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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ I ] / I work for him

I work for him tradutor Francês

582 parallel translation
- I work for him.
- Je bosse pour lui.
If Mr. Ziegfeld can't understand that, how could I work for him?
Si M. Ziegfeld ne le comprend pas, comment travailler pour lui?
If he thinks because I work for him he can come barging in here...
S'il croit que parce que je travaille pour lui, il peut venir...
I work for him.
Je travaille pour lui.
Do I work for you, or do I work for him?
Je bosse pour vous ou pour lui?
Tell Mr. MacBright that I don't wish to work for him any more.
Dites à Mister MacBright que je ne peux plus travailler chez lui.
I think the work is too hard for him, huh?
Je pense que le travail c'était trop dur pour lui, hein?
- I'd sure like to work for him.
- J'aimerais bien servir chez lui.
A boy I was crazy about used to work for him.
J'étais amoureuse d'un garçon qui travaillait pour lui.
I sent him over to the laboratory to get some notes for me that I want to work on after dinner tonight.
Je l'ai envoyé au laboratoire me chercher des notes... sur lesquelles je veux travailler après diner.
He's had to work and fight for everything and I love him as I never even began to love you.
Il a travaillé, lui, il a dû se battre! Et je l ´ aime, comme jamais je ne t ´ ai aimé!
I'm anxious for him to see samples of your work. Perhaps some charts you are in process of making?
Peut-on voir une de vos oeuvres, même un travail en cours?
He... I made him stop work for the rest of the day.
Je lui ai donné une dispense pour la journée.
I used to work for him when he was Tom Motsacoro.
Je travaillais pour lui quand il s'appelait Tom Motsacoro.
You can't work for a man as long as I have and not know him pretty well.
J'ai assez travaillé avec vous pour bien vous connaître.
I'd rather be alone with him because when it's 3 against 1, That doesn't work for me.
J'aimerais bien être seul avec lui parce qu'à 3 contre 1, ça me met mal à l'aise.
Now, Mr. Bannister is gonna buy us all a few drinks while I entertain myself by refusing to go to work for him.
M. Bannister va nous payer à boire... pendant que je m'amuse à refuser son offre.
Chief, I've got nothing against your candidate. We all know who it is. And I'll work for him in any way that I legitimately can.
Chef, je n'ai rien contre votre candidat, nous savons tous qui c'est, je veux bien travailler pour lui.
I mean, he hires dumb guys like you to work for him.
Pour embaucher, il embauche.
Where is he now? He'll have heard I'm looking for him and gone underground. I know how those fellows work.
Il doit savoir que je le cherche, et il se cache, il a peut-être quitté le pays.
Someday you'll change. You'll meet a good-for-nothing, no-account fool... and fall in love with him and work, live, and die for him. I know you will because it's just your way.
Un jour, vous tomberez amoureuse d'un vaurien pour lequel vous vivrez et vous mourrez.
If you get him and anything goes wrong, I'll work for you for 1 0 years as a stable boy.
Si je me suis trompé, je serai votre garçon d'écurie pendant 1 0 ans.
I passed the word on to regiment, sir, and they said for us to work him over. SergeantJohnson's outside questioning him now.
Fusées ou pas, il faut prendre ces hauteurs.
I told you I'd never work for him again, and I never will.
Je ne veux plus jamais travailler avec lui, c'est définitif.
The people I work for are a little anxious to get in touch with him.
Mes supérieurs le cherchent.
Before I'll fire him, I'll throw the Express up for grabs and go to work for somebody who appreciates real talent on a paper!
Plutôt vendre l'Express et travailler là où on apprécie le talent.
Well, I thought Mr. Godet would let me work for him in his bakery, perhaps.
Eh bien, je pensais que M. Godet me permettrait de travailler pour lui dans sa boulangerie, peut-être.
I remember you wanted me to go to work for him...
Vous vouliez que je travaille pour lui.
Put him to work! For 90 days, I labored among the accursed in the House of Death.
90 jours durant, je trimai dans la maison des morts.
I love that man, and I'm going to work for him.
J'aime cet homme, et je ferai tout pour lui.
It isn't that he doesn't want to fight for his country. He does. I need him to work the farm.
Il désire aller se battre mais j'ai besoin de lui.
Either that or I gotta go work for him.
C'est ça ou travailler pour lui.
So I'm tryin'him out... Different kinds of music. You know, that bird won't interrupt his work for trashy stuff.
J'essaie de le distraire, je mets de la musique pour l'interrompre, mais il ne s'arrête pas comme ça.
I work for one of his companies but I've never seen him.
Je travaille pour lui, mais je ne l'ai jamais vu.
I just work for him now and then.
Je travaille pour lui.
I work like a dog here, just for him but she's got him so mixed up he doesn't know what he's doing anymore.
Je travaille dur ici, rien que pour lui, mais elle la si bien embobiné quil ne sait plus ce quil fait.
I'll try and work a scholarship for him.
J'essaierai d'avoir sa bourse.
He's payin'me for some legal work I did for him.
Il me paie un travail juridique que j'ai fait pour lui.
- I go to work for him tomorrow.
- Je commence demain.
I suppose you've got a file a foot thick on him just because he doesn't work for some well-paid, government research unit.
Tout ça parce qu'il n'est pas payé grassement par l'Etat.
I've some work for him.
J'ai du travail pour lui.
I came to work for him about 1959.
Il m'a engagée en 1959.
If he's reaching for anything else, tell him i'll cut his heart out before he halfway reaches it, then i'll go to work on you.
S'il sort autre chose, je lui couperai la tête avant qu'il l'atteigne. Et après, ce sera ton tour.
- I just don't like that you have to work for him.
Ça ne me plaît pas que tu doives travailler pour lui.
I saw him off for his first day's work.
Je l'accompagnai au tramway le premier jour.
I know Fu Manchu is holding your daughter prisoner and is forcing you to work for him.
Je sais que Fu Manchu détient votre fille et qu'iI vous force à travailler pour Iui.
For your sake I gave him work while he was starving to death, when he was sent away from Germany.
À son retour d'Allemagne... expulsé! Il crevait de faim...
I just somehow feel a little sorry for him, and I wondered how much longer he'll have to work here.
J'ai seulement de la peine pour lui. Il va rester ici jusqu'à quand?
He promised that if I turned him loose every day for a couple of hours to work at his trade, that he'd come back to his cell each night. And, he did.
Il avait promis que s'il pouvait sortir quelques heures... pour faire son travail, chaque jour, il reviendrait le soir dans sa cellule.
I still say it's the work of an outsider getting even for the card cheat and an insider telling him who did it.
Je reste sur ma position : On a un étranger qui veut venger le tricheur, et un délateur qui guide sa main.
I got him a job doing medical checkups on the staff at the company I work for.
Je lui ai un trouvé un emploi pour des examens médicaux sur le personnel de l'entreprise pour laquelle je travaille.

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