Without knowing it tradutor Francês
739 parallel translation
I'm probably, without knowing it, less lonely than I have been in a long time because I'm interacting with people more often than I have in many years.
Je le suis probablement, sans le savoir, moins seul que j'ai été depuis longtemps par ce que je communique plus souvent avec les gens que j'ai dans beaucoup d'années.
I hurt you without knowing it.
Je t'ai fait mal sans le vouloir!
Maybe'cause you've always been part of Shangri-La without knowing it.
Peut-être parce que vous avez toujours appartenu à ce lieu, sans le savoir.
You did without knowing it.
Si, mais sans le savoir.
He shall transport it himself without knowing it, of course.
Il la transportera lui-même sans le savoir, bien sûr.
She'll die without knowing it.
Elle mourra sans même s'en apercevoir.
A man often reveals things without knowing it.
Un homme révèle souvent des choses sans le savoir.
I was waiting for you without knowing it.
Je t'attendais et je ne le savais pas.
You were on his side all the time without knowing it.
Tu as toujours été de son côté, sans le savoir.
Without rolph cisco knowing about it.
sans que Rolph Cisco le sache.
No child in this city must take a single step without us knowing it.
Dorénavant, aucun enfant ne doit faire un pas avant de nous en avertir.
As a matter of fact, it all comes down to this, a man would have to be very stupid to touch you without first knowing your heart.
À vrai dire, le tout peut se résumer ainsi : il faudrait être stupide pour vous toucher sans d'abord connaître votre cœur.
Or maybe you got mixed up with something without quite knowing what it was, huh?
Vous seriez-vous impliqué dans une affaire sans trop savoir où vous mettiez les pieds?
Well, no woman came in here without me knowing it.
Aucune femme n'est entrée à mon insu.
I suppose she hid the robot in your baggage without your knowing anything about it.
Je suppose qu'elle a caché le robot dans votre valise à votre insu.
To meet a woman one evening without knowing anything about her, and telling her : "my money, here it is, play it,"
Rencontrer une femme un soir. Ne rien savoir d'elle et lui dire : mon argent, le voilà, jouez-le!
You can be naturally brave without knowing it
Oui! Oh! C'est bien possible...
Helen, if you think you can hold down a job six days a week without Ken knowing it -
Si tu crois que tu peux travailler six jours par semaine... sans que Ken le sache -
Without my knowing anything about it... my rough guess would be that he has a fixation on you. A fixation...
Sans avoir étudié le cas, je puis dire que cet homme a une fixation.
I can never accept pardon from you without you knowing the truth and facing it.
Je ne pourrais accepter ton pardon sans te dire la vérité.
Without knowing anything about it, I'm on your side.
Sans rien savoir, je suis avec vous.
And I would find it less humiliating than if my wife frolics without my knowing.
Et je trouverais cela moins humiliant.. .. que si ma femme allait s'ébattre à mon insu.
There's always a chance, of course, that they'll change Mr. Kane. Without his knowing it.
Il y a toujours une chance qu'ils lui fassent changer les siennes, à son insu!
Finally they decided it's downright immoral for a guy to grow a foot without them knowing anything about it. So they go up to Hank's house. And they yell up that if Hank doesn't let them in, they're gonna set fire to the place.
Trouvant immoral de ne pas connaître la vérité, ils vont chez Hank et menacent d'incendier sa maison s'il n'ouvre pas.
Once I start, the words just seem to pour out without my knowing it.
Les mots jaillissent sans que je m'en rende compte.
He couldn't be living in town without my knowing it.
Il ne pourrait habiter en ville sans que je le sache.
You mean you want him to have the policy without him knowing it. And that means without the insurance company knowing that he doesn't know it.
Vous voulez l'assurer à son insu et sans que la compagnie sache qu'il ne le sait pas.
Without knowing what he was doing, Frere took it himself.
Frere l'a apportée sans s'en rendre compte.
Peralta was killed because the same thing happened to you again it was Ruth he really loved without even knowing she even existed.
La même histoire s'est reproduite, et Peralta est mort d'avoir aimé Ruth sans même savoir qu'elle existait.
The way you did it. Without him knowing.
Vous lui avez forcé la main.
Had I come these three minutes later that it took us to decide, or had you left earlier, then we'd have raced past one another without ever knowing it.
Si j'étais arrivé 3 minutes plus tard, ces 3 minutes qu'il nous a fallu, ou si tu étais partie plus tôt, nous nous croiserions à toute allure, sans le savoir.
You'll be burned, you'll be burning in the square, You'll die without knowing what it is to be kissed.
Tu vas mourir, tu vas mourir sur le bûcher, et tu mourras sans avoir jamais su ce que c'est qu'un baiser!
No way for a fellow to be elected president without his wife knowing about it, is there?
Impossible d'être élu président sans sa femme?
He wondered if he could be elected without a wife knowing about it.
Il voudrait être élu sans que sa femme le sache.
Without your knowing it.
Sans que vous vous en doutiez.
Sister, do you ken you've given me something, too, without your knowing it?
Mademoiselle, savez-vous que vous m'avez aussi donné quelque chose sans le savoir?
I never cut a throat without knowing whose it is or why I'm cutting it.
Je ne tue jamais quelqu'un sans savoir qui il est et pourquoi il doit mourir.
Been my understudy for a week without me knowing it.
J'ignorais qu'elle était ma doublure.
Will you go back and inform the lady that I cannot supply prussic acid, without knowing why it is required?
Dis-lui que je ne peux fournir d'acide prussique sans en connaître les motifs.
It's daytime already, we can't go on without knowing anything!
Maintenant il fait jour, il faut savoir où on va.
I guess I CAN see it without knowing you any longer.
Je peux le dire sans vous connaître :
Well, in that case... we'll have to withdraw without the Reds knowing about it.
Dans ce cas, nous devons nous replier sans qu'ils le sachent.
And it happened without my even suspecting it - without my knowing anything about it at all - until it was all over and she told me.
Et c'est arrivé sans que je ne le soupçonne - sans que je ren sache quoi que ce soit - jusqu'à ce que ce soit fini - et qu'elle ne me le dise.
Nothing can escape without your knowing. It's rock hard.
Rien de plus chez vous que chez un homme normal.
Then it would have been possible for somebody... to have tampered with the capsules without your knowing about it.
Il est donc possible que quelqu'un... ait manipulé les capsules sans que vous le sachiez.
It's a tiny beast you swallow without knowing.
- Une petite bête que tu avales sans t'en apercevoir.
It's much nicer to help a friend without him knowing it.
C'est bien plus beau d'aider un ami sans qu'iI Ie sache.
It has happened to me without my wanting almost without my knowing
C'est arrivé sans que je le veuille, presque sans que je le sache.
- It's difficult without knowing more...
- Il est difficile sans en savoir plus...
drinking secretly without the master knowing, what exactly does it mean? I want an explanation!
Boire en cachette de son maître, qu'est-ce que ça veut dire au juste?
Couldn't follow without him knowing it.
Il y a combien de temps?
without knowing 16
it's fine 7136
it is 11007
it's not fair 795
it's friday 105
it's done 1271
item 93
it's been so long 173
it's cold 680
it is good 116
it's fine 7136
it is 11007
it's not fair 795
it's friday 105
it's done 1271
item 93
it's been so long 173
it's cold 680
it is good 116
it's warm 139
it's over 4654
it's okay 22028
it's ok 4874
itis 22
itchy 49
italy 247
italian 217
it's me 10254
it was 5878
it's over 4654
it's okay 22028
it's ok 4874
itis 22
itchy 49
italy 247
italian 217
it's me 10254
it was 5878
itch 25
it's all right 8832
it's not 5855
itself 24
items 25
it's about damn time 34
it's a boy 347
it's cool 1584
it's me again 322
it's a girl 287
it's all right 8832
it's not 5855
itself 24
items 25
it's about damn time 34
it's a boy 347
it's cool 1584
it's me again 322
it's a girl 287