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But then i thought tradutor Português

662 parallel translation
But then I thought, perhaps it wasn't very wise.
Mas por outro lado eu pensei, talvez não fosse muito sábio.
First I felt kinda funny but then I thought,
De início, senti-me esquisita, mas, depois, pensei :
I raged last night, but then I thought, " He's higher than I am, better.
Fiquei enfurecido ontem. Mas pensei "ele é melhor, mais nobre que eu".
But then I thought it would look like I had taken her words seriously.
Mas pensei melhor. Não queria que ela julgasse que a tinha levado a sério.
" I would have invited you too, but then I thought :
"Gostava de levar-te comigo, mas pensei..."
But then I thought, "No, George would never take up arms against his beloved Southern friends."
Entretanto pensei : "Não, George nunca usaria armas contra os seus... ... queridos amigos do Sul".
You know, but then I thought if I can't help them all, then what if I just help one.
Mas, sabes, depois pensei se não posso ajudar todos, então e se eu ajudar apenas um.
Yeah, I put in a French peasant's outfit first, But then I thought, what if you arrive in in a French peasant's village and they're in the middle of a fancy dress party?
Sim, primeiro escolhi um fato de camponês francês, mas depois pensei, e se chega a uma aldeia de camponeses francesa e eles estão no meio de uma festa de fantasias?
I thought I saw someone... but then I thought it was a frigment of my imagination.
Eu pensei ter visto alguém... mas depois pensei ser um fragmento da minha imaginação.
I spotted him getting his mail. At first I was just gonna walk on by but then I thought, " No, no.
Vi-o a recolher o correio... e pensei em não falar, mas depois pensei : " Não, não.
When I first heard about the operation, I was against it. But then I thought, if Homer wants to be a woman, so be it.
Quando soube da operação, opus-me, mas depois pensei : "Se o Homer quer ser mulher, deixa-lo ser."
I came up here to my room for a handkerchief. But then I thought I would go and see the old man.
Subi até ao meu quarto porque precisava de um lenço limpo, mas depois decidi ir ver o velho.
Then my parent's air conditioning went on the fritz, so I figured with all... those kids in my house, the place would be like a sauna, so I'm all freaked out, but then I thought, like,
Depois o ar condicionado dos meus pais avariou e lembrei-me, com tanta... gente em minha casa, aquilo ia ser como uma sauna, passei-me da cabeça, mas depois lembrei-me, de,
You know, I was gonna kill you for all that crap you wrote about me but then I thought you might prefer an exciting career opportunity.
Sabes, ia matar-te pela trampa que escreveste sobre mim, mas depois pensei que preferirias uma carreira excitante.
You've thought it secretly for a long time. But I see that lots of nice people who aren't people who despise it and deplore it and protest their own innocence help it along, then wonder why it grows. No.
Há muito tempo que o pensas para ti.
But in our circumstance and course of thought'tis heavy with him. And am I then revenged to take him in the purging of his soul, when he is fit and seasoned for his passage?
Muito terá de pagar dadas as circunstâncias, e hei-de matá-lo quando a sua alma se purifica, quando prepara o seu caminho?
I'd even thought of taking that chance. But the minute they connect Hank's disappearance with Louis Bernard's murder, then the first thing they'll do is make me tell them what Louis Bernard whispered to me in the marketplace.
Ainda pensei em arriscar, mas assim que associarem o desaparecimento do Hank ao assassínio do Louis Bernard, a primeira coisa que farão é obrigar-me a dizer-lhes o que o Louis Bernard me disse no mercado.
Your Majesty, we're not officially open yet but I thought you'd like to see the exhibit, then review the children.
A nossa escola ainda não está aberta, mas pensei que quisesse visitar primeiro a exposição...
I could make the line fast, "he thought," but then he could break it.
"Eu poderia soltar a linha", ele | pensou, "mas ele poderia parti-la".
Buy one. I thought about it. But then, would I really go there?
Já pensei nisso, mas será que ia lá?
Well, I thought so too, but then something said "Go ashore, Michelle."
Eu também, mas algo me disse... " Vai a terra, Michelle.
Then I thought perhaps a villa in the south of France... ... but they are so difficult to gift-wrap.
Depois, pensei talvez numa vila no Sul de França mas são tão difíceis de embrulhar.
How you thought high school romances were goofy... and we started dating only because you thought I was cute and funny... but then you suddenly realized... you were in love with me, it was serious- -
Você dizia que namorar no colegial era babaquice... e saímos porque me achou bonitinha e engraçada... E de repente, percebeu... que estava apaixonado por mim, era sério...
I thought it was beautiful. But then, there you go.
Eu achei muito bonito.
This afternoon, I got a call from a woman and I thought it was a wrong number. But then she started screaming at me.
Esta tarde uma mulher telefonou e penso que era um número errado, mas começou logo a gritar.
I tried nursing for a while, but that wasn't quite what I wanted, so then I thought of missionary work.
Tentei a enfermagem por um tempo, mas não era bem o que queria, por isso, então pensei no trabalho missionário.
At first Mr. Holmes I thought he merely sought to protect his strong box, but then I suspected that it was his life he was protecting.
De início, pensei que ele apenas queria proteger o cofre, mas depois suspeitei que ele queria proteger era a vida.
I thought I'd come, but then I didn't.
Pensei que iria, mas depois não fui.
Then I thought, maybe on each one of these other worlds there's a kid like me. Only, he's shaped like a sponge or a pinball machine, or something. Whatever, but he's up there.
Mas depois pensei que em cada um desses mundos havia um miúdo como eu, mas com a forma de uma máquina de pinball...
I thought about that, but then Al and the kids would just hunt me down and drag me back.
- Já pensei nisso. Mas, depois, o Al e os miúdos iam á minha procura e traziam-me.
But when I arrived home with a nice piece of meat... to say nothing of dried eggs and ham... then she thought I was a fine fellow, and all was forgiven.
Mas quando entrei em casa com um belo pedaço de carne, para não falar nos ovos secos e no fiambre, achou que eu era uma óptima pessoa e tudo foi esquecido.
Then i thought it might be kate's mother, But the voice wasn't low enough.
Então pensei que seria a mãe da Kate, mas a voz não era suficientemente baixa.
Oh. I thought so too, but then I remembered what you said about her eyes.
Eu também pensei, mas logo lembrei o que disse sobre seus olhos.
Well, I thought so, but then I checked my unabridged Oxford English dictionary and I was unable to find the word "gak."
Pensei que sim, mas quando verifiquei o meu dicionário, não consegui encontrar a palavra "gak".
At first I thought you were the father. But then you said you didn't have any sperms. Then I thought it was Dick, but now you say your sperms are back.
Primeiro achei que fosses tu o pai mas então disseste que não tinha espermatozóides então pensei que era do Dick mas agora dizes que os teus espermatozóides estão de volta.
I thought you were telling them for us. I thought, "hey, give me a break." But then I figured you were doing it for yourself, and I thought that's O.K.
Eu pensei que você estava a contar para nós... sabe, coisa intragável... mas... depois vi que estava a contar para você mesmo... e por mim, tudo bem.
Then one day I found you. And it all changed, I thought. But, baby, nothing ever changes.
E, no dia em que te conheci, achei que tudo mudara, mas nada muda.
I thought I'd say hello first and then take the office, but we could do it the way you like.
Queria apresentar-me antes de ficar com o gabinete, mas podemos fazer como quiser.
At first I thought it was dislike but then I understood it was a deep secret fear.
Primeiro pensei que fosse aborrecimento, mas depois compreendi que era um medo profundo e secreto.
I kinda gave you a hard time back then,..... and I did some things that I thought were funny at the time,..... but now I realise they were just mean and stupid.
Fiz-te um bocado a vida negra, e fiz algumas coisas que na altura achei curtidas, mas agora percebo que foram más e estúpidas.
Then I thought to myself, "Perhaps I can go around the other way." But, no. It was attached on all sides.
Aí pensei em rodeá-la, mas não, fiquei todo preso e...
But until then, I don't plan on giving it much thought.
Até lá, não tenciono pensar muito nisso.
I thought he was overreacting but then I saw the way the two of you were acting on the Defiant.
Pensei que era exagero, mas depois vi a forma como vocês interagiam na Defiant.
That was my first thought but then I realized that a portable transporter is a rather large and bulky piece of equipment is a rather large and bulky piece of equipment to be carrying around the halls.
Foi o que pensei a principio. Depois percebi que um transportador portátil é grande e pesado para se trazer pelos corredores. - É verdade.
Oh, really? Okay,'cause I thought this was about getting the ball back, but if you just want to clear your name, then this will do it.
Mais um índio e um servente das obras e já podem formar uma banda.
Even then I knew his bloodthirsty nature... but I thought my heart could change him.
Mesmo assim eu sabia de sua natureza sanguinária. Mas achei que meu coração podia mudá-lo.
But in our circumstance and course of thought,'tis heavy with him, and am I then revenged, to take him in the purging of his soul when he is fit and seasord for his passage?
Muito terá de pagar dadas as circunstâncias, e hei-de matá-lo quando a sua alma se purifica, quando prepara o seu caminho?
I thought that George might change all that, but then this happened.
Pensei que o George fosse mudar isso, mas tal nunca aconteceu.
It's hard to explain, but I've thought a lot about you since then, Diana.
É difícil explicar, mas tenho pensado muito em ti, Diana.
That's what I thought at first but then I heard some of the other freshmen complaining about the same thing.
Foi o que eu pensei, ao início, mas, depois, ouvi alguns dos caloiros a queixarem-se da mesma coisa.
At first, I thought it was a warp core implosion, but then I found debris from Voyager and my theory seemed to be confirmed.
De início, pensei que era uma implosão de núcleo de Warp, mas quando encontrei escombros da Voyager, e minha teoria parecia estar confirmada...

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