His house tradutor Francês
7,445 parallel translation
When Percy didn't arrive, I went to his house.
Quand Percy n'est pas arrivé, je suis allé chez lui.
Cary says that Bishop was out of town on November 13 when the tape was recorded at his house.
Cary dit que Bishop n'était pas en ville le 13 novembre quand l'enregistrement a été fait chez lui.
At his house.
Chez lui.
So we agreed to meet at a café down the street from his house.
Donc on s'est mis d'accord pour se rencontrer au café en bas de la rue.
When it is found at his house by the Royal Guard,
Quand elle sera trouvée à son domicile par la garde royale,
You know Jeff Garlin has one of these in his house.
Jeff Garlin a forcément ça chez lui.
You didn't go to his house? !
- Tu n'es pas allée chez lui?
Let's just say that you do not want to be at his house over the holidays.
Évitez de passer les fêtes dans sa famille.
I was sent to his house to read official report.
On m'a envoyé chez lui pour lire le rapport officiel.
This informant has been a minor player in the Boston crime syndicate since he was a teenager. - So you checked his house?
Cet indic trempe dans la pègre de Boston depuis l'adolescence.
I want people at his house.
Mettez des hommes chez lui.
Did he offer a place for you to stay as well... that happened to be his house when his wife was away?
Il a aussi proposé de t'héberger, genre chez lui quand sa femme n'était pas là?
And he went to his house to get some money.
Il est allé chez lui chercher de l'argent.
And he has all this This is his house?
- On est chez lui?
His house is a short walk from mine, but in a much tougher neighborhood.
Sa maison est pas loin de la mienne, dans un quartier bien plus chaud.
Look, John, we sneak into his house, jerk him off in his sleep and sneak out with the sperm.
Regardez, John, nous faufiler dans Sa maison, branler dans Dormir et la contrebande de sperme.
His house.
Sa maison.
Inna believes that the spirit of Chikatilo was here and is seeking revenge for the death of his brother, who was killed and eaten in this house.
Inna croit que l'esprit de Chikatilo était ici et cherche à se venger pour la mort de son frère, qui a été tué et mangé dans cette maison.
We're cleaning out his house.
On vide sa maison.
Congressman J. Parnell Thomas and his House Un-American Activities Committee.
Voici le député J. Parnell Thomas et sa Commission sur les activités ami-américaines.
- Search his house.
- Perquisitionnez chez lui.
I saw some guys at his house last night.
J'ai vu des hommes chez lui hier soir.
- Did you check his house? - Yeah.
Tu a vérifié sa maison?
His next door neighbor said that she heard fighting a few minutes after you got to the house.
Sa voisine dit qu'elle a entendu des bruits de lutte quelques minutes après que vous soyez entrée.
That obnoxious Ronnie was worried that I wouldn't be able to handle his decorations,'cause he's trying to win this "scariest house on the street" contest, and I was like, " not only can I handle your decorations.
Cet odieux Ronnie pensait que je ne serais pas capable de gérer ses décorations parce qu'il essaye de gagner ce concours de la maison la plus effrayante de la rue, et je lui ai dit, " non seulement je peux me faire à tes décorations,
I know his mom needs a house, but I'm gonna go with put a lazy river between his apartment and work.
Je sais que sa mère veut une maison, mais je vais dire : mettre une rivière entre son appartement et le travail.
If that's the case, then why was Jacob's gun, taken off his dead body, stolen from your house two days ago?
Dans ce cas, pourquoi l'arme de Jacob, récupérée après sa mort, a-t-elle été volée chez vous il y a deux jours?
He went in his little house.
Il est allé dans sa petite maison.
He sold me his half of the Malibu house.
Il m'a vendue sa moitié de la maison à Malibu.
I would've made a proper house call earlier, but I'm not sure your sergeant would be happy if I were in his office poaching his best detective.
J'aurais fait une visite appropriée plus tôt, mais je doute que votre sergent aurait été ravi si j'avais été dans son bureau pour braconner son meilleur inspecteur.
You know, we got the big house, and it's right by his school.
Tu sais, la maison est grande, et c'est à côté de son école.
He told his ex-assistant that he could have his wedding at our house.
Il a dit à son ex-assistant qu'il pouvait faire son mariage à la maison.
In fact, if we wanted to wait until the year 2001, is that he will have, in his own house, not a computer as big as this, but at least a console through which he can talk to his friendly local computer
En fait, si on voulait attendre jusqu'en 2001, il aura, dans sa maison, non pas un ordinateur de cette taille, mais au moins une console pour communiquer avec son ordinateur local et recevoir toute l'information nécessaire à son quotidien,
This will be in a compact form in his own house.
Tout ça en format compact, chez lui.
I saw a man clothed with rags, standing in a certain place with his face from his own house book in his hand, and a great burden upon his back.
Il était debout et tournant le dos à sa propre maison il avait un livre à la main, et il était chargé d'un pesant fardeau.
He's chasing her around the house with his thing all night.
Il lui court après, la bite à la main.
I'm listening to his fucking house.
J'écoute sa baraque.
Mr. Davenport's house was ransacked, and his safe was found to be opened.
La maison de M. Davenport a été fouillée. Son coffre a été retrouvé ouvert.
He'll be in that big house on his own.
Il sera tout seul dans cette grande maison.
- Yeah, this is his house.
- Oui.
Police seem to think a pissed off bird mistook my house for his.
La police pense qu'un oiseau en rogne s'est trompé de maison.
Well... He did help pay for the house, Don, so I guess that makes it partially his lawn.
Ceci dit... il nous a aidés à payer la maison, donc c'est un peu sa pelouse.
That was rude, you do not come to a gentleman's house and touch his goose.
Pardon. C'était impoli. On ne touche pas directement aux ornements d'un homme.
Um... I-I saw a story where a guy went nuts on house arrest and he cut off his own foot so that he could escape to Mexico.
J'ai entendu l'histoire d'un type qui est devenu fou à cause d'une assignation à résidence, et il a coupé son propre pied et s'est enfui au Mexique.
His wife. The house number still works.
- Elle a pas changé de numéro.
After the famine, a little boy was eaten in this house, and several years ago, Boris supposedly killed and ate his colleague at the same place.
Boris prétendument tué et a mangé son collègue au même endroit.
Well, he found out, went to the dude's house, ripped out his mailbox and fucking beat him half to death with it in front of his whole family.
Il l'a appris, est allé chez le mec, a arraché la boîte aux lettres et l'a tabassé avec devant sa famille.
He's at his friend's house.
Il est chez un de ses amis.
With the Washington Monument in the background... the president has just arrived off of his helicopter... and is coming from Camp David to spend time... with the gathering on the White House lawn.
Il arrive de Camp David... pour passer un peu de temps avec la foule devant la Maison-Blanche.
Go play house in his little log cabin?
Jouer au papa et à la maman dans son chalet?
If all goes well, Astronaut Virgil I. Grissom and his wife will be the next guests at the White House.
Si tout se passe bien, l'astronaute Virgil I. Grissom et sa femme seront les prochains invités de la Maison Blanche.
house 1583
houses 83
housewife 19
housekeeping 91
housekeeper 25
house counsel 18
house rules 39
house fire 20
his head 38
his hands 34
houses 83
housewife 19
housekeeping 91
housekeeper 25
house counsel 18
house rules 39
house fire 20
his head 38
his hands 34