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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ B ] / But you were right

But you were right tradutor Português

661 parallel translation
But you were right.
Mas tinha razão.
But you were right there waiting to take over.
Mas tu estavas lá à espera de assumir.
I know this may sound horrible, but you were right and we were all wrong.
Talvez soe horrivel mas você tinha razão e nós não. Tivemos que chegar a este ponto para descobri-lo.
- I hate to say this, but you were right.
- Detesto dizer-lhe isto, mas tinha razão.
I didn't believe you, but you were right.
Não acreditei em ti, mas afinal tinhas razão.
I thought my people would grow tired of killing. But you were right.
- Julguei que se cansariam de matar.
But you were right.
Mas tu tinhas razão.
I didn't understand it, but you were right.
Não compreendo, mas tinha razão.
But you were right on the scene again.
Mais uma vez estavas presente na cena do crime.
But you were right.
Tinhas razão, eram muito maus.
Damn me, but you were right.
Caramba, estava certo.
But you were right. I'm just a stupid kid who lives in an old wreck of a car.
Mas tens razão, sou um estúpido que vive num carro todo podre.
But no you were right to chuck me out.
Teve razão em expulsar-me.
Mother, it's all right for you to talk of another generation... when women were chattels, and they did as men told them to. But this is today.
Tudo bem falar de outra geração, quando as mulheres eram posses... e recebiam ordens, mas hoje ê diferente.
Besides, I wouldn't have brought it up right now, but just the same... for the past several weeks you've been going out in the afternoons... and you've always managed to avoid telling me where you were.
Além disso, eu não deveria ter falado nisto neste momento, mas acontece que... já fazem várias semanas que tens saído durante as tardes... e tens sempre resistido em me dizer aonde estiveste.
Good. Good. But you were quite right in making it.
- Retiro a minha proposta, senhor.
Except for the human element. All good plans include the human element, but then, I admit you were right.
Bons planos incluem as pessoas, admito que estava certo.
Of course you were quite right to call me in, Farnham, but... I think... I think you can handle the situation yourself.
Fez muito bem em chamar-me, Farnham, mas creio que você está à altura da situação.
You may think you were in Philadelphia... but, actually, you were right out there on the corner.
Podes pensar que estavas em Filadélfia, mas estavas ali à esquina.
But maybe you were right when you said she won't ever have that.
Talvez tenha razão quando disse que ela nunca faria isso.
You were all right when you remembered your lines, and didn't forget to show up in time for curtain. But...
- Não se saiu mal quando se lembrava das deixas ou aparecia para receber os aplausos.
You were right about Harrington's walking back and forth, but not out of nervousness, not to calm his nerves.
O Harrington andou para trás e para a frente, mas não por nervosismo, não para acalmar os nervos.
But if you were strong enough to work, then you went through the right gate.
Mas se fossem bastante fortes para trabalhar, então iam para o portão da direita.
I wouldn't wish this on a goat, but right now I wish you were Jenny.
Não desejava isto nem a uma cabra... mas neste momento, desejava que fosse a Jenny.
But you told me he was right. You said you were taking his advice.
Você me disse que tinha razão e que seguia seu conselho.
Even if that were true, you may have uncovered a very tragic accident, a very horrible mistake, but certainly nothing criminal, or we'd be downtown right now.
Mesmo que fosse verdade, pode ter descoberto um trágico acidente, um erro fatal, mas nada criminoso, senão estaríamos na esquadra.
Grillak, você me enganou por um tempo, mas quando... vi a minha própria perna, soube que estava tudo bem.
But what struck me as a curious coincidence was the fact that it was right after Cuba that you were passed over for admiral.
O que me pareceu uma coincidência curiosa foi o facto de ter sido logo depois de Cuba que não foi promovido a almirante.
While you were in Rome was all right, but here it has no sense.
Enquanto estavas em Roma, ainda vá que não vá, mas agora que cá estás acho que não vale a pena.
But if you were right in supposing me to have objections, and right again... in supposing my objections to be treasonable... the law would let you cut my head off.
Mas tivésseis razão em supor que não tenho objecções, bem como... em supor que as minhas objecções são traição... a lei deixar-vos-ia cortarem-me a cabeça.
"But papa, You were going to meet Preeti auntY today, right?"
Mas papá, você hoje ia encontrar a tiazinha Preeti, certo?
I just wanted to say that you were right, but so am I.
Só queria dizer que tinhas razão, mas eu também tinha.
But you were all right this morning.
Mas você estava bem hoje de manhã.
Listen, I wouldn't say you were a faggot, but you do have a lot offeminine characteristics, right?
Olhe, não diria que é paneleiro, mas tem muitas características femininas, certo?
And how right they were, but, as you see, I've come back.
E estavam certos, mas, como vê, voltei.
Look, I know this doesn't seem to be the right time to ask questions, but, Julie, you were there.
Eu sei que não é o melhor momento Para colocar questões mas Julie, você estava lá
But you were quite right to come out.
Mas fez bem em dizê-lo.
I know it's dangerous to come here, but I had to see that you were all right.
Sei que é perigoso vir até aqui mas tinha que ver se estavas bem.
Perhaps she was never taught what was right, but you were too hard on her, Rachel.
Talvez nunca lhe tenham ensinado o que é correto. Mas tu foste muito dura com ela, Rachel.
- But I can assure you... before the principal performers disrobed... - they were fully clothed. - That's right.
- Mas asseguro-lhe antes dos atores estarem despidos estavam devidamente vestidos.
But you were married when you were three, right?
Mas tu casaste com três anos, não foi?
Look, if it were up to us, we'd be glad to give her to you, but she's right.
Por nós, até gostaríamos muito de lha dar, mas ela tem razão.
I would find him talking to you... as if you were there... and somehow you would make things right for him... but one day, he stopped believing.
Eu encontrava-o a falar contigo como se estivesses presente... E que de alguma maneira, ias fazer com que corresse tudo bem Mas um dia, ele deixou de acreditar.
Mother, it's all right for you to talk of another generation when women were chattels, and they did as men told them to. But this is today.
Tudo bem falar de outra geração, quando as mulheres eram posses... e recebiam ordens, mas hoje ê diferente.
You know, Mookie, not for nothing, but if you were just a little bit taller, I'd kick you right in the ass for what you're thinking.
Sabes, Mookie, não é por nada, mas se fosses um bocadinho mais alto, dava cabo de ti pelo que estás a pensar.
But if I'm right... will you believe we were married in another life?
Mas se eu acertar, acreditas que fomos casados noutra vida?
Sweetie, we were so worried about you but you're going to be all right now.
Acordou! Querido, estávamos tão preocupadas contigo mas agora vais ficar bem.
Our monitors are pointed at deep space, but the messages we intercepted that Briggs showed you were sent from right here in these woods.
Os nossos monitores estão apontados para o espaço... mas as mensagens que interceptámos e que o Briggs lhe mostrou, foram enviadas daqui, destes bosques.
Right on, Hasani, but why were you chanting "Make love, not war?"
Boa, Hasani, mas porque cantavam "Façam amor e não guerra?"
I saw an opportunity and I took it. You had the money and the right instincts, but you were too late.
Você tinha dinheiro e faro, mas chegou tarde.
Nobody had faith in him, but you were right.

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