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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ W ] / We stay together

We stay together tradutor Francês

698 parallel translation
I suggest we stay together on this island.
Nous ferions mieux de ne pas nous séparer.
No, no. We stay together.
Non, on doit rester ensemble.
- Not give in, but I believe... that if we stay together... we can go back in and demand...
Céder... Il est tant de bouger. Tant que nous sommes unis.
- But if we stay together, why would you want to?
- Pourquoi tu voudrais qu'on reste?
We stay together.
On reste ensemble.
Quinn, Quinn, come on. Guys, come on, we should stay together, yeah? We're a team now.
quinn, quinn, allez enfin les gars on doit rester ensemble on est une équipe maintenant, comme une bande de frères rick, rick... tout va aller bien tout va aller bien
Woods, let's not do it, yeah? You and me, we'll stay together, yeah?
woods, on les écoute pas toi et moi, on reste ensemble, ok?
We'll sail together... or stay together.
Nous naviguerons ensemble, et nous resterons ensemble.
It isn't often that two people can say that to each other... but it's true of us. We'd be wretched all our lives if we didn't stay together now.
C'est si rare que deux personnes puissent se dire cela.
- Of course we'll stay together.
- Bien sûr, nous restons ensemble.
We'll stay together from now on. Us four.
Nous restons ensemble, tous les quatre.
We will stay together now. You and me.
Ne nous quittons plus, toi et moi!
We will now stay together forever.
Plus jamais!
We stay together.
Elle a du caractère.
We're gonna stay together forever, right?
On est ensemble pour la vie. Pas vrai?
Stay then and we'll make a fight for it and hand together from the same tree, you and I.
Restez alors et nous nous battrons, et nous serons pendus tous deux au même arbre.
We must stay together.
On doit rester ensemble.
- What do you think? - I think we should stay very close together.
Je pense qu'on ne devrait pas se quitter d'une semelle.
Like that, we could stay together.
Comme ça, on resterait ensemble.
Stay with me tonight, after chapel, and we will pray together.
Restez avec moi ce soir, nous prierons ensemble.
Didn't we stay long enough together?
Nous n'avons pas eu le temps d'être ensemble!
Stay here in Madrid so we can be together often.
Restez ici à Madrid, ainsi nous pourrons souvent nous voir.
We must stay together, milady. May I offer you my protection? Allow me to escort you to your chamber.
Puis-je vous offrir ma protection jusqu'à votre chambre?
Professor, so it was like I was saying we'll just stay together until we reach the San Juan River.
Professeur, on fait comme j'ai dit. On reste ensemble jusqu'à la vallée.
I was the third wheel over there and instead we can stay here together
je tenais la chandelle, au lieu de rester avec toi!
Okay, we'll stay together.
Dans ce cas, on restera ensemble.
Let us stay apart, the people ofyour world and ours... For if we come together, there will only be destruction.
Restons à distance l'un de l'autre, ton peuple et le nôtre... car si nous nous rapprochons il n'y aura que destruction.
We'll always stay together.
Rien que toi et moi!
As long as you won't get tired, we'll stay together.
Tant que tu ne te lasseras pas, nous resterons ensemble.
No, we shall stay together forever.
Non. Nous allons rester ensemble — pour toujours.
We must stay together.
Il faut se serrer les coudes.
We'll stay together.
On va rester ensemble.
You've always said that we'll stay together.
Tu as toujours dit que nous resterions ensemble.
Do you really think we'll stay here together all my life?
Tu crois qu'on va rester ensemble ici toute ma vie?
We can't stay together.
On ne peut pas rester ensemble.
We'd better stay together.
Il vaut mieux rester ensemble.
We risked death together, we'll stay friends back at the village.
Unis à la vie à la mort, on restera amis même si on rentre chez nous.
If you please, ma'am. My friend has been put into that boat. We want to stay together.
- Je voudrais être avec mon amie.
We'll stay together too.
Restons ensemble.
We're supposed to stay together.
On est censés rester ensemble.
We can't stay here together. You can't stay in Texas, being wanted by the authorities.
Mais on ne peut pas rester ici, pas au Texas où tu es recherchée.
We'lI always stay together...
Oui, on restera toujours ensemble, tous les deux.
Then you see how important it is that we all stay together.
Vous comprenez comme il est important que nous restions ensemble.
You stay here a day or two to rest up then we return to Paris together.
Tu restes ici un jour ou deux pour te reposer Et on rentre à Paris ensemble.
If you want us to stay together, we'll stay together.
Si tu veux, on reste ensemble.
We'll stay together forever.
On restera ensemble pour toujours.
But stay with me and we'll live together as good friends.
Mais reste auprès de moi. Vivons en amis.
We'll stay here together. Live here, be beachcombers like Fletcher Christian and that native girl.
Nous resterons ici, tous les deux.
We might as well stay together.
Nous pourrions aussi rester ensemble.
We can stay together now, right, Dad?
On restera toujours ensemble, n'est-ce pas, papa?
We stay here together
Restons ensemble.

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