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I found them tradutor Português

1,209 parallel translation
When I returned, I found them slaughtered.
Perdi a minha fé, Hércules, na bondade deles.
I found them in my father's office.
Eu encontrei-os no escritório do meu pai.
I found them inside our friend's coffin.
Encontrei-os no caixão do nosso amigo.
I found them in the parents'bedroom.
Encontrei-as no quarto dos pais.
Oh, you're never gonna believe how I found them.
Não vais acreditar como é que eu as encontrei.
I found them! Over here!
That's how I found them.
Foi assim que as descobri.
Prue, I found them!
Prue, encontrei-os!
- I think I found them.
- Acho que os encontrei.
[Broots] I found them.
I found them behind your picture.
Estavam nas costas da tua fotografia.
I found them guilty of violence.
Reprimi um acto de violência.
I think I found them. And not in some ID limbo, but right here on Earth.
Acho que os encontrei, e não foi num limbo ID, mas mesmo aqui na Terra.
I found them in the ship's database.
Encontrei no banco de dados da nave.
I found them in his desk there.
Encontrei-os na secretária dele.
I found them.
On the night of our rehearsal dinner, I found them making out. In my car.
No jantar da noite do ensaio, vi-os a beijarem-se... no meu carro!
I found them hiding up in the mine shed.
Encontrei-os no abrigo da mina.
And yesterday when I was getting Bud's cuff links I found them in with his stuff.
Ontem enquanto procurava os botões de punho do teu pai encontrei-a entre as coisas dele.
I found them in a bar drinking.
Encontrei-os num bar a beber.
I ate two of these before I found out you got to cook them!
Comi duas destas antes de descobrir que é preciso cozinhá-las!
If they found out I lied to them, I'm dead!
Alguém tem que diminuir essa luz.
Jones to security. I've found them.
Jones chama Segurança. Encontrei-os.
I found that if I repeated them several times each day, the words became almost second nature.
Achei que se os repetisse várias vezes por dia, as palavras ficariam quase naturais.
I believe I've found a way to stabilize them.
Acredito ter uma forma de estabilizá-las.
" I was the one who found them.
" Fui eu quem as encontrou.
Based on some artefacts that I found with them and... taking into account the current astral cycle...
Baseando-me em alguns artefactos que eu encontrei nelas e levando em conta o ciclo astral actual...
Anyway, I did some research, and I found out that some evil spirits need a dead body to transport them across water.
Eu fiz alguma pesquisa e descobri que alguns espiritos malignos precisam de um corpo morto para os transportar sobre a água.
Show me where you found them and I will give it to you.
Mostre-me onde os encontrou e eu dou-lhos.
The door was open. So I went on in and found'em - what was left of them - in the bedroom.
Por isso entrei e encontrei-as... o que restava delas... no quarto.
I found a few questionable entries in your expense account deductions... and I thought maybe after lunch we could go over them.
Encontrei umas entradas questionáveis nas deduções das suas despesas... e pensei que depois do almoço as pudéssemos verificar.
When I found out our people were the leaders of the Dominion, I realised I had no place with them.
Quando descobri que o nosso povo liderava o Dominion, percebi que o meu lugar não era com eles.
Because I found Morica Bilby's body and could trace her murder to them.
Porque encontrara o corpo da Morica Bilby e não queriam que descobrisse que foram eles.
I want them found and seized. - There is no one...
- Quero que os encontrem e prendam.
He's like, "I just found them."
- É um gabarolas de primeira.
I've found them.
Nós já os encontramos.
I want them found... now.
Quero-os apanhados... agora.
I believe they were already dead when they were taken there, and then laid out as we found them.
Não creio, parece que foram levados para lá já mortos.
Thank God I've already found them.
Graças a Deus Eu já encontrei.
I found 2 small chairs on the street and took them home.
Eu encontrei 2 cadeiras na rua e fiquei com elas.
I think you found them just in time.
Acho que as encontraram mesmo a tempo.
So I... I hired a team... had them check the entire radio telescope network for anything unusual, and they found something.
Então contratei uma equipa para procurarem coisas que fossem invulgares, e eles encontraram algo.
- Either way, I want them found.
- Seja como for, quero que os encontrem.
I think the younger one's telling the clan that he's found something good for them.
Acho que o mais novo está a tentar dizer ao clã que encontrou uma coisa boa para eles.
I think they found them.
Acho que já as encontraram.
I found all your I.D.s, all your aliases... and I'm gonna get them to the cops... when they start investigating decomposing boy, here.
Encontrei seus documentos! Todos os seus nomes. Quando a polícia investigar o cadáver, verão os documentos.
I have found them.
'Cause I found out for sure lt's one of them 18th-century baroque jobs.
É um daqueles penteados barrocos de século XVlll.
Someone found them in one of the doctor's sports coats... and I was wondering- -
Encontraram-nas num casaco desportivo do Doutor. E pensei...
- And I've just found them in the freezer.
- E encontrei-as no congelador.
I found an article about Amazonian tribesmen who took on traits of the insects that bit them.
As tribos da Amazónia assumiram traços dos insectos que as picaram.

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