Who's there tradutor Francês
13,953 parallel translation
And there's nobody better than Juliette at lashing out at the people who care about her.
Et il n'y a personne de meilleur que Juliette pour faire déguerpir les gens qui se soucient d'elle.
And there's this other girl I met at my friend Zach's birthday party who writes for The New York Times.
Sinon, il y a une fille rencontrée à l'anniversaire de Zach, qui bosse au New York Times.
Who's there? !
Qui est là?
There's no shortage of people who want to help you.
Il y aura toujours des gens qui voudront t'aider.
Who's there?
Qui est-là?
But there's someone who does.
Mais il ya quelqu'un qui le fait.
And if you want to know who's been undermining you out there at that podium, I think we've just figured that out, as well.
Et si vous voulez savoir qui vous a sapé sur ce podium, je pense qu'on vient de le découvrir.
I mean, you're not that old, and who knows where your life's gonna go, and, you know, sometimes God just wants to get in there and fuck things up, right?
Je veux dire, tu n'es pas aussi vieux, Et qui sait quelle direction ta vie va prendre, et, tu sais, quelques fois dieu veut simplement entrer Et baiser les choses, n'est-ce pas?
There's only one person who can help you.
Il y a seulement une personne qui peut vous aider.
Who's there?
C'est qui?
Who's that fat guy over there?
C'est qui le gros type avec sa bande, là-bas?
Who's there?
Qui est là?
Oh, oh, who's there?
Qui est là?
There's this woman who used to work for us.
Il y a cette femme qui travaillait pour nous.
Do you know what I have, out here in the Dry Lands, where there's nobody who matters?
Savez-vous ce que j'ai, là-dehors, dans les Pays Secs, où il n'y a personne qui importe?
There's 7.3 billion people out there who will never get that piece of metal because they didn't save a bunch of girls from sex slavery.
Il y a 7,3 milliards de personnes dehors qui n'auront jamais ce bout de métal parce qu'ils n'ont pas sauvé un tas de filles de l'esclavage sexuel.
Good news, there's a guy down in the Everglades who can.
Bonne nouvelle, il y a un mec dans les Everglades qui peut.
Who's in there?
Y'a qui?
Mm-hmm, and who's gonna be there?
Et qui sera là?
There's no one else. Who else would there be?
Qui ça pourrait être?
That's'cause There's a lot of shows that I... mostly the adult females who do the hunting. Yeah.
There's a promoter who buried his best fighter's drug test and then extorted a shitty deal from him.
Il y a un promoteur qui a enterré le test d'un de ses meilleurs combattant et il l'a sauvé d'une putain d'affaire.
Well, there's got to be some rock stars who live past 27.
Il doit bien y en avoir qui vivent plus que 27 ans.
Who's there?
Qui voilà?
And we both know there's nothing more dangerous than a Welshman who has nothing to lose.
Et nous savons tous les deux qu'il n'y a rien de plus dangereux qu'un Gallois qui n'a rien à perdre.
It means a lot to know that there are people in this business who are looking out for you.
Ça signifie beaucoup de savoir qu'il y a des gens dans ce milieu qui s'occupe de vous.
There's someone in particular who's really worried about you.
Il ya quelqu'un en particulier qui est vraiment inquiet pour toi.
There's one person here who can make them believe.
Il y a une personne ici qui peut les mettre en confiance.
And there's only one person I know who had access.
Et je connais une seule personne y ayant accès.
You know, who works to make sure that there's a city worth saving?
Qui travaille pour qu'il reste une ville qui vaille la peine d'être sauvée?
Who's there to make Star City a place that my daughter wants to call home?
Qui fait de Star City un endroit que ma fille puisse appeler sa maison?
Who, there's none better.
- Qui, il n'y a pas mieux.
The artist who died in the night, there's something that's not right.
L'artiste qui est mort cette nuit, il y a quelque chose qui ne va pas.
There's a man inside Ma'an who's fighting the Caliphate, and his name's Khalil.
Il y a un homme à Ma'an qui combat le califat, il s'appelle Khalil.
There's a man inside Ma'an who's fighting the Caliphate, and I'm giving him my money.
Il y a un homme à Ma'an. qui se bat contre le Califat. et je vais lui donner mon argent.
There's someone here who'd like to say hello.
Il y a quelqu'un ici qui aimerait dire bonjour.
There's no one in our precinct who knows what happened to her.
Personne dans notre poste ne qui sait ce qui lui est arrivé.
There's a class of people who simply refuse to be team players, who want what they want, all else be damned.
Certaines personnes veulent se la jouer solo, qui n'en font qu'à leur tête, qui se foutent des autres.
Uh, do you know if there's a Dr. Michael Foster who still sees patients here?
Savez-vous s'il y a un docteur Michael Foster qui voit encore ses patients ici?
They won't know who's looking at them, so there's no need to be nervous.
Ils ne sauront pas qui les regarde, donc vous n'avez pas à être nerveuse.
- Who's in there?
- Qui est là?
- Who's there? !
- Qui est là?
Who's in there?
Qui est là?
It said there was only one person who could destroy the Dark One, named Nimue.
Qui dit que la seule personne capable de détruire le Ténébreux s'appelle Nimue.
There's one person who could not be here today to see you crowned.
Il y a quelqu'un qui ne pouvait pas venir pour voir ton couronnement.
He admitted that it was you who deliberately put Harvey's salary out there for all the world to see.
Il m'a dit que c'était toi qui a dévoilé le salaire d'Harvey à tout le monde.
No, there's nothing in here that might explain why the Shard's so important or who else might be involved.
Il n'y a rien ici qui puisse expliquer pourquoi le Fragment est si important ou qui d'autre pourrait être concerné.
Nevins sent the who's who of bad guys after her, and there's no telling who's still out there. All right?
Nevins a envoyé le gratin des sales types après elle, et on ne sait pas exactement qui est encore dans le coin.
There's a witch in the ninth ward who hates that I'm regent.
Il y a une sorcière uu quartier 9 qui déteste que je sois régente.
There's a very short list of people who've tried to take hope away from me, and you're the only one left breathing.
Il y a quelques personnes qui ont essayé de m'éloigner de Hope et tu es la seule encore vivante.
But there's a possibility we'll never know who did it.
Mais il y a une possibilité que nous ne sachions jamais qui a fait ça.
therese 78
there 14012
theresa 292
there you go 7508
therefore 1419
there you are 4720
there's always hope 39
there we go 2292
there aren't any 65
there isn't 382
there 14012
theresa 292
there you go 7508
therefore 1419
there you are 4720
there's always hope 39
there we go 2292
there aren't any 65
there isn't 382
there you have it 213
there he is 3176
there's no time like the present 22
there is no such thing 30
there it is 2912
there aren't 60
there's no way 389
there's nothing to see here 35
there's nothing to it 48
there's nothing here 275
there he is 3176
there's no time like the present 22
there is no such thing 30
there it is 2912
there aren't 60
there's no way 389
there's nothing to see here 35
there's nothing to it 48
there's nothing here 275