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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ G ] / Got him

Got him tradutor Português

23,345 parallel translation
I've got him.
I got him! Who the hell are those guys?
Quem são estes tipos?
Well, they've got him working triple shifts at the hospital these days.
Está a fazer horas extras no hospital.
I got him!
- I got him.
Apanhe-o. Fica no chão!
Yeah, we got him.
- Sim, encontramo-lo.
We got him.
I got him!
Eu apanhei-o!
Got him?
- Estás a controlá-lo?
Got him.
Got him.
Já o tenho.
- You got him?
- Apanhaste-o? - Sim.
Got him.
She... she got him involved in that crazy cult.
- Ela... Ela é que o envolveu no culto.
Guys, I got him.
Pessoal, apanhei-o.
Yeah, we got him working backwards through the bank.
Sim, temo-lo a trabalhar no passado através do banco.
Hey, I got him.
Já o tenho.
I got him.
Já o tenho.
He's got him there.
Ele apanhou-te nessa.
We got him.
- Apanhamo-lo.
He worked for the family for years, and then... Reg was arrested for manslaughter and the Sheas got him off.
Trabalhou para a família anos, depois o Reg foi preso por homicídio
And I got him recruited.
E fui eu que fiz com que o contratassem.
Got him, got him.
Eu seguro-o, eu seguro-o.
We got to find a way to draw him out.
Temos de encontrar uma forma de tirá-lo de lá.
We got him.
- Encontrei-o.
One spray pattern is definitely from Buckley when he got hit by the spear, but behind him there was a void with spray patterns on both sides of where he was.
Um deles é do Buckley quando foi atingido pelo arpão. Mas, atrás dele, havia um vazio com salpicos dos dois lados relativamente a onde ele estava.
I've got a CI who can help us find those clinics. I'll pay him a visit.
Tenho um informador que nos ajuda a encontrar essas clínicas.
Just got to get a bead on him.
Só preciso de colocá-lo na mira.
So we got him.
- Então encontramo-los.
Travis didn't come to the meeting because I got in his face and chased him off.
O Travis não foi à reunião porque eu confrontei-o.
We got any leads on him yet?
Temos alguma pista sobre ele?
Whoever did this must have got the jump on him.
Quem fez isto deve tê-lo apanhado de surpresa.
Great, but I thought you said you got a clear picture of him.
Óptimo, mas, pensei que tinhas dito que tinhas uma imagem clara dele.
Duke, who's he got with him?
We got to let him go.
- Temos que o fazer.
We got to let him go.
Temos que deixá-lo ir.
Yeah, we have to assume the cops got to him.
- Temos que assumir - que a Polícia o apanhou.
Call Max, tell him we got another body.
Liga ao Max, diz-lhe que temos outro corpo.
Well, we'll just have to see what Brigante's got to say when we catch up with him.
Vamos ver o que é que o Brigante tem a dizer, quando o capturarmos.
Boss, Silva got here two days ago ; that is enough time for him to put out the hit on the Campbells, go to the party and then leave town.
O Silva chegou há dois dias, isso é o suficiente para dar o golpe nos Campbells, ir à festa e deixar a cidade.
I hate to stick my seasoned investigatory nose in, but with all you've got on the guy, why didn't you just arrest him?
- Odeio o meu faro de investigador, mas sabendo o que sabes dele, porque é que não o prendes?
But before they got to him, Zho told us a little about his trafficking operation.
Mas antes de chegarem a ele, o Zho contou-nos sobre a operação de tráfico.
I tried to save Zho Tu so you could bring him to justice, but the Quantou got to him before I could.
Tentei salvar o Zho Tu para o levarem a tribunal, mas os Quantou chegaram antes de mim.
LokSat must've discovered that Caleb betrayed him and then got wind of us.
O LokSat deve ter descoberto que o Caleb o traiu e descobriu sobre nós.
Got a four-day leave. Him and his wife and kid are coming.
Vem ele a mulher e o filho.
Just show him what we got.
Apenas mostra-lhe o que temos.
We got to get him a ambulance.
Precisamos de chamar uma ambulância.
We got to get him out of here.
Vamos tirá-lo daqui.
While I appreciate your unique approach here, and the fact that you got extremely close, right now, we are no closer to finding him than we were on day one.
Embora eu aprecie a vossa abordagem, e o facto de que estiveram muito perto, agora estamos mais longe de encontrá-lo - do que estávamos ao inicio.
What did he say? I think I got through to him.
O que é que ele disse?
Heading into the mouth of the harbor, Chandler's got to realize Castillo will arrest him on site.
Indo em direcção à entrada do porto, o Chandler precisa de compreender que o Castillo o prenderá mal o vir.

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