And bang tradutor Português
876 parallel translation
I get a bead on a pheasant, and bang! He shoots it down in front of me!
Já da outra vez, tinha o faisão na mira, e ele matou-o mesmo ali, junto ao meu posto.
The only safe way would be for all of you to drag out your cannons... and bang away at the same instant like a firing squad.
A única forma segura seria se todos pegassem nas armas... e fizessem como um pelotão de fuzilamento.
I'm packing, and bang, flat on my back with pneumonia.
Preparava-me para sair, mas tive uma pneumonia.
And just as you think you've solved them something comes along and bang!
E, quando você pensa que os resolveu... alguma coisa acontece e "bum"!
Once, I seen him take a nail as big as this... and bang it through a table with one blow of his fist.
Uma vez, pegou num prego deste tamanho e espetou-a no tampo da mesa só com um murro.
I quickly rolled out my cannon, pointed the barrel straight ahead, and bang!
Puxei do meu canhãozinho, fiz pontaria e - pumba!
At times I am so pent up with their languor I could grab of two of them and bang their noddles together till their doodles drop off.
Por vezes irrita-me tanto sua letargia, que era capaz de agarrar dois deles e golpeá-los cabeça com cabeça até que lhes caiam as orelhas.
Now, why doesn't somebody pull a. 45, and bang, settle it?
Não há ninguém que puxe de uma pistola. 45 e arrume o assunto? Não.
Can you not jump up and bang into people and embarrass us?
Podes não bater em toda gente, fazendo-nos passar vergonha?
But we can't take a chance on them tipping off his wife and having her bang in.
Mas não podemos correr o risco de irem dizer à mulher e ela vir para cá.
Porter, bring those bags, and don't bang them into my knees.
Carregador, traga essas malas, e não as atire contra os meus joelhos.
This one slides down the bannister, falls in the orchestra... and lands bang right on the big drum.
Esta desliza pelo corrimão, e cai na orquestra... e cai... bum! ... directamente no grande tambor.
I take a gun and shoot, bang!
Pego numa pistola, dou um tiro, pum.
Let's go and check that car you hired. bang! The state boys'll help you. If anybody in town squawks, why, you smooth things over.
Se alguém protestar, tenta suavizar as coisas.
All of a sudden you see the bright, shining faces... of these unwanted children, and you catch on fire. Next thing I know, you arrive here in a beat-up old jalopy... - you bang into my Cadillac -
Chega aqui num calhambeque, choca contra o meu Cadillac...
And bang!
E pimba!
Go ahead, bang your head on the bars and yell.
Bate com a cabeça nas barras e grita.
Bang and we're dead.
Um tiro e estamos mortos.
He just walked over and pulled out his gun and "bang."
Apenas se aproximou dele, puxou da arma e desatou aos tiros.
And she says : "when I find out, I'll let you know." Bang!
Ela diz, "quando souber, digo-te."
And if we fall, crash, bang And die a terrible death
E se cairmos, e de um modo terrível morremos
Maybe some day he'll bang his head on a bathroom door and bleed to death.
Talvez, um dia, bata com a cabeça na porta da casa de banho e se esvaia em sangue.
Even when I'd play solitaire in my room... she'd bang on the wall and make me feel guilty... for leaving her alone just that little bit.
Até quando jogava paciência no meu quarto... ela batia na parede para me fazer sentir culpada... por deixá-la um pouco sozinha.
And if necessary, bang, bang, bang!
Pum! E se necessário, pum, pum, pum!
Now, listen, if he comes around here and tries to bother you I'll just pull out my pistol and go, "Bang, bang!"
Se ele aparecer por aqui e tentar incomodar-te, eu saco da minha pistola e... "Bang, bang!"
And-a this one, you get a big bang out-a, Yetch.
É muito explosiva, Yetch.
And like the films, there's a smash-bang happy ending.
E tal como nos filmes, há um final feliz.
# # And in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, what we'll do
# # E Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, o que vamos fazer
# # And Chitty, in Chitty, pretty Chitty Bang Bang
# # E Chitty, em Chitty, bonito Chitty Bang Bang
# # And our pretty Chitty Bang Bang, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang loves us, too
# # E o nosso muito bonito Chitty Bang Bang, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang ama-nos também
# # And, Chitty, our Chitty, pretty Chitty Bang Bang
# # E, Chitty, nosso Chitty, muito bonito Chitty Bang Bang
# # And our pretty Chitty Bang Bang
# # E o nosso bonito Chitty Bang Bang
# # And, Chitty, in Chitty, pretty Chitty Bang Bang
# # E, Chitty, em Chitty, bonito Chitty Bang Bang
Never I believe in all my whole life... I would meet him, and he would go, "Bang, pardner!"
Nunca pensei, em toda a minha vida... que eu iria conhecê-lo e ele me diria, "Bang, parceiro"!
Well, I'd like to get a very early start and see if I can bang out a good day, you know?
Gostaria de começar bem cedo e ver se consigo um bom faturamento.
And the judge bang the gavel and say, "No bail"
E o juiz bate com o martelo E diz : "Não há caução"
His head hit the big drum with a bang and ever since he has amnesia.
"Num baile, um antigo polícia ajudou á captura de um perigoso malfeitor. Feriu o crânio e ficou amnésico." - Amnésico?
Suddenly, bang, his shoe went right through the seat... and all that stuff came tumbling out... diamonds, rubies, necklaces.
E tudo aquilo saiu. Diamantes! Rubis!
And bang, the bridge blows sky high.
E o major assim que o ouvisse disparava de uma argola ou algo parecido e... Boom! A ponte iria pelo ar.
So he held off. He said, "No, you must go later on and then be... " a big bang at the Fillmore. "
Por isso ele adiou, dizendo que devíamos ir mais tarde... e causar sensação em Fillmore.
- Yes. He kept striking it, bang, bang... with all that fat jumping up and down.
Pôs-se para lá a dar, pá, pumba, catrapumba... com aquelas banhas todas a pular.
Just after Ballcock and just before Bang.
Logo a seguir a Ballcock e mesmo antes de Bang.
If anybody is going to boot hill, it's you and your Bizz Bang.
- Não podes é suportar que quem se aproxima de mim grite :
So I close my eyes and I bang into people.
Portanto, fecho os olhos e vou contra as pessoas.
I had them, dead bang. And then I...
Apanhei-os em flagrante e...
We swim the moat to the petro dump and blow it up with a great big whump
Nadamos no fosso até ao combustível e rebentamos com um grande "bang!"
This work was difficult, routine, tedious but although they didn't yet know it Hubble and Humason were meticulously accumulating the evidence for the big bang.
Hubble e Humason estavam acumulando meticulosamente, as provas do Big Bang.
Humason and Hubble had discovered the big bang.
Humason e Hubble tinham descoberto o Big Bang.
They are skeptical about the expanding universe and the big bang.
Estão cépticos quanto à expansão do universo e ao Big Bang.
Its cycles run from our ordinary day and night to a day and night of Brahma 8.64 billion years long longer than the age of the Earth or the sun and about half the time since the big bang.
Os seus ciclos vão desde o nosso dia e noite normais, até ao dia e noite de Brama, com a duração de 8.64 mil milhões de anos, mais do que a idade da Terra ou do Sol, e cerca de metade do tempo decorrido desde o Big Bang.
The fires of the big bang cooled and red-shifted faintly echoing down the corridors of time.
Os fogos do Big Bang arrefecendo e desviando-se para o vermelho, ressoam débilmente pelos corredores do tempo.
bang 1504
banger 16
bangkok 35
bangs 21
bango 17
banging 119
bang bang 32
banging on door 49
bang on 19
bangs gavel 22
banger 16
bangkok 35
bangs 21
bango 17
banging 119
bang bang 32
banging on door 49
bang on 19
bangs gavel 22
bangity bang 19
and by 340
and by the way 907
and beyond 30
and better 23
and besides 937
and breathe 35
and by god 23
and beyond that 27
and before you know it 100
and by 340
and by the way 907
and beyond 30
and better 23
and besides 937
and breathe 35
and by god 23
and beyond that 27
and before you know it 100
and ben 22
and before you ask 32
and back 42
and before i forget 16
and before i knew it 33
and by that 52
and besides that 26
and blue 32
and boy 49
and before you say anything 16
and before you ask 32
and back 42
and before i forget 16
and before i knew it 33
and by that 52
and besides that 26
and blue 32
and boy 49
and before you say anything 16
and be careful 102
and by that time 20
and behold 28
and beautiful 58
and boys 16
and bye 17
and believe it or not 60
and by then 42
and believe me 430
and blah 27
and by that time 20
and behold 28
and beautiful 58
and boys 16
and bye 17
and believe it or not 60
and by then 42
and believe me 430
and blah 27