Life was good tradutor Francês
315 parallel translation
Life was good to Mclver, too, and it was took from him.
Elle l'était aussi pour Mclver, et on la lui a prise.
Jen-ai, life was good to bring us together.
La vie a été bonne de nous avoir réunis.
I always knew life was good, but I didn't know it was this good.
La vie est encore meilleure que je ne croyais.
Our life was good rich with the shared pleasures of our love.
Notre vie était belle, riche des plaisirs partagés de notre amour.
He made me see that life was good.
Il m'a montré que la vie est belle.
Her life was good and happy.
Elle était heureuse.
Is it any jollier than the world used to be in the good old days when life was short and hot and merry, and the devil took the hindmost?
Mais est-il plus agréable que le monde de la vieille époque, quand la vie était courte et joyeuse, quand le diable avait le dernier mot?
I thought my Leonardo was dead but the heel is living the good life among the rich.
Je croyais que mon Leonardo était mort et le voilà en train de vivre chez les riches.
But it was a good life. It's a lucky family that dances together every day.
Mais c'était la belle vie... danser en famille!
Good luck. But this was a far cry from the girl who walked into my life at the Algonquin Hotel five years before.
Qu'elle avait changé... depuis notre rencontre, à l'Hôtel Algonquin, cinq ans plus tôt.
He was so good the law took a little slice out of his life.
Il était si doué que la loi lui a pris une tranche de vie.
One chance in a million was all that chump ever had in his life, and he made it good.
La chance de sa vie pour mon toquard d'ex-associé... Il l'utilisa à fond.
We knew that from the time he roared off the ferry and charged up Market Street to get a good run up the hill our quiet way of life was due for a change.
En I'entendant arriver de loin, nous savions que notre tranquillité allait être troublée.
Everything in this office. Every good thing in your life was made possible by McDonald's faith in you.
Tout ce que tu possèdes provient de la confiance de McDonald en toi
"Thirty Years of a Gambler's Life", I was very good in it.
J'étais bien, dans 30 ans, ou la vie d'un joueur. Alors?
Brings back the good old days when we was leadin'a healthy, normal life. Scuttlin'ships, cutting'throats.
Ça rappelle le bon vieux temps, quand vous meniez une vie normale... à saborder des bateaux, trancher des gorges.
He was a good man... who had a good life.
C'était un homme de bien, qui a bien vécu.
As I was about to say with our steady hands at the helm I am confident that the good ship Battledore will continue to buffet her way through storm and tempest providing a safe haven for those who are in peril on the sea of life.
Comme j'allais le dire, avec nos mains aux commandes, je fais confiance a ce bon bateau Battledore pour braver vents et tempêtes, et fournir l'hospitalité à ceux qui sont en danger sur la mer de vie.
It was good small, full with life
Passe-moi ce fusil, fils!
And I learned what the good life was.
Et j'ai compris ce que c'était, cette vie agréable.
By the life of me, that was a good job.
Ma parole! Merci.
How two Kozlik brothers hunted on the imperial road, how the neighbour, whose life was saved by piety, turned this to good account.
A propos des fils du seigneur Bouc, maître du comté de Rohacek, à la chasse sur la voie royale, et comment leur voisin en tira profit, et qui s'en sortit sain et sauf par le miracle du Saint-Esprit.
My mother was a hustler lt was a good life
Ma mère était une arnaqueuse. C'était une bonne vie.
Bought a horse, traps and other truck that went with being a mountain man. And said good-bye to whatever life was down below.
S'acheta un bon cheval, des pièges, de quoi être homme des montagnes... et dit au revoir à la vie d'en bas.
Wasn't the sort of life I'd choose for myself, but it was good for him.
Je ne la lui enviais pas mais ça lui plaisait.
Her husband was a good sort considering his shady life.
Son mari était conciliant malgré sa vie troublée.
|'d stake my life there was some good news in that letter.
Je mettrais ma tête à couper qu'il y a de bonnes nouvelles.
What really scares me, Spermwhale, is that in those Jesuit boarding schools where good old mom left me most of my life, I was taught that there's an absolute good and an absolute evil and...
Ce qui me fait vraiment peur, Cachalot... c'est que dans ces pensions de Jésuites où ma chère maman m'a parqué toute ma jeunesse on m'a appris qu'il y a le bien absolu et le mal absolu.
One day you'll conclude that your life was like any other... with moments both good and bad.
Un jour tu reconnaîtras, que tu as vécu ta vie comme les autres, avec des moments claires et sombres.
My life here was good.
Je vivais bien ici.
It was filled with all the essences, both good and evil... of life itself.
Il était rempli de toutes les essences, à la fois bon et Evii... de la vie elle-même.
The persecution of gays and lesbians, and those who lived the good life in Havana was persecution of dissidents.
La chasse aux homosexuels des deux sexes, à tous ceux qui faisaient la dolce vita à La Havane, est une chasse aux dissidents.
There comes a time in every soldier's life when he must stand or fall alone.'it wouldn't do no good to tell you how it was. You had to be there.
Je ne peux pas vous expliquer.
Our daughter, Claudia, was born. And I, little by little, I must confess, started to get used to that comfortable life, to the pleasure of getting up late, of dressing good clothes, of being served.
Notre fille Claudia naquit et, à dire vrai, petit à petit je commençais à m'habituer au confort de cette vie.
I never said he was the great love of my life. He's got his good points, though.
J'ai jamais dit qu'il était l'amour de ma vie.
In my former life I was evil so I must do good in this life
Je paye dans cette vie les crimes de ma vie antérieure. Je le mérite.
[Laughing] I always knew a morning jog was supposed to be good for me, but, uh... i never dreamed it would change my entire life.
Je savais qu'un jogging me ferait du bien, mais je n'aurais jamais cru qu'il changerait ma vie.
All we knew about Havana was the lights in the Prado never went out and you had a damned good chance of having the time of your life.
Tout ce qu'on savait de La Havane était que les lumières du Prado ne s'éteignent jamais, et qu'on avait une bonne chance de passer la meilleure soirée de sa vie.
But it could not find a good excuse. They turned to Ruan Ling-yu who was notorious for her private life. They said Ruan was unsuitable to play the role of a new woman.
Comme il leur était difficile d'attaquer le film de front, ils ont pris Ruan pour cible, prétendant que sa vie privée était scabreuse, qu'elle n'était pas qualifiée pour ce rôle.
He was a crazy, good-natured, desperate asshole... with a life expectancy of about a half an hour.
C'est un fou aimable, prêt à tout, même à mourir dans la demi-heure.
- Yeah, it was good. It was really good. It's like you're leading a double life :
And the rocket s red glare
But I knew if I was gonna be a good writer, I'd have to ignore the clichés and look at life through my own eyes.
Mais je savais que pour être un bon écrivain, je devais éviter les clichés et avoir mon propre regard sur la vie.
But, by this good day I yield upon great persuasion and partly to save your life, for I was told you were in a consumption.
Mais, par la lumière du jour, je cède à la persuasion, au désir de vous sauver la vie, car vous mourez, dit-on, de consomption.
He had friends, life was good
Il l'a rencontrée, elle a écarté les jambes et pour une minute de plaisir, il a foutu sa vie en l'air.
From the day he left his cradle I undertook to show him all that was good in life
Dès sa sortie du berceau, j'entrepris de lui enseigner les bonnes choses
Now I had discovered my purpose in life- - That my power was indeed a force of good, Which could be used for the betterment of all mankind.
mon pouvoir était une force du bien qui pouvait être utilisée pour le bien-être de l'humanité.
But before any of this, was there anything good in your life?
Mais avant tout ca... n'y a-t-il rien eu de bien dans ta vie?
Mattie had a hard life, but he was a good boy.
Mattie a eu la vie dure, mais c'était un brave garçon.
A good man once told me that life goes by... faster than summer vacation, and he was right, and one day you'll be old enough to understand that.
Un jour, un ami m'a dit que la vie filait plus vite que les vacances. Il avait raison. Un jour, tu seras assez grand pour le comprendre.
the school was incredibly good it made us intellectually aware it gave us a choice and taught us life is more than just practicalities such as eating sleeping and having a roof over one's head that there is also another kind of food
L'école était excellente. Elle nous épanouissait intellectuellement. On nous donnait le choix et on nous apprenait que la vie était plus que des détails pratiques tels que se nourrir, dormir et avoir un toit au-dessus de la tête.
Samson was gentle, good, thoughtful and unsure, as all men are, of the purpose of his life.
Samson était doux, bon, prévenant, et incertain, comme tous les hommes, du but de sa vie.
was good 23
good 48980
good night 12775
good morning 12476
goodbye 8643
goodnight 1676
good luck 6133
good evening 5411
goody 261
goodness 671
good 48980
good night 12775
good morning 12476
goodbye 8643
goodnight 1676
good luck 6133
good evening 5411
goody 261
goodness 671
good morning to you 106
goodspeed 27
goodweather 34
good job 2434
goodie 48
goodwin 111
good boy 1464
good luck tomorrow 38
good morning to you too 27
good afternoon 2327
goodspeed 27
goodweather 34
good job 2434
goodie 48
goodwin 111
good boy 1464
good luck tomorrow 38
good morning to you too 27
good afternoon 2327
good to see you 2547
good for you 2168
good to hear from you 16
good to know 481
good girl 941
good work 1533
good call 326
good day 1886
good one 705
good luck to you all 17
good for you 2168
good to hear from you 16
good to know 481
good girl 941
good work 1533
good call 326
good day 1886
good one 705
good luck to you all 17