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Hell's kitchen tradutor Português

205 parallel translation
I've seen action in Williamsburg, Hell's Kitchen, Yorkville, Weehawken...
Vi acção em Williamsburg, Hell's Kitchen, Yorkville, Weehawken...
I come from just across the river, Hell's Kitchen.
Eu venho do outro lado do rio. A "cozinha do inferno".
You didn't get as far from Hell's Kitchen as you thought, did you?
Continuas o mesmo patife de Hell's Kitchen.
They don't even want to call it Hell's Kitchen no more.
Já nem sequer lhe querem chamar hell " s Kitchen.
Do you play the Hell's Kitchen version or the A-train hybrid.
Estão a jogar a versão de Hell's Kitchen ou um híbrido?
My three friends and I were inseparable happy and content to live in the closed world of Hell's Kitchen.
Eu e os meus três amigos éramos inseparáveis, felizes por vivermos no mundo fechado de Hell's Kitchen.
Hell's Kitchen was populated by an uneasy blend of... Irish, Italian, Puerto Rican, and Eastern European laborers.
Hell's Kitchen era habitado por operários irlandeses, italianos, porto-riquenhos e europeus de Leste ;
Domestic violence was a cottage industry in Hell's Kitchen.
A violência doméstica era o dia-a-dia em Hell's Kitchen.
Yet, despite the harshness of life Hell's Kitchen offered the kids on its streets a safety net enjoyed by few other neighborhoods.
Contudo, não obstante a dureza da vida, as ruas de Hell's Kitchen ofereciam às crianças uma segurança que poucos bairros tinham.
A drug dealer from uptown moved heroin into Hell's Kitchen.
Um traficante doutro bairro levava heroína para Hell's Kitchen.
Hell's Kitchen was a place of innocence... ruled by corruption.
Hell's Kitchen era um local de inocência, governado por corrupção.
But his real love was Carol Martinez, Hell's Kitchen's half-breed. Half Puerto Rican, half Irish, she was raised by her father, her mother having died at childbirth.
Mas a paixão dele era Carol Martinez, uma mestiça de Hell's Kitchen, irlandesa e porto-riquenha criada pelo pai.
When my friends and I were young,... Hell's Kitchen was run by a man named King Benny.
Quando nós éramos miúdos, Hell's Kitchen era governada por um homem chamado King Benny.
But while they shouted their slogans my friends and I went to funeral services for the young men of Hell's Kitchen who came back from Vietnam in body bags.
Mas enquanto gritavam as suas palavras de ordem, eu e os meus amigos acompanhávamos enterros de jovens de Hell's Kitchen que tinham morrido no Vietname.
I knew you Hell's Kitchen boys weren't as dumb as everyone says.
Eu sabia, os rapazes de Hell's Kitchen não são tão parvos como dizem.
So... you Hell's Kitchen boys get any lunch?
Os rapazes de Hell's Kitchen não almoçam?
You tell them that Republicans are not welcome in Hell's Kitchen and either a political conversion or a change of conversation is in order.
E diz-lhes que republicanos não são bem-vindos a Hell's Kitchen, nem se querem cá conversas políticas.
Michael's plan relied heavily on Hell's Kitchen to deliver information and keep quiet.
O plano do Michael assentava muito em Hell's Kitchen para dar informações e calar.
Right here, Hell's Kitchen!
Aqui, a Hell's Kitchen!
The "Four Gladiators", worst quartet to ever hold a Hell's Kitchen corner.
"Os Quatro Gladiadores", o pior quarteto de Hell's Kitchen.
Carol still works for a Social Service agency and lives in Hell's Kitchen.
Carol ainda trabalha nos Serviços Sociais e vive em Hell's Kitchen
Yeah, they married about... 2 years before they had me and... we owned a little bodega in Hell's Kitchen.
Estavam casados já há uns dois anos quando me tiveram, tínhamos uma bodega em Hell's Kitchen.
His body is dissolving in a bathtub in Hell's Kitchen.
O seu corpo está-se a dissolver numa banheira em Hell's Kitchen.
Striker out of Cardiff, now residing in Hell's Kitchen.
Ponta-de-lança do Cardiff. Vive em Hell's Kitchen.
I grew up in Hell's Kitchen.
Eu cresci em Hell's Kitchen.
She's from the Kitchen, she's not from the Upper East Side?
Porquê? Ela é de Hell's Kitchen, e não da Upper East Side?
Stay out of Hell's Kitchen.
Afasta-te de Hell's Kitchen.
You're the blind lawyers from Hell's Kitchen.
São os advogados cegos de Hell's Kitchen.
Do you really think that for one moment the Fisk Corporation would actually hire... some pro bono, storefront Hell's Kitchen lawyers, let alone the blind one.
Acha mesmo que a corporação Fisk, iria empregar algum inexperiente advogado de Hell's Kitchen, e com um deles sendo um cego?
The blind lawyer from Hell's Kitchen?
O advogado cego de Hell's Kitchen?
Hell's Kitchen is my neighbourhood.
Hell's Kitchen é o meu bairro.
And believe me, this place was no more a pizza joint than a church in hell's kitchen.
E acredita em mim, este sítio era tanto uma pizzaria como Hell's Kitchen é uma igreja.
What the hell's living space? Is the kitchen part of it?
Isso aplica-se à cozinha?
The Jews out of Brownsville... the blacks on Lenox Avenue, the Italians from Mulberry Street... the Irish in Hell's Kitchen. Like that.
Aos judeus de Brownsville... aos negros da avenida Lenox, aos italianos da rua Mulberry... as irlandeses de Hell's Kitchen.
The police found him 2 weeks later in his painting studio in hell's kitchen.
A polícia o achou duas semanas depois em sua loja de tintas em Hell ´ s Kitchen.
Hell's kitchen.
- West 43rd Place, 544.
- My sister's been shot?
Hell's Kitchen.
In hell's kitchen at 9 : 15 P.M. I'm not denying that.
Recebeu uma chamada a pagar ao destinatário de Hell's Kitchen, às 21h15.
Makes me believe that, when they went to gentrify hell's kitchen, they got rid of all the smart tough guys.
Me faz acreditar que, quando forem trancafiados na Hell's Kitchen, terão desfeito a fama de sujeitos inteligentes, valentes e brigões.
A case with ties to an ex-member of the ira living in hell's kitchen.
Um caso com gravatas para um ex-membro do IRA que mora em Hell's Kitchen..
Yeah, we should run down to Hell's Kitchen.
- Devíamos ir a Hell's Kitchen.
Compared to hell's kitchen, this place is a country club.
Comparado com Hell's Kitchen, este sítio é um clube de campo.
What in hell's kitchen...?
Mas o que é isto?
Hell's kitchen, murray hill, Lower east side,
Hell's Kitchen, Murray Hill,
Uh, Hell's Kitchen, Murray Hill, Lower East Side, Chinatown.
Hell's Kitchen. Murray Hill. Lower East Side.
And I walk in with the last two cakes, and my girlfriend's in the kitchen. And she's, like, "What the hell is this? !"
Entrei com os últimos bolos e a minha namorada na cozinha : "O que é isso?"
Irish mafia out of Hell's Kitchen.
A máfia irlandesa de Hell's Kitchen.
Yeah, they're like the Hatfields and McCoys of Hell's Kitchen.
Como cão e gato em Hell's Kitchen.
Give me your jacket and leave Hell's Kitchen.
"Me dê o seu casaco e saia da Hell's Kitchen."
Somewhere in Hell's Kitchen.
Algures em Hell ´ s Kitchen.
He ran gambling, loan-sharking, and union shakedowns out of Hell's Kitchen.
Ele fazia jogatina, agiotagem, e extorsões da união na Hell's Kitchen.

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