pas qu'il avait accepté un poste dans une boîte appelée Immunitech Recherche, une filiale de Zetatron qui en possède tout le capital.
And he called AAA and they started it
Il y a embrouille?
He's in a band It's called the Bacon Brothers
Il a un groupe. Il s'appelle les Bacon Brothers.
It was you who called Patrick from the conference room... the day he disappeared, wasn't it?
C'est vous qui avez appelé Patrick de la salle de conférence le jour de sa disparition. C'est ça?

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