Tuesday morning tradutor Francês
197 parallel translation
" Tuesday morning. Paris wires...
" Mardi matin,
But stamp of Tuesday morning in heavy ink.
Mais tampon mardi avec encre noire.
"Here we go gathering nuts in May Early on Tuesday morning"
" Des noix en mai, tôt le mardi matin
He would call Tuesday morning at nine o'clock.
Il passerait mardi matin à 9 heures.
As I watched Joe that Tuesday morning grotesquely in a new suit, let me confess that if I could have kept him away by paying money, I certainly would have paid money.
Ce mardi-là, en voyant Joe... grotesque dans son habit neuf, j'avoue que si j'avais pu payer pour le tenir éloigné, je l'aurais sûrement fait.
But look, Billy. This happened early Tuesday morning.
Mais, Billy, c'est arrivé mardi matin, très tôt.
Three days later at 10 : 15 on a Tuesday morning...
" "Académie d'Echecs et de Dames" " Trois jours plus tard à 10 heures 15 un mardi matin...
Where were you last Tuesday morning at 8 : 00?
Où t'étais, mardi à 8 h?
We can start early on Tuesday morning and we'll make the Mexican border in three days, and that'll be the end of all those mysterious agents following us around.
Nous serons au Mexique en trois jours. Adieu voitures mystérieuses!
- On Tuesday morning?
- Un mardi matin?
We'll go downtown together Tuesday morning, when the banks open, and I'll make arrangements.
Nous irons à la banque mardi matin à l'ouverture et je ferai des arrangements.
On Tuesday morning, you have skied.
Mardi matin, vous avez skié.
If I don't get out before, we'll meet at my place on Tuesday morning.
Si je ne suis pas sorti avant, rendez-vous chez moi le mardi matin.
How do we get out of here Tuesday morning?
Comment allons-nous sortir d'ici mardi matin?
Two, a report to be issued Tuesday morning by the director of manned space flight Emphasizing the high degree of safety and success in the program thus far
Secundo, mardi sera publié un communiqué officiel soulignant la sécurité et les réussites à ce jour assurées
Do you remember... whether or not a Sharon Martin... on Tuesday morning, that's the day before yesterday... made an appointment with anybody over there?
Vous rappelez-vous si une certaine Sharon Martin, mardi matin, c'est-à-dire avant-hier, a pris rendez-vous avec quelqu'un de chez vous?
With a chemist. 8 : 00 Tuesday morning.
Avec un chimiste. Mardi matin à huit heures.
Leave Tuesday morning open.
Garde ton mardi matin.
I finally left on the Tuesday morning, at about a quarter to two.
Je suis finalement parti le mardi matin, à deux heures moins le quart.
It was Tuesday morning, early, at about quarter to two.
Mardi matin, tôt, à environ deux heures moins le quart.
- Tuesday morning.
- Mardi matin.
Imagine sleeping till 10 on a Tuesday morning.
10 h. du matin, un mardi, t'imagines?
Have you examined the box carefully since last Tuesday morning?
Avez-vous examiné la cassette depuis mardi dernier?
Means we'll miss out Monday but come up smiling Tuesday morning.
Comme ça, on va zapper lundi mais on sera en forme mardi matin.
Early Tuesday morning, you're about the yard as usual, when you saw a horse on the moor.
Tôt mardi matin... vous étiez le premier debout, comme d'habitude, lorsque vous avez aperçu un cheval... sur la lande.
Cadogan West was the young man who was found dead on the underground on Tuesday morning.
Cadogan West est le jeune homme qui a été retrouvé mort dans le métro mardi matin.
Tuesday morning.
- Vers 6 heures, mardi matin.
Your Lincoln was involved in a homicide Tuesday morning.
Elle a servi dans la fusillade de mardi à 4 h 30 au Presidio.
I have an opening Tuesday morning.
J'ai une place mardi matin.
But come Tuesday morning, I'll be back.
Mais mardi matin, je remets ça.
Yeah, Tuesday morning I picked up two passengers in Memphis and flew them here.
La caution est fixée à $ 50 000 chacun.
So we'll just go back to our Tuesday morning sessions.
Nous reprendrons nos rendez-vous du mardi matin.
- Body was found on Tuesday morning.
- On a trouvé le corps mardi matin.
I can be in Indiana by 11 : 30 Tuesday morning.
Je peux être dans l'Indiana à 1 1 h 30 mardi matin.
"She was carried off by a seizure early on Tuesday morning".
"de la mort de ma tante, Mme Churchill " Elle a été emportée par une attaque
I am afraid I won't be able to make our Tuesday morning meetings anymore.
Il me faut mettre un terme à nos réunions du mardi matin.
Last Tuesday morning at 9 : 00 AM... I directed that our surveillance be stepped up.
Mardi dernier, à 9 h du matin, j'ai ordonné le renforcement de notre surveillance.
Ah, seriously... "Morning in Kyeongseong", from the first episode, wins Monday-Tuesday.
sérieusement... remporte la plus belle audience du lundi / mardi.
Woo hoo ~ "Morning in Kyeongseong", from the first episode, wins Monday-Tuesday.
dès le 1er épisode remporte la plus belle audience du lundi / mardi!
Look, next day it is last night we don't start and Tuesday evening is the morning we ain't coming.
Le prochain jour c'est le dernier où on ne commence pas, et mardi soir, on n'ira pas au matin.
I was here Monday morning, Tuesday afternoon and again Thursday morning.
Je suis venu lundi matin, mardi après-midi... - et encore jeudi matin.
But it's morning, so it's Tuesday - my day off!
Mais on est mardi, mon jour de repos!
Did it rain last Tuesday? Mister, I can't remember what happened this morning.
- Je sais même pas quel jour on est.
I gotta be home Tuesday morning.
- Je dois y être mardi.
We've booked on Tuesday morning.
On repart mardi matin,
One Tuesday morning in autumn at precisely half past eight,
Un mardi matin d'automne, à 8 heures 30 précises,
I called an open meeting of this institution this morning because the incident that occurred this Tuesday last describes an issue that concerns all of us.
J'ai réuni cette assemblée ce matin, car l'incident qui a eu lieu mardi dernier pose un problème qui nous concerne tous.
Look, Monday I was editing film until 2 : 00 in the morning... and then Tuesday you had the conference thing.
Lundi, j'ai monté un film jusqu'à 2 h du mat'. Mardi, tu avais une conférence.
On Tuesday, at 10 : 00 in the morning Moscow time the Russian parliament was suspended and martial law was declared. With the government in crisis, the Russian Republic was entering into what can only be described as a state of civil war.
Mardi, à 10 h, heure de Moscou, en remplaçant le parlement russe par la loi martiale, le gouvernement en crise a projeté la République Russe dans la guerre civile.
A guy could come by, say, Tuesday night, 3 : 00 in the morning, dump your trash in one of those 30-gallon plastic sacks, haul it down to an abandoned lot and bingo.
Disons... mardi, dans la nuit, vide la poubelle dans un grand sac plastique, qu'il traîne dans un coin abandonné. Gagné!
But what a glorious end to your final crossing... if we were to get into New York on Tuesday night and surprise them all. Make the morning papers.
Mais pour votre ultime traversée, être à New York mardi soir, créer la surprise et faire la une le matin...
morning 7553
morningstar 35
morning star 17
morning sickness 21
morning to you 18
tuesday 416
tuesdays 25
tuesday night 38
morningstar 35
morning star 17
morning sickness 21
morning to you 18
tuesday 416
tuesdays 25
tuesday night 38