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Walkies tradutor Francês

197 parallel translation
- Hope the walkie-talkies are working.
- Les talkies-walkies aussi?
- There. Walkies, walkies.
Va te promener.
Look, with these walky-talkies, we'll be in constant contact.
Avec ces talkies-walkies, on sera en contact permanent.
Want to go walkies?
On va promener?
helicopters, radios, police dogs.
Hélicoptères, talkies-walkies, chiens policiers.
And here's a two-way radio he can play with
Et nous avons aussi les talkies-walkies.
Uh, he wants to go walkies. Walkies? Yeah, he's right into it today.
M. Neutron a disparu.
Do you mind taking him for walkies? While carpenter took
Le général dit que vous êtes le seul à savoir où il peut être.
I've got to go walkies again.
M. Neutron, monsieur. Il a disparu.
Come on, you dogs, walkies.
Allez, les chiens, c'est l'heure de la promenade.
Walkie-talkie, two 35mm cameras.
Talkies-walkies, deux caméras 35mm.
Grab the walkie-talkies.
Attrapes les talkies-walkies.
Bill, if we could borrow a couple of walkie-talkies, I could assist from the monitor.
Bill, avec des talkies-walkies, je pourrais vous assister.
I should like to go walkies myself.
Je vais faire un tour.
Maybe even walky talkies.
Et peut-être des talkies-walkies.
Yeah, we could use the walky talkies.
Les talkies-walkies vont nous servir.
All right, fellas. Let's keep it down on the radio chatter.
Bon, les gars, on arrête les talkies-walkies.
Go on. Walkies.
- Ce qu'il est con, ce chien!
Just in case, fresh batteries for your walkie-talkies.
des piles pour tes walkies-talkies.
They're Krusty the Klown walkie-talkies!
Des talkies-walkies de Krusty le Clown.
And you think that just'cause you got that badge... and all your tough cop friends walking around... and your cute little walkie-talkie... that you can talk to folks any old way you want to do it.
Parce que vous avez cet insigne et tous vos copains flics, et vos jolis talkies-walkies, vous croyez que vous pouvez me parler sur ce ton.
Fantastic for walkies.
Idéal pour les promenades!
Walkies, 10 minutes, 20 minutes.
Promenade 10 minutes...
Nice walkies, hmm?
Bonne promenade?
I got the badge, you got the walkie-talkies.
J'ai eu le badge, toi les talkies-walkies.
Walkies ready, batteries charged?
Les batteries des talkies sont chargées?
GRACE : The phone lines are down. Walkie-talkies are known to go dead.
Les lignes ont fondu et plus de talkies-walkies.
Why the hell didn't you guys use your walkie-talkies?
Pourquoi vous n'avez pas utilisés vos talkie-walkies?
Joe, issue hand-held radios to all the crew. And, please, somebody find the captain!
Distribuez des talkies-walkies, et trouvez le capitaine!
It's kinda cool. Remember, we had that thing we did
Tu te souviens, avec nos talkies-walkies?
With your walkies and everything.
Avec vos talkies-walkies et tout ça.
'Cause we got walkie-talkies.
Parce qu'on a des talkies-walkies.
These. Walkie talkies.
Des talkies-walkies.
Break out the shotguns, the flashlight and the walkies.
Baker. Fusils à pompe, lampes et radios.
Fucking kick me in the fucking balls? We had, like, these bodyguards... With walkie-talkies, and that...
On avait des gardes du corps avec talkies-walkies
They were talking on walkie-talkies.
Ils communiquaient par talkies-walkies.
We have to call Kate on the walkie-talkies, okay?
Il faut appeler Kate sur les talkies-walkies.
Allez, toutous.
Must go walkies in the park one day... my dogs and yours.
Il faut qu'on aille au parc un jour. Avec mes chiens et le vôtre.
I mean, do we have some walkie-talkies or something?
On a des walkies-talkies?
No, they're dorks because at the reunion, they talked to each other on walkie-talkies.
Non, c'est parce que pendant la réunion, Ils se parlaient par talkies-walkies.
That's a fun place to use your walkie-talkies.
C'est un bon endroit pour utiliser leurs talkies-walkies.
and here's a baby monitor which, till the baby comes, we can use as walkie-talkies.
Et regarde ça : des contrôleurs, et en attendant le bébé, on peut jouer aux talkie-walkies.
- No more walkies, no more treats, no more following me around.
- Fini les balades, les gâteries, les promenades collé à mes basques.
They want all kinds of things, trucks, motorcycles, bikes, walkie-talkies, because if you buy something big, you're not just any old ranger, you're an important ranger, you gain the power to decide.
Là-bas, ils cherchent de tout camions, motocyclettes, bicyclettes, talkies-walkies, car si t'achètes un truc important, t'es pas un quelconque ranger, t'es un ranger important et t'assumes le pouvoir décisionnel.
Five pounds of Semtex gone walkies from a shipment in Newcastle.
5 livres de semtex ont disparu d'une cargaison à Newcastle.
All the E.T. effects have been digitally upgraded, all the guns have been digitally changed to walkie-talkies, and the word "terrorist" has been changed to "hippie."
Tous les effets spéciaux ont été améliorés, les armes changées en talkies-walkies et le mot terroriste remplacé par le mot hippie.
has been changed to "Persons with Political Differences." And all the guns have been replaced by walkie-talkies.
Où nazi a été remplacé par politiquement différent et les armes par des talkies-walkies.
The most brilliant agent the c.i.a. ever had for walkies
- Que dit-il?
Lawrence, we're going walkies.
On va se promener.

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