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Chrissie tradutor Português

195 parallel translation
- Chrissie.
Not the shark that killed Chrissie Watkins.
Não foi o que matou a Chrissie Watkins.
Remind me to get a Crying Chrissie doll at lunch.
Céus! Lembre-me de comprar uma boneca à hora de almoço.
Ian will be grievously missed by his wife, Adah... and his daughters, Valerie and Lori... and his mother, Chrissie Campbell.
O lan será chorado por Adah, pelas suas filhas, Valerie e Lori, e pela sua mãe, Chrissie Campbell.
He'll roll right into your arms
Why don't you have a Quaalude here. Relax! Here you go, Chrissie.
Por que não toma um "quaalude" e relaxa?
It's okay, Chrissie.
Está tudo bem, Chrissie, tudo bem.
What about Chrissie?
E a Chrissie?
- Chrissie, I got a job for ya!
- Chrissie... - tenho trabalho pra você. - Escute...
Chrissie, are you okay?
Chrissie! Você está bem?
Chrissie, look. Are you all right? Are you hurt?
Olhe... você está ferida?
It's me. Chrissie. Okay, look.
Sou eu, Chrissie.
Chrissie, listen to me. You're all right. You're okay.
Você está bem, isso...
What are they looking for?
Chrissie? O que procuravam?
Hello, Chrissie, darling.
Olá, querida Chrissie.
I mean, that's very sweet of you, Chrissie, but I couldn't possibly.
És um amor, Chrissie, mas não é possível.
Christine Ramsay makes me sick.
A Chrissie Ramsay irrita-me.
Hey, Mr. Big, I thought you were gonna call Chrissie.
Pensei que ias telefonar à Chrissie.
So how are things going with Chrissy?
Como vais com a Chrissie?
Who? "Who?" Iggy, Dee Dee, Chrissie, Debbie.
Quem? Quem? Iggy!
Hi, Krissie...
Olá, Chrissie.
Hello, Krissie...
Olá, Chrissie.
[Speaking in Greek]
Chrissie Lou Connors used to have dingy brown hair and little bitty tits.
A Chrissie Lou Connors tinha o cabelo castanho, sujo e maminhas minúsculas.
No. Chrissie, listen.
- Por favor, Chrissie.
Chrissie, please.
- Por favor, Chrissie.
Chrissie, i need to explain something.
- Tenho algo a explicar.
Chrissie- - i lost a leg, too.
- Eu também perdi uma perna.
Chrissie told me you were having some problems.
A Chrissie disse-me que estavas com alguns problemas.
- Aimee Mann, Barenaked Ladies Chrissie Hynde, Sixpence None the Richer Diamondback Whale, Next Big Thing the Cruel Shoes and Single-Cell Paramecium.
- Aimee Mann, Barenaked Ladies Chrissie Hynde, Sixpence None the Richer Diamondback Whale, Next Big Thing the Cruel Shoes e Single-Cell Paramecium.
Chrissy! Hey, baby.
Chrissie, olá, fofa.
Not so fast, Chrissie.
Mais devagar, Chrissie.
A stroll, Chrissie, I'm sure you'd agree is the highlight of a player's career.
Estes passos, Chrissie, deves concordar, são o ponto alto da carreira do tenista.
- Yes! - He did it, Chrissie.
Ele conseguiu, Chrissie.
- This could be it, Chrissie.
- Pode ser agora, Chrissie.
Make that two points away, Chrissie.
Faltam dois pontos, Chrissie.
- Who the fuck cares, right, Chrissie? - Who the fuck knows?
Quem sabe?
"Chrissie, please, don't leave me out here."
- "Chrissy, não me deixes aqui."
Chrissie, he's fucked up.
Chrissy, ele está lixado.
Life's too short, Chrissie.
- A vida é muito curta, Chrissy.
Does he read to Chrissie or play cricket with us like he used to?
Lê para a Chrissie ou joga críquete connosco, como costumava?
Goodness only knows what'll happen to little Chrissie.
Só Deus sabe o que acontecerá à pequena Chrissie.
- Put her back, Chrissie!
- Põe-na onde estava, Chrissie!
Chrissie, don't!
Chrissie, não!
Chrissie, chalk.
Chrissie, giz.
- Chrissie?
There's nothing wrong with dope.
Oh, Chrissie! Não há nada de errado com droga.
Thanks for the nail polish, Chrissie.
Obrigada pelo verniz, Chrissie.
- Hi, Warren.
Olá, Chrissie.
Que tal, Chrissie?

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