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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ I ] / I've found him

I've found him tradutor Francês

176 parallel translation
And when I've found him?
Et ensuite?
But I know Dr. Viliams and I've never found him unreasonable.
Mais je connais le Dr. Williams et c'est un homme très raisonnable.
Jimmy, I've found him!
Il est ici!
But I've found a dead man, and I've got the gun that killed him. And I was seen in that house by the owner.
Il se trouve que je détiens le revolver qui a tué Lavery, et que la propriétaire m'a vu chez lui.
I've found him. - Thank heavens I've found him.
Enfin retrouvé!
And now that I've found him, that's all that matters.
Mais je l'ai retrouvé, c'est l'essentiel.
In all this time I've found him....
Durant toute cette période, il s'est montré...
Now that I've found a man who can dance, I'm going to hang on to him!
Je ne vais pas laisser filer un homme qui sait danser!
We've only found two. He's had every opportunity to take it. Miss Blake and I had our backs to him most of the time.
Il pouvait s'en emparer, on lui tournait le dos.
I've found him at the market.
J'l'ai trouvé au marché.
I've found him.
Je l'ai trouvé.
I've found him!
I took him to where we found the trailer and to Johnson's store. We've been there all day. Nothing.
Dans la remorque et au bazar, pas d'indices nouveaux.
But now I want to tell him that I've found you, Mark.
Mais maintenant, je veux lui dire que je t'ai rencontré.
And tell him that I've found his gun.
Et dites-lui que j'ai retrouvé son fusil.
And please tell him I've found a job
S'il vous plaît, dites-lui aussi... que j'ai déjà trouvé un emploi.
I booked fliers for Bangkok, snake acts into Madison Square Garden. This is the first time I've found a man's brother-in-law for him.
J'ai engagé des aviateurs pour Bangkok, des charmeurs de serpent pour Madison Square Garden, mais c'est la premiêre fois que je dois retrouver un beau-frêre.
- Go to bed. I'll let you know when I've found him.
- Allez vous coucher, je vous appellerai quand je l'aurai trouvé.
Do you think that I'm indifferent to the fact that I might lose a son now, at the exact moment that I've found him once again?
Tu crois que perdre un fils me laisse indifférent... alors que je viens juste de le retrouver?
I see you've found him, Sir.
Je pouvais chercher longtemps.
Yeah, but now that I've found him, what am I gonna tell him?
Que vais-je lui dire?
I relieved him on watch once and found a circuit open to the atomic matter piles that should've been closed.
Un jour, je l'ai relevé. J'ai trouvé un circuit ouvert qui aurait dû être fermé.
I've found him.
DOCTEUR : Je l'ai trouvé.
I found him cheating, and I've said, "he's just a boy."
Je l'ai pris à tricher et l'ai blâmé sur son sexe.
- I've found him.
- Je l'ai trouvé.
And I've found out the factory belongs to him. "
Je sais très bien que la fabrique lui appartient. "
I believe I've found him.
J'ai trouvé.
I've always found him rowdy, ill-mannered, and irresponsible.
Ce n'est qu'un chahuteur mal élevé et irresponsable.
Forget it, I've already found him.
Laisse tomber, je l'ai trouvé.
We've found him, but I don't think he has anything to do with it.
On l'a trouvé, il est hors de cause.
I will keep him here until I've found the reason.
Je vais le garder ici jusqu'à ce que j'ai trouvé la raison.
I've found him a wife who's one in a million!
J'ai trouvé la perle rare.
A savage when I found him. But I've taught him a great deal.
C'était un sauvage quand je l'ai trouvé, mais je lui ai beaucoup appris.
Oh, I'm so glad we've found him here.
C'est chouette qu'on l'ait trouvé chez vous.
General, I've found out that the person who helped him was his servant he hired in Guangdong.
Général, je sais qui l'a aidé : Le serviteur qu'il a engagé à Canton.
I've had a lot of trouble getting him back on schedule since the kidnapping... and I looked down and I found this gun laying on the floor.
J'ai eu du mal à le ramener à son horaire habituel... Baissant les yeux, je vois un revolver par terre.
So I found myself a partner for my experiment, a normal, healthy guy, and I took a little of his blood... just a bit... and I've locked myself in with him.
un type bien portant. J'ai pris un peu de son sang. Seulement un tout petit peu.
Now I've found and lost him all in one letter.
Je l'ai trouvé et perdu dans la même lettre.
I've found a way to do God's dirty work for him.
Je fais le sale boulot de Dieu à sa place.
I think I've found him.
Je crois que je l'ai.
You know that I'm alone, And now when I've found a friend, Tony wants to kick him out.
Tu sais que je suis seule, et maintenant que j'ai un compagnon, Toni veut le chasser.
Today, I've found a worthy opponent. - What're you doing? - I'm going to chop him.
Mes plumes d'acier trouvent enfin un adversaire digne d'elles.
Oh, well. Think how it would've been if I'd married him and then found out what sort of guy he was.
Imaginez-vous si je l'avais épousé et que j'avais découvert ce côté par la suite.
I've found a way to communicate with him.
J'ai trouvé un bon moyen de communiquer.
I'll bring Mr Stimpson to you just as soon as I've found him.
Je vous amènerai M. Stimpson.
Tell him I've found it under the couch.
Dites-lui que je l'ai trouvé sous le lit.
I've found him
Ça y est. J'ai trouvé.
Dr Johns come here quickly, I've found him!
Dr Johns venez ici, vite! Je l'ai trouvé.
Tell him I think I've found his cue stick.
Dites-lui que je pense avoir trouver sa queue de billard.
I've found a gang... who will erase those who help him.
J'ai pris contact avec un gang qui réglera ce genre de détail.
Hey, we could've found him in a heartbeat, the fuckin'F.B.I. don't come on it.
Nous, on le cravatait vite fait, sans le F.B.I.

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