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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ L ] / Look at us now

Look at us now tradutor Francês

192 parallel translation
We joined the Army but look at us now
Mais regardez où ça nous a mené
Ah, just look at us now.
Et on a belle allure, hein?
And look at us now.
Et regarde-nous.
Look at us now. Charging from victory to victory in the hearts of men.
Mais regardez-nous aujourd'hui, accumulant les victoires dans le cour des hommes.
Look at us now, busted up and everyone talking about hard rain.
Nous sommes esquintés, obsédés par la Pluie de Feu...
Look at us now, so pitiful
Regardez-nous, maintenant.
Look at how you look at us now.
Regardez comme vous nous regardez, maintenant.
Look at us now, under God.
Regarde-nous maintenant.
You should pick a sunny day, pal Look at us now
Tu aurais pu choisir une journée ensoleillée pour t'évader.
- Look at us now.
- Et regarde-nous!
I mean, look at us now.
Regarde-nous en ce moment.
Because, look at us now, you fuck!
Vois où on en est, fumier!
Look at us now,
Regarde-nous maintenant.
Well, just look at us now.
Et regarde ce qui nous arrive!
Imagine. My people were once little more than apes. And look at us now.
Imaginez, Odo, mon peuple n'était autrefois que des singes, et regardez-nous aujourd'hui.
Look at us now.
Look at us now.
Mais regarde-nous.
- So did you and look at us now.
Toi aussi avant et finalement...
And look at us now. You've made it for all of us.
a.va.it pris la. pla.ce de sa. soif de célébrité.
Our husbands swore they'd be with us forever and look at us now.
Nos maris ont juré de rester avec nous pour toujours... et regarde-nous.
Twenty-five years ago, the people we knew weren't any better off than us and look at them now.
Les gens que nous connaissions il y a 25 ans n'étaient pas mieux que nous, et regarde-les aujourd'hui.
Or do you think we're not respectable enough to suit you... Now that you really look at us.
On n'est pas assez bien pour toi, vus de près?
Look at them. All brave and sassy now that they licked us.
Ils font les farauds maintenant qu'on a capitulé!
Now, let us look for a moment at how Mr. Gallagher constructed his story.
Voyons comment M. Gallagher a construit son histoire.
Yes, but look at us right now.
Oui, mais regarde-nous.
Now, even a superficial look at the compound shows us that huts 104 and 5 are closest to the woods.
Il est facile de voir que la 104 et la 105 sont les plus proches des bois.
Look at us. We're all like this now.
Maintenant, nous sommes tous comme ça.
Don "t look now, but he" s over there looking at us!
Ne regarde pas tout de suite, mais il est là, il nous regarde!
Cliffie, don't look now, but there are two chicks at the end of the bar staring at us.
Ne regarde pas tout de suite, Cliff, mais deux nanas nous matent.
Now, look at us.
Maintenant. Regarde-nous.
Now look at us.
Regardez maintenant.
- Before we inspect the script, let us have a look at stance. - Now, I've got this...
Voilà, j'ai ce...
Now that you look at us without fear.
Maintenant que vous nous regardez sans crainte.
I look at the distance between us now and keep coming to the same conclusion.
Je vois là la distance entre nous, et j'en arrive à la même conclusion.
Look where it got us. I realize something now. We shouldn't go to India at all.
Au lieu d'aller en Inde, on aurait dû passer 6 mois au lit!
Regarde-nous maintenant.
Now who is it you want us to look at?
Qui souhaitez-vous faire examiner?
Now, take a look at some of these goodies you brought us, okay?
- Maintenant, jetons un coup d'oeil, à tous ces cadeaux que vous nous avez amenés, ok?
Now, look at us.
Look at us right now.
Now look at us. I'm free and you're a prisoner of your own battered body.
Maintenant, me voilà libre et vous, prisonnier de votre propre corps.
Now look at us, we're worried about going in a prison.
Et regarde-nous maintenant, on a peur d'aller en prison.
And now, let us have a look at the garden.
Et maintenant, allons voir le jardin.
I swear, if Mom were still alive, she would have her own cooking show on the Food Network by now, and look at us.
Si maman était vivante, elle aurait sa chronique culinaire dans un magazine. Et regarde-nous!
Yeah. Now look at us.
Et regarde-nous maintenant.
Now for our first club activity! We're s'posed to reach into this little dish and pull out a word! We look at the word and think about what that word means to us!
Nous allons prendre cette corbeille, tirer un papier au sort, lire le mot dessus et dire ce qu'il signifie pour nous.
Now, son, as men, it's only natural for us to look at naked girls.
C'est naturel pour un homme de mater les filles nues.
Look at us right now, not kissing!
Nous, là, on s'embrasse pas!
Now please, come with us back to the station and just take a look at this guy.
S'il vous plaît, venez au poste avec nous voir ce type.
Let us now look at the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.
Regardons maintenant la bande d'astéroïdes s'étirant de Mars à Jupiter.
Now, let us look at malum prohibitum a little more closely.
Etudions le malum prohibitum de plus près.

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