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But you didn't tradutor Português

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And it worked to the extent that he ran, but... but when we didn't do anything, when we didn't pounce... he came after you.
E funcionou na medida em que ele fugiu, mas... quando nós não fizemos nada, quando não mantivemos essa relação... ele veio atrás de si.
I believe her name was gertrude. I couldn't help but get the feeling that gertrude didn't like you very much.
O Shogun quer assegurar-se que não há mais nenhum estrangeiro por aqui para vos incomodar.
Well, yes, but surely you didn't read that in the newspaper.
Sim, mas não deves ter lido isso no jornal.
Yeah, but you didn't know that.
Sim, mas tu não sabias.
But even if I did kiss her, which I didn't, it was because you were flirting with Ellis Crane!
Mas mesmo que a tenha beijado, coisa que não fiz, foi porque tu estavas a atirar-te ao Ellis Crane!
But you didn't know a crime was going to occur when you started recording!
Mas não sabias que ia ocorrer um crime quando começaste a gravar.
- I didn't realise it was important and then I was going to tell you but...
- Não sabia que era importante - e eu ia te contar, mas...
I'm guessing you woulda mentioned it by now, but you didn't happen to see who it was?
Suponho que já nos teria dito, Mas, por acaso, não viste quem era?
She wants to say she reached out to you for an interview, but didn't hear back.
Quer dizer que tentou contactar-te para uma entrevista e não teve resposta.
But you didn't interview him?
Mas não o interrogou.
Varr. They said you were licking boots here, but I didn't believe that. Even of you.
Varr, disseram que tu puxavas sacos aqui, mas não acreditei, mesmo sendo tu.
I tried to find some food for you, but... I didn't manage.
Tentei encontrar-te alguma comida mas... não consegui.
But for what it's worth, I was pretty sure you didn't kill the girl.
Mas só para que conste, eu tinha quase a certeza que não tinhas matado a miúda.
I instinctively knew to avoid death, but what I didn't know is... no matter what we do, eventually you end up in a place like this.
Instintivamente, sei evitar a morte, mas o que não sei é, não importa o que façamos, eventualmente vai terminar num lugar como este.
Um, not that I'm taking Doris'side here, but why didn't you have sex with Jake?
Não estou do lado da Doris, mas porque é que não fizeste sexo com o Jake?
- But you didn't even try.
Mas nem tentaste.
Probably... but you didn't.
Provavelmente, mas não deixaste.
- I didn't wanna disturb you, but a man from the Islamorada Allied Bank called.
- Não a queria incomodar, mas ligou um homem do Islamorada Allied Bank.
And you know, when I was five, I didn't know why, or seven, I didn't know why, but I was captivated by this character that was based on internal conflict.
E, sabem, quando tinha cinco anos, não sabia porquê, ou aos sete não sabia porquê, mas sentia-me cativado por esta personagem que era baseada no conflito interno.
Most of the time, it would be contained, but occasionally, you know, most notably at the end of'Amok Time,'when he realizes that he didn't kill Kirk, there's a sweet moment of like, "Jim!"
A maior parte das vezes, era contido, mas ocasionalmente, sobretudo no final de "Amok Time", quando ele percebe que não matou o Kirk, há um momento querido tipo : "Jim!"
But you people still didn't listen.
Mas vocês não queriam ouvir.
Yeah, okay, but why didn't you just talk to me?
Está bem, mas porque não falaste comigo?
Yeah, that's kind of the point, but you obviously didn't see me.
Sim, a questão é essa, mas, obviamente, tu não me viste.
Yeah, I had'em turn their heads and cough, and they didn't give anything up, but... once the money's been tracked, they won't have a choice. I'll e-mail you guys what I have.
Sim, pressionei-os e não disseram nada mas se rastrearmos o dinheiro, não terão hipótese, vou pôr-vos a par.
I fucked people, David, but I didn't fuck them over, like you were doing with XHP.
Tive relações sexuais com pessoas, David, mas, não as fodi como tu fizeste na "XHP".
I didn't know what to say, but I wanna make it up to you.
Não sei o que dizer, mas quero compensar-te.
I didn't know you, but I do now, and the past may have been a lie, but this, this is real.
Ou trair-te. Ele não sabe. Mas agora.
But I thought you didn't know where your parents lived.
Mas pensei que não sabias onde eles moram.
But I told him we'd be fine, that you didn't understand what you were paying for.
Disse-lhe que ficaríamos bem, que não compreenderiam aquilo que estavam a pagar.
You think you remembered, but you didn't.
Pensas que te lembras, mas não te lembras.
But you didn't, did you?
Mas não o fizeste, pois não?
But you dropped them again so that their necks would break cleanly, didn't you?
Mas voltava a largá-los, para os pescoços partirem, não?
So, your defense is not that you didn't shoot them, but that you can't remember shooting them. Is that how we are to understand it?
A sua defesa não é não os ter alvejado, mas não se lembrar de fazê-lo, é o que devemos entender?
You know, I didn't turn you in for your fuck-up before,'cause we're friends, but that was obviously a bad call.
Eu não te denunciei pela merda que fizeste antes porque somos amigos, mas obviamente foi uma má decisão.
You didn't want to know, but you needed to know.
Não querias saber, mas precisavas de saber.
Yes, but you didn't have a realistic upbringing.
Sim, mas tu nunca foste repreendido.
Normally, I hate meeting people, but I didn't hate you.
Sim. Normalmente, odeio conhecer pessoas, mas não te odiei.
So if you said, "i didn't want to win in Brazil", I'll leave you alone, but once we sit and say this is the plan, you can't change the plan.
Se dissesses "Não quero ganhar no Brasil", deixava-te em paz, mas quando definimos o plano, já não o podes mudar.
You should have, but you didn't.
Devias, mas não o fizeste.
You know, Hannah, I didn't wanna have to do this to you, but you've been a naughty girl.
Sabes, Hannah, não te queria fazer isto, mas tens sido uma menina mal comportada.
I was going to tell you about the compliance gag, but you didn't show up at the charity dinner, and then...
Eu ia contar-te sobre isto, mas não foste ao jantar de beneficência. - E depois...
Look, um, back then, we didn't have a name for it. But I guess, yeah, you can say she was bipolar.
Na altura, não havia nome para isso, mas ela devia ser bipolar.
I know you didn't, but, babe, I got to step up or I'm gonna look less of a man. And I wouldn't be worthy of marrying you.
Não, mas eu tenho de estar à altura ou parecerei menos homem e não seria digno de casar contigo.
You know I came by the hospital to visit you, but your dad didn't let me in.
Fui ao hospital para te visitar, mas o teu pai barrou-me a entrada.
We've got two dead kingpins on our hands on your watch, and you're telling me that you pulled your weapon but didn't fire?
Temos dois chefes do crime mortos no seu turno, e está a dizer-me que sacou a sua arma mas não disparou?
Might be because you could've killed me the other night but you didn't.
Talvez, porque podias ter-me morto na outra noite e não o fizeste.
I know you hate small talk, Shaw, but why didn't you hear the guy out first?
Sei que detestas conversa fiada, mas porque não ouviste o tipo primeiro?
You uploaded the virus, but you didn't activate it.
Enviou o vírus, mas não o activou.
Other than the fact that I would fire you and hire someone else if you didn't show up for work, but...
Para além de vos despedir e contratar outra pessoa se não viessem trabalhar, mas...
I was gonna come out one night and invite you in, but I guess I didn't want to blow up your spot.
Uma noite, estive para sair e convidar-te a entrar, mas acho que não quis revelar o teu segredo.
You keep saying "shoot" all day but why didn't you do any reconnaissance?
Continuas a dizer "atirar" o dia todo... porque não fazes alguma coisa de jeito?

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