I got her tradutor Português
6,016 parallel translation
Nancy, I got her.
Já a tenho comigo.
I got her out of here last night on a C-130 to Dubai.
Levei-a daqui ontem à noite. Pu-la num C-130 para o Dubai.
I got her to give me her e-mail address. In case I had questions about the piece that I am writing about you.
Pedi-lhe o endereço electrónico, caso tenha perguntas para o meu artigo.
It's okay. I got her.
Está tudo bem, já a tenho.
He got mother's good looks. I got her courage.
Ele herdou a beleza da nossa mãe, e eu herdei a coragem.
- Yeah, I got her.
- Sim, já a vi.
Well, I got her out of those pajamas and I got her hair done.
Consegui que ela se vestisse, e que arranjasse o cabelo.
You could have at least waited till I got her off me.
Podias pelo menos ter esperado até ela me soltar. Olha como fiquei!
I've got her.
Está comigo.
I mean, I really, really like her, but she's got some issues, you know?
Eu gosto mesmo dela, mas ela tem alguns problemas, sabes?
I'm glad I finally got to meet her.
Ainda bem que a conheci, finalmente.
I got an old friend coming home. I'm throwing her a party.
Vem aí uma amiga visitar-me e vou fazer uma festa para ela.
I just got some of her stuff.
Trouxe algumas das coisas dela.
I've got someone here who wants to talk to her mommy.
Tenho aqui alguém que quer falar com a sua mamã.
I got a visual on her! It is not just my job to keep this town safe!
Não é apenas meu dever manter esta cidade segura.
- Well, I love her. You got to give it all when you love like that, you know?
Quando amamos assim, temos de dar tudo.
And my husband left me and... He got full custody of her and I can't even visit her.
E o meu marido deixou-me e... ele tem a custódia total dela e eu não posso nem sequer visitá-la.
She purposefully put'em way in the back so, by the time that I got to'em I'd forget they were dirty in the first place and I wouldn't have to choose whether or not to tell her i appreciated her.
Ela punha-as propositadamente no fundo, para que, quando eu as fosse buscar, já me tivesse esquecido que tinham estado sujas, e não tivesse que escolher entre dizer, ou não, que estava grato.
I can certainly appreciate that. But I ain't got no designs on her.
Compreendo perfeitamente, mas não estou interessado nela.
Seeing as how she ain't got nothing to sell I'm kinda curious about her sales'pitch.
Visto que ela não tem nada para oferecer, até tenho curiosidade em ouvir a proposta dela.
You got five seconds. I'll drop her.
Tem 5 segundos ou mato-a.
I've got her from here.
Eu trato dela a partir daqui.
When Mom got really sick, I was the one nearby her bedside every night while you stayed at work late.
Quando a mãe piorou, era eu que estava sempre à cabeceira dela enquanto tu trabalhavas até tarde.
I've got her.
I got a woman back there who claims people are trying to kill her.
Tenho ali uma mulher a dizer que há pessoas a tentarem matá-la.
- No. I told her I was in Philly and I got a suite down at the Gansevoort.
Disse-lhe que estava em Filadélfia, e instalei-me no Gansevoort.
I got really angry and I yelled at her and I don't...
Fiquei muito zangada, gritei com ela, e não...
I got you. So, couldn't you have just told her it was a business trip, and left me out of it?
E não podias ter-lhe dito que era uma viagem de negócios, sem me envolveres?
I'm so sorry. I was just picking up trash that some raccoon got into, and I saw her through the window. I didn't mean anything.
Estava a apanhar o lixo, um guaxinim virou-o e vi-a pela janela.
She's worried her husband won't know where she is. ~ You're quite the guardian angel, haven't you got anything else to do? ~ I'll tell him.
- Um bocadinho.
Got as far as her door, but I couldn't do it.
- Por que não?
I did promise her I'd be home before you got here but the chief clerk wouldn't let me go.
- Que boa surpresa. - Ainda bem.
Maya's got big, friendly eyes, three distinctive spots on her nose, and, I think you'll agree, a pretty rad hairdo.
Tem olhos grandes, simpáticos, três marcas distintas no nariz e, penso que concordam, um penteado bem giro.
I told her I just got back from a gallery opening in Hunters Point.
Disse-lhe que vim da inauguração de uma galeria, em Hunter's Point.
I got so fed up that I slapped her!
Fartei-me e dei-lhe uma bofetada!
Now I've got to meet her.
Agora, tenho de a conhecer.
I thought we'd finally got rid of her.
Pensei que finalmente nos tínhamos visto livres dela.
I got a whiff of her when I first came. Whew.
Apanhei-lhe logo o cheiro quando cá cheguei.
I've got a witness that says one of them got out of Dodge with a suitcase, and it looks like the other one left with her dog.
Tenho uma testemunha que diz que uma delas saiu do carro com uma mala, e ao que parece, a outra saiu com o cão.
I've got to find her, she can't run. - Hey, hey.
Tenho da encontrar, ela não pode fugir.
I've got to call her.
Tenho de lhe telefonar.
I've got her wrapped around my little finger.
Tenho-a nas mãos. É verdade.
- Vee's in trouble. I got to tell her about the dragon that's coming!
Tenho de a avisar que vem aí um dragão.
I know a couple of girls got sick off her shit.
Sei de umas miúdas que se sentiram mal com produto dela.
I know that feeling you got when you had her in your arms.
Eu conheço a sensação de a teres nos teus braços.
My moms moved to Tucson with her boyfriend, so I got my cousin Jazmina to go to the hospital.
A minha mãe foi para Tucson com o namorado dela, então, consegui que a minha prima, a Jazmina, fosse ao hospital.
Yeah, I got to disagree with her on that one.
Tenho de discordar.
I haven't spoken to her since she got out.
- Falaram?
And I wouldn't... I wouldn't let myself get into that situation again, you know, but... I'm really thankful that I got to know her'cause I think she's a really... she's a really special chick, you know.
Eu não me voltaria a envolver numa situação dessas, mas estou muito grato por tê-la conhecido porque acho que ela é...
I did it because I wanted to be accepted, I wanted to be gay! I managed to talk a girl into getting her mum involved once. I got a few high-fives when I told the lads that one.
Foi muito difícil porque, claro, sofria muito bullying por isso e pela língua presa e por outros motivos eles decidiram que eu era
as her daughter was, I just got chatting to the pair of them and the mum was giving me the look as if to say, "You're pretty cute," and
Vou perder todos os meus amigos, todos os familiares, ninguém vai querer saber de mim de novo, então tive que esconder isso e tive que tentar viver essa vida que realmente não sou eu, mas é o que irá provocar menos problema
i got here as fast as i could 55
i got here as soon as i could 40
i got here 17
i got here first 25
i got it 7988
i got you 2294
i got your back 246
i gotcha 166
i gotta go 3018
i got this 1718
i got here as soon as i could 40
i got here 17
i got here first 25
i got it 7988
i got you 2294
i got your back 246
i gotcha 166
i gotta go 3018
i got this 1718
i got it wrong 28
i got to go 1926
i got' em 146
i gotta 283
i got you something 203
i gotta go pee 16
i gotta pee 85
i gotta go home 47
i gotta hand it to you 53
i gotta admit 71
i got to go 1926
i got' em 146
i gotta 283
i got you something 203
i gotta go pee 16
i gotta pee 85
i gotta go home 47
i gotta hand it to you 53
i gotta admit 71