Take that tradutor Francês
51,399 parallel translation
I'm gonna take that as a yes.
Je vais prendre ça pour un oui.
I didn't take that football to start a war..
J'avais besoin d'un joueur pour commencer une guerre..
Take that cocaine, put it in our case and shut it.
Pose ton flingue, prends cette cocaïne, mets-la dans la mallette et ferme-la.
Take that dress off.
Enlève cette robe.
Take that fucking dress off now!
Enlève cette putain de robe maintenant!
It's a photo we always take that's like the movie Human Centipede. Where they're sewn together, mouth to anus, but it's with friends, - so it's special.
On se prend en photo comme dans The Human Centipede, où elles sont cousues bouche contre anus, mais entre amies, c'est sympa.
Take that beautiful robe off for a second.
- Tu ôtes ton joli peignoir.
But if I take that money, I won't need your help.
Je n'aurai pas besoin que tu m'aides.
I can't take that money.
Je ne peux pas prendre cet argent.
I can't take that money because you changed the password.
Tu as changé le mot de passe.
Take that, fucker.
Prends ça, connard.
I'm really sorry I didn't take that ride home with you from the hospital.
Je suis vraiment désolé de ne pas être rentré avec toi de l'hôpital.
Take that off her, the little- - the fake one,
La fausse couronne.
I take that back. Let's fuck on that desk right now.
- Baisons sur ce bureau.
Now, he has the right to take that tone.
Il a raison de lui parler comme ça.
"I need to take your drink, sir" or "I'm gonna have to take that drink, sir,"
"Je dois impérativement prendre votre verre."
They all ain't going to take that lightly. Good.
- Ils le prendront pas à la légère.
He'll take that shot... no joke, no boast, no half-measures.
Il va prendre ce coup... pas une blague, pas se vanter, pas de demi-mesures.
Did you guys take that Vocational Interests and Aptitude Test?
Vous avez passé le test d'aptitude et d'intérêts?
Now you take that medicine.
Prends ces médicaments.
That truck's got enough munition to take us all out.
Ils ont assez de munitions pour nous faire sauter.
- I'll take that.
Je le prends.
I have a man that will take you to Paris and you will stay there until this business is done.
Un de mes hommes va vous emmener à Paris et vous y resterez jusqu'à ce que les choses s'arrangent ici.
I think that the information that the major gave us Is gonna take us here.
je pense que l'information donné par le major va nous amener ici.
Well, you've never called me that before, but I'll take it.
Tu ne m'as jamais appelé comme ça avant, mais je prends.
You provide security for the people so that that democracy can take root.
On met la population en sécurité pour que la démocratie s'impose.
I don't mean to be rude, Mr. President, but it is imperative that you begin to take a leadership role here.
Je ne veux pas être impoli, Monsieur le Président, mais il est essentiel que vous assumiez votre rôle de leader.
- ♪ I like slam dunks that take me to the hoop ♪ - ♪ Yeah ♪
- ♪ J'aime les smash qui me mènent à l'arceau ♪ - ♪ Ouais ♪
Asking me questions that I can't give you answers to because I'm just trying to take care of you.
J'ai pas la réponse à tes questions. Je te protège, c'est tout!
No, I was gonna wrap that up and take it to go.
Je vais l'emporter.
- Peter, that's it. Just take a sip.
- Voilà, une gorgée.
But I can discuss that whole thing with Maddie. What I wanted to take up with you is...
Je pourrais en discuter avec Maddie, mais avec toi, c'est plus facile.
Take her out of school if you're that concerned.
Change-la d'école si tu es inquiète.
[Chuckles] Wow, that didn't take long.
Et bien, c'était rapide.
If I arrest you and take your cellphone, I won't find any evidence that he's contacted you in the last 24 hours?
Si je vous arrête, prend votre portable je ne trouverai pas une trace qu'il vous a contacté dans les derniers 24h?
Last year we had to walk 500 meters to go take a shower, and we were going to the bathroom in a hole that I dug in the ground.
L'an dernier, on devait marcher 500 mètres pour prendre une douche, et on utilisait pour toilettes un trou que j'avais creusé dans le sol.
They let me in so that I could have my 15 minutes as I waited for the bird that was going to take me back to Baghdad and I looked around to see the changes.
Ils m'ont laissé entrer et m'ont donné 15 minutes alors que j'attendais pour l'avion qui allait me ramener sur Bagdad. Je regardais autour de moi afin de voir les changements.
The Germans might take over our Embassy, and that would be a bad blow for Connolly's prestige over there.
Les Allemands pourraient prendre le contrôle de l'Ambassade, et la réputation de Connolly en serait ébranlée.
The point is that one second they're going To some kid's birthday party that i didn't know about, The next, you decided to take them to a show.
Ils allaient à un goûter, sans que je sois au courant, et maintenant, tu les emmènes autre part.
That could very well be, though it wasn't my take.
Possible, mais je ne crois pas.
So I take it that Ziggy's father isn't exactly a good guy.
J'en déduis que le père de Ziggy n'est pas très gentil.
Yeah, so I'm... I suppose I'm just worried that he's gonna take it as a rejection.
Alors... j'ai peur qu'il pense que je le rejette.
Lewin, there's no need to take notes on that part.
Lawin, c'est pas la peine de noter ça.
She might take a fancy to you, and that would not be good.
Elle pourrait s'enticher de vous, ce serait pas bien.
You should have Missy take care of that for you.
Missy devrait régler ça pour toi.
I'm your mother, and I'll take care of Barrett but with all these rumors flying around about you starting fights there's talk that you're un-insurable.
Je suis ta mère, et je prendrais soin de Barrett mais avec toutes ces rumeurs disant que tu t'es battu les gens disent que tu n'es pas assurable.
You told me that you take in people who need help.
Tu m'as dit que vous preniez des gens ayant besoin d'aide.
But before we do that, I'd like to take a moment and have you join me in... bowing our heads... And let your subconscious... take you somewhere else.
Mais avant cela, j'aimerais prendre un moment pour qu'on incline tous la tête... et que vous laissiez votre subconscient vous amener autre part.
So, what I'd like to do is go and kind of see the colleges and see the different like paths that I can take'cause I don't even know really what I want to do after porn.
Ce que j'aimerais, c'est aller voir les universités, voir quel chemin je pourrais suivre, car je ne sais pas ce que je vais faire après le porno.
People take people to that?
Les gens invitent quelqu'un?
I should go take care of that.
Je vais m'occuper de ça.
take that back 67
take that one 21
take that off 75
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
take that one 21
take that off 75
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's good to hear 161
that's awesome 830
that's cool 1334
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's good to hear 161
that's awesome 830
that's cool 1334