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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ I ] / I work with him

I work with him tradutor Francês

565 parallel translation
Me too, and I work with him all day long.
Moi aussi. Et je le vois tous les jours.
I work with him at the station. I'm a script-girl.
- Je travaille avec lui à la TV comme scripte.
I work with him.
Un ami de bureau.
Yes, I work with him.
Oui, je travaille chez lui.
When did I work with him...? 20 years ago, in Hollywood!
J'ai joué avec lui... il y a 20 ans à Hollywood.
I still get upset whenever I think about the way he humiliated me! And now, you expect me to work with him?
J'en suis encore bouleversé de la façon dont il m'a humilié! Vous me demandez de travailler avec lui?
He's on special leave to work with us and I expect you to give him your fullest cooperation.
Il est en permission spéciale pour venir ici, j'espère qu'il pourra compter sur vous.
You both work at Morris's and I know it's natural that you go to work with him. That's why you should be warned.
Je comprends que vous alliez ensemble au travail... mais faites attention.
I know one of'em. Used to work with him. I never asked him to the dance though.
J'ai bossé avec l'un d'eux, mais je ne l'ai pas invité.
- With him, I don't think it'll work.
- ça marchera pas.
I hope you may be able to work with him again. But he's completely disappeared, he's vanished, gone without leaving a trace.
J'espère que cela se reproduira, mais il a disparu.
The man that once did sell the lion's skin while the beast lived... was killed with hunting him, and many of our bodies shall no doubt find native graves, upon the which, I trust, shall witness live in brass of this day's work.
Beaucoup de nos corps trouveront des tombes en terre natale où le bronze commémora notre ouvrage.
I tried to picture him in love with somebody, but it didn't work.
J'essayais de m'imaginer ce type amoureux.
I'd rather be alone with him because when it's 3 against 1, That doesn't work for me.
J'aimerais bien être seul avec lui parce qu'à 3 contre 1, ça me met mal à l'aise.
I'd give anything to work with him.
Je donnerais tout pour travailler avec lui!
I have never discussed an author's work with him.
Je n'ai jamais discuté avec un auteur de son œuvre.
always thought that I require a clearness : and with him, to leave no rubs nor botches in the work,
J'ai besoin d'être à l'abri et, pour qu'il n'y ait ni erreur ni accroc,
I wanted to go with him, but he had work to do.
Je voulais partir avec lui, mais il avait du travail à faire.
Someday you'll change. You'll meet a good-for-nothing, no-account fool... and fall in love with him and work, live, and die for him. I know you will because it's just your way.
Un jour, vous tomberez amoureuse d'un vaurien pour lequel vous vivrez et vous mourrez.
He got back the other day, but i'm going to send him out again to do some promotion work with the women's clubs.
Il est revenu. Mais je vais le réexpédier faire la promotion dans les Clubs Féminins.
That's enough. I know you'll never work with him again.
Je ne fais que ça depuis deux ans pour Jonathan.
You won't work with him. I don't blame you. Why should you?
Je comprends ce que vous éprouvez.
The people I work for are a little anxious to get in touch with him.
Mes supérieurs le cherchent.
- I can get him to work with me and...
- Il me parlera...
So I couldn't work with him in his bakery.
Donc, je ne pouvais pas travailler dans sa boulangerie.
I can't work with him, Joe.
Je ne peux pas travailler avec Iui.
I wanted to marry him, to work with him.
Je voulais l'épouser. Travailler avec lui.
I told her to work with him.
Je lui ai dit de travailler avec lui.
You can come with us, but if you want to wait, then tell him, that I'll never work with him anymore. And not with the other one!
Tu peux venir avec nous, mais si tu veux attendre, dis-lui que je ne travaillerai plus jamais avec lui.
Tell him that with my look, I'll go back to work in a few days.
- Dis-lui que je reprendrai dans quelques jours.
Once, I reproached him with forgetting his work.
Je le lui ai déjà reproché.
I used to work with him, ride with him.
J'ai travaillé avec lui, chevauché avec lui.
I know you haven't got much in common with him... but couldn't you at least ask him about his work?
Vous n'avez guère de points communs, mais fais-le parler de son travail.
You know something, I've kissed Lucy so often in front of the camera with him directing me, I'm curious to see the master himself at work.
Tu sais quoi? J'ai embrassé Lucy si souvent devant la caméra quand il me dirigeait que j'ai hâte de voir le maître à l'œuvre.
Well, maybe I ought to drop over and work with him a little.
Peut-être devrais-je passer et le faire travailler un peu.
- Then I tried to plow with him. - How did he work?
J'ai alors décidé de l'utiliser pour les labours.
I just want to sit down and have a talk with him about his work.
Merci. Je veux juste le voir et parler de ses travaux.
I merely wish to discuss his work with him.
Je veux juste parler de ses travaux.
I promised I'd work with him.
Je lui ai promis de travailler pour lui.
I want you to stay with him until he finishes his work, and then I want you to bring the answers to me.
Je veux que tu restes avec lui jusqu'à ce qu'il finisse son travail. Et je veux que tu m'apportes les réponses.
I'd like to work with him if you let me.
Je le dresserais bien, si je pouvais.
And I think... that when Christina and I and your mother... have some time to work on him... you'll have no problem with your father.
Et je pense... que quand Christina et moi, ainsi que votre mère... aurons eu le temps de le convaincre... vous n'aurez plus aucun problème avec votre père.
If it doesn't work out with him, I need you as a spare.
Ne nous emballons pas. Je vous garde sous la main.
We have no piano at home, so I bend the rules a little and let him come to work with me and practice here.
Nous n'avons pas de piano à la maison, alors je le laisse jouer ici.
I can't work with him.
je ne peux rien faire, avec lui!
I'd taken him to the park... Fixed myself an alibi with that hustler and you did the dirty work.
Je l'aurais emmené au parc, je me serais créé un alibi avec cette prostituée, et tu aurais fait le sale boulot.
- Well, I work with him, don't I?
On travaille ensemble.
Listen, he doesn't think I'm good enough to work with him.
Il pense que je ne suis pas assez bon pour bosser avec lui.
But is it possible for him to have even a single thought in common with HUMAN BEINGS who are capable of disturbing the peace in which I want to work?
Avoir avec des êtres humains qui sont en état de me déranger dans le calme de mon travail ne serait-ce qu'une pensée en commun?
I told him about your place here, and he agreed with you completely that there really is a story in your work over here.
Je lui ai parlé de cet endroit, et il est entièrement d'accord avec vous sur le fait qu'il y a un article à faire sur votre travail ici.
I swore I would never work with him again.
Je me suis jurée de ne plus jamais travailler pour lui.

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