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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ H ] / He was right here

He was right here tradutor Português

356 parallel translation
He was right here!
- Estava aqui. Desapareceu.
He was right here, in my house pretending he loved me like a son.
Estava aqui, na minha casa, a fingir que me amava como um filho.
- But he was right here.
- Mas ele estava bem aqui.
The tall one with all those muscles? He was right here a minute ago.
Apresentando esse modelo de poder mental e muscular, essa montanha de atracção sexual viril...
- He was right here. He was right here five minutes ago.
Ele estava bem aqui há cinco minutos atrás.
- He was right here!
- Estava aqui.
Hey, that's impossible, he was right here.
Não é possível, ele estava aqui.
He was right here!
Aqui, mesmo ali.
What about Courtland? He was here all right.
Estive aqui há umas semanas.
He was standing right here looking at me.
Estava aí de pé, a olhar para mim.
He was right in here a minute ago.
Ele estava bem aqui há um minuto.
He was thinking on using the whole 26 letters right down to Zachariah... but he got a look at Gideon here and chopped a tree down on himself.
Ele tencionava usar as 26 letras até Zachariah, mas olhou bem para o Gideon e, ao cortar uma árvore, ela caiu-lhe em cima.
He was talking to me, and then he went... He's right over here.
O Dr. Zoomer estava a falar e de repente eu grito......
He looked a lot like you, too. Except his tooth was broken off, right here.
Ele também era muito parecido contigo... só que ele tinha um dente partido, aqui mesmo na frente.
Alright, even if he was right, why aren't we better off trying to fight our way through 200 miles than sitting around here waiting to be slaughtered like a bunch of sheep?
Então, porque não ficamos em melhor situação tentando sair daqui, em vez de esperar sermos mortos como um grupo de ovelhas?
He was just pouring his champagne when somebody shot him from right here.
Ele estava a deitar o champanhe quando alguém o alvejou ali de fora.
- Oh, meu Deus!
I was standing right over here when you said it, and I was standing right out there on those front steps when he walked up the horse, grabbed a hunk of mane, - stepped up on him and sunk spur.
Eu estava mesmo ali quando disse isto, e estava lá fora na entrada quando ele saltou para o cavalo, agarrou-lhe nas crinas, montou e cravou as esporas.
But he was standing right here.
Mas ele estava bem aqui.
It was right here, that he shed his last drop of blood.
Aqui ele derramou a sua última gota de sangue.
While I was kissing you, he shot this wire over my head and sent down a poison pellet, but it missed and fell on the bar, right here.
Enquanto a estava a beijar,.. ... disparou este fio por cima da minha cabeça e enviou um comprimido de veneno,.. mas falhou e ele caiu sobre o balcão, mesmo aqui.
I wish he was here right now.
Gostava que ele estivesse aqui agora.
He was up here all right.
Ele esteve aqui.
One of your men... I believe it was the gardener... he said it was all right if I waited here.
Um dos seus empregados, acho que era o jardineiro, disse que eu podia esperar aqui e devo dizer que foi um grande prazer, porque nunca tinha visto tantas flores tão bonitas na minha vida.
You know he was whipped to death right here in this street.
Sabe, foi chicoteado até à morte aqui mesmo, nesta rua.
I wonder why he came down here for a workout right when he was supposed to leave to get married?
Porque terá ele vindo fazer exercício quando devia sair para se casar?
He was Hungarian and he started his career and he told me... right here at this table :
Ele era húngaro, iníciou a sua carreira e contou-me aqui nesta mesa :
One night, he was standing right here.
Uma noite, ele estava neste mesmo sítio.
My doubt was right. He was drinking here. "
A minha dúvida estava certa ele esteve a beber aqui.
But knowing that he's... right here... in the back yard, where he was so happy, makes us all feel a little less grief.
Mas saber que ele está mesmo aqui, no pátio, onde foi tão feliz deixa-nos menos pesarosos.
He was here at the right time but he cοuldn't pοssibly have dοne it.
Tem de ir tomar chá com a minha mãe. E leve o seu marido.
Dad said he was uncomfortable about us being here for the weekend, and I tried to explain, make him trust me, and I said it would be all right, and this...
O pai disse que não se sentia bem por nos ter cá no fim de semana. Queria fazer com que confiasse em mim. Disse que ia correr tudo bem, e agora...
Ele estava mesmo aqui.
He was right over here.
Ele estava ali.
- He was held here, right?
- Ficou detido aqui, naõ foi?
- He was right here five minutes ago.
- Ele estava aqui há cinco minutos atrás. - - Eu sei.
He was right over here.
Estava mesmo aqui.
Right. Then if he was down here, he was probably searching for his keys.
Então, se ele estava aqui... devia andar à procura das chaves.
He was supposed to meet me right here. The others are in the reception area.
Agora, é que começa
So he was standing right here with his camera?
Então ele estava de pé bem aqui com sua câmera?
- He was here, reverend. Right in this room.
- Ele esteve aqui, Reverendo, neste quarto.
He was parked right here.
Ele estava estacionado aqui.
He was dancing, right here, with someone.
Ele dançava, aqui mesmo, com alguém.
He was here, all right!
Hércules não esteve aqui!
If he was here right now, I'd do the same thing.
Se ele estivesse agora aqui fazia o mesmo.
All he said was the answers would be right here.
Tudo o que ele disse foi que as respostas iriam estar... aqui.
But if he was sitting here with us right now, wouldn't you be watching him'?
Mas se estivesse aqui, não estarias a olhar para ele?
When I was 7, I crashed my bike right out in front of his house and to stop me from crying, he kissed me right here.
Quando tinha sete anos, caí da bicicleta à frente da casa dele, e, para eu parar de chorar, ele deu-me um beijo aqui.
He was here all right.
Podes crer que ele esteve aqui.
Our labs here can recreate. out of the most microscopic detail..... the motivation and circumstance to almost any murder,..... right down to a killer's attitude towards his mother and that he was a bed-wetter.
Os nossos laboratórios podem recriar, a partir do pormenor mais microscópico, a motivação e a circunstância de quase todos os homicídios ao ponto de sabermos a atitude do assassino em relação à mãe e que fazia chichi na cama.
He was sitting right here, staring at me with these glassy eyes.
AFINAL O MUNDO É PEQUENO Ele estava aqui sentado, olhava para mim vidrado.

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