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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ S ] / Say what

Say what tradutor Francês

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Say what you mean.
Dites ce que vous pensez.
And say what?
Pour dire quoi?
Say what you want, the kid's got balls.
Ce petit a des couilles.
- You know what? Just let me say what I was gonna- -
Laisse-moi parler...
You do what I tell you to do, say what I tell you to say, and we will triumph!
Fais ce que je te dis, dis ce que je te demande, et nous triompherons!
- What'd you say?
- Tu disais quoi?
Sorry, what did you say?
Pardon, qu'avez-vous dit?
If that was a car, what would you say that was?
Qu'auriez-vous dit si c'était une voiture?
- What did they say?
- Qu'ont-ils dit?
That sounds good, but that's exactly what Renard would say.
Ça sonne bien, Mais c'est exactement ce que disait Renard.
- What did he say?
- Qu'a-t-il dit?
What do you say you and me take a walk?
Et si on sortait se promener?
So what did she say?
Et qu'est-ce qu'elle a dit?
Okay, so what did your Russian friend say?
Okay, donc qu'a dit ton ami russe?
I'm afraid to even say it, but what if Zerstoerer really is unstoppable?
J'ai peur même de le dire. mais si le Zerstoerer est vraiment indestructible?
What I say is that you will find me the names of these Methodists.
Je dis que vous me trouverez les noms de ces méthodistes.
Well, first... we want more of a say in what jobs we do.
Premièrement... on veut avoir notre mot à dire sur les coups qu'on fait.
And what did she say when you told her about Cath?
- Qu'a-t-elle dit, à propos de Cath?
If he asks what you're doing on Friday, say you have family in town.
S'il demande vos plans pour vendredi, vous voyez de la famille.
When Charlotte asks what it was like, what will you say?
Quand Charlotte demandera comment c'était, que diras-tu?
What will happen if I say no?
Que se passera-t-il si je dis non?
He'll do what I say.
Il m'obéira.
What should I say?
Que dire?
What does that say about character and fitness?
Où serait mon honorabilité?
I don't care what you were going to say to me, Louis, because all you care about is proving to me that you should be managing partner when everyone in the world knows that you shouldn't- - me, Robert Zane, even Donna.
Je m'en fous, car tout ce qui t'importe c'est de me prouver que tu devrais nous diriger quand le monde pense le contraire...
I... I don't know what to say.
Je... ne sais quoi dire.
Um... What is the secret to a happy marriage, would you say?
Quel est le secret d'un mariage réussi, d'après vous?
You're the only person I can count on to do what I say.
Tu es le seul qui feras ce que je dis.
So what do you say, Arsenio? You wanna get happy together?
T'en dis quoi, Arsenio, ça te dit d'être heureux avec moi?
♪ Afraid of what others might say ♪
Craignant la réaction des gens
What do you say?
What'd he say?
Il a dit quoi?
- What'd who say?
Qui donc?
I don't even know what to say right now.
Les mots me manquent.
I wanna strangle you. - Don't say "your voice" again. - What are you...
Je vais t'étrangler si tu dis encore "ta voix".
What do you say, champ?
Alors, champion?
And I have no right to say to you what I'm gonna say, but I'm gonna do it anyway.
J'ai aucun droit de te dire ça, mais je vais le faire quand même.
What I'm trying to say is this Eric Lamonsoff guy is wrong for you.
En bref, Eric Lamonsoff n'est pas fait pour toi.
What do you say, kid?
Qu'est-ce que t'en dis?
What? What'd you say?
T'as dit quoi?
What age would be appropriate to say "fuck me in the dick"?
Il faut avoir quel âge pour dire "putain de merde"?
- What do you mean, say it?
- Il ne l'a pas précisé.
Okay. Look what BethLovesYarn has to say.
Écoute un peu ce que BethLovesYarn a à dire.
So, what do you say?
Qu'est-ce que tu en dis?
That is what the rules say.
C'est dans le règlement.
That is what you always say.
Vous dites toujours cela.
I don't know what else to say...
Je sais pas quoi dire d'autre.
So when it comes time to give... what do we say?
Au moment de donner... Qu'est-ce qu'on dira?
- Supposed to say what?
Tu devais pas dire quoi?
What are you gonna say?
Lui dire quoi?
Davina... Davina, the girl who was like a daughter to me, was lost forever, and the only thing that you could say was "they did what they needed to do"?
Davina... qui était comme une fille pour moi, est partie à tout jamais, et la seule chose que tu as pu me dire a été qu'ils ont fait ce qu'ils avaient besoin de faire.

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