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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ H ] / His mistress

His mistress tradutor Francês

562 parallel translation
- And his mistress
Et sa maîtresse.
He perished at the hands of his mistress Charlotte Corday... who was inspired to the deed by her fanatical devotion to her country.
Il est mort des mains de sa maîtresse Charlotte Corday, qui a été poussée à agir par sa dévotion fanatique envers son pays.
" First, the creature, hiccuping and throwing up in the arms of his mistress.
D'abord, le bébé bavant dans les bras de sa nourrice.
You were his mistress, weren't you?
Regarde - moi un peu, tu as été sa maîtresse, non! Non!
Did you become his mistress at once?
Et vous êtes devenue sa maîtresse?
Were you his mistress?
Vous avez ete sa maitresse?
If, for example, you were not the wife of this composer but his mistress
Ainsi, Madame, si vous n'étiez pas l'épouse du compositeur, mais plutôt sa... maîtresse...
I could be his mistress.
Je pourrais être sa maîtresse.
His mistress?
Sa maîtresse?
His name is Pierre Marie Auguste Brion and I'm his mistress!
Il s'appelle Pierre Marie Auguste Brion.
How is his mistress?
Comment va sa concubine?
If Harry Graham had taken Phyllis Martin as his mistress Some people would have winked an eye and turned their head.
Si Harry Graham avait pris Phyllis Martin pour maîtresse, personne ne s'en serait ému.
She was his mistress.
- C'était sa maîtresse.
She was his mistress and she helped you.
C'était sa maîtresse et elle vous a aidée.
I'm his mistress, and I'm proud of it.
Je suis sa maîtresse. Et j'en suis fière.
Is it true Desiree Armfeldt was his mistress?
Est-ce vrai que Désirée Armfelt a été sa Maîtresse?
She is already his mistress.
Elle est déjà sa maîtresse.
Amantha, you were his mistress.
Vous avez été sa maîtresse.
Well, if any man would ask me, I'd run away and become his mistress.
Si un homme le voulait, je deviendrais sa maîtresse!
His mistress.
Sa maîtresse.
How long were you his mistress?
Hum! T'as été sa maîtresse, combien de temps!
You were his mistress.
que vous étiez sa maîtresse. Non!
But now I got my proof... that you're not his mistress, because you slapped him.
Et ce soir, j'en ai la preuve.. .. puisque tu l'as giflé.
Were you his mistress?
Vous avez été sa maîtresse?
I was his mistress.
J'ai été sa maîtresse.
His mistress.
C'est sa maîtresse.
- His mistress?
- Sa maîtresse?
You became his mistress only a week previously
- Vous étiez sa maîtresse depuis huit jours.
"Mouse got another package from that lady who later proved to be his mistress."
La Souris recevait un autre colis de cette dame qui était en fait sa concubine, pour parler poliment
The defendant, after a violent discussion with his mistress, was seen by a witness searching through her bag and taking her wallet.
L'accusé, qui venait de se disputer avec sa maîtresse, a été vu, par un témoin, fouillant dans le sac de sa victime et en retirant un portefeuille.
You knew she was his mistress?
- Vous saviez qu'elle était sa maîtresse?
I think Eugene and I would have been much happier if I'd become his mistress instead of his wife.
Eugène et moi, on aurait été bien plus heureux... si j'étais devenue sa maîtresse au lieu d'être sa femme.
He's with his mistress tonight.
Ce soir, il est avec sa maîtresse.
The governor let him marry his mistress?
- Une maîtresse d'officier?
His first wife died in childbirth, so he selected... the most beautiful woman in the village... and took her for his mistress.
Sa première femme est morte en couches et il a alors choisi... la plus belle fille du village... et il a fait d'elle sa maîtresse.
- He's off to see his old mistress.
Monsieur va voir sa maîtresse, sa vieille maîtresse.
Mistress Dillard, I put Pres on his first horse.
J'ai mis Pres sur son premier cheval.
Then, sweet Mistress Bowen... since you are such a stickler for the correct definition... you will grant me the legal fact that this boy died by his own exhalations.
Alors, chère Mme Bowen, puisque vous êtes pointilleuse sur les définitions, vous m'accorderez le fait que ce garçon est mort de ses propres exhalaisons.
I'm not worried about him. I daresay he'll find his way back to his old master. Or mistress.
Il retrouvera bien son maître, ou sa maîtresse.
Only had his share in her ventures, same as Mistress Spitfire does now.
Mais il recevait sa part du butin, comme madame Boule de feu maintenant.
- They are for his guests, mistress.
- lls sont pour ses invités.
I was never his paid mistress.
Je n'ai jamais été sa maîtresse payée.
While you were still his paid mistress... did you accept the invitation of the defendant - a younger and richer man - for a luxurious trip abroad?
alors que vous étiez encore sa maîtresse payée... avez-vous accepté l'invitation de l'accusé... un homme plus riche et plus jeune... pour un voyage luxueux à l'étranger?
Father! Living with a mistress while his wife lies sick in the next room!
Vivre avec une maîtresse alors que dans la chambre à côté sa femme était malade.
Otherwise I'll break his face. He must have a mistress, two, three, four!
Qu'il prenne donc une série de maîtresses.
When he / it goes back, his / her / its mistress... forgiveness, his / her / its wife.
Quand il rentre, sa maîtresse... pardon, sa femme. Sa femme lui dit :
But I wasn't his mistress
- Je n'étais pas sa maîtresse.
You warned Gilbert his ex-mistress was armed and out to kill him?
- Vous auriez prévenu Gilbert que Dominique voulait le tuer?
When somebody of enormous power has a mistress and that mistress has a son, the son has great influence at his back.
Quand un homme d'un immense pouvoir a une maîtresse... qui a elle-même un fils, ce dernier jouit d'une très grande influence.
His wife was the governor's mistress.
L'Inspecteur Kuwayama a fait cadeau à Hanji de sa maîtresse.
He killed his wife and his 2 children So he could run away with his young mistress..
Il a tué sa femme et ses deux enfants, afin de pouvoir s'éclipser avec sa jeune maîtresse.

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