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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ I ] / I thought that you

I thought that you tradutor Português

8,429 parallel translation
So I thought that you would want an update.
Por isso, achei que irias querer novidades.
I thought that you offered as a friend.
Pensei que oferecia a ajuda como amigo.
All this time, I thought that you were a victim of your genius, some sidetracked prophet... and that I was your second chance.
Todo este tempo, pensei que eras uma vítima do teu génio, que eras um profeta desorientado e pensei que eu era a tua segunda oportunidade.
I thought that you said that you two didn't do business together?
- Disseste que não têm negócios juntos.
I THOUGHT that you would want to do that yourself, but, fine, you've had your chance.
Pensei que quererias ser tu a fazê-lo. Mas, tudo bem, tiveste a tua oportunidade.
That's because you're not yourself. If I thought for a moment that Condé could guarantee your survival, I would have agreed.
É porque não estás em ti.
I thought you understood that was the plan!
- Já chega!
I thought that he was with you.
Onde está o Joe? Pensava que estava convosco.
Look, all I'm saying is, I-I thought that maybe after what I did for you with Pitbull, that you might reconsider teaming up with me again.
Só estou a dizer que depois do que fiz por ti, com o Pitbull, podias reconsiderar a ideia de te juntares a mim.
This is a great song, but I thought Jamal was gonna sing the song that he was nominated for. You know, Best RB Song.
Bela canção, mas pensei que o Jamal ia cantar o tema da nomeação para Melhor Música RB.
So when I showed you that picture, you lied, Because you thought that was the best way to protect him,
Então quando lhe mostrei aquela foto, mentiu, porque pensou que era a melhor maneira de o proteger, mas não é.
Wow. I thought you'd really be into that feces puzzle.
Achei que estarias interessado nesse enigma de fezes.
Or is that just something you thought I wanted to hear?
Ou achaste que era apenas uma coisa que eu queria ouvir?
I imagine you weren't too, uh, too keen on that idea, seeing as you thought you were an only child just a couple weeks before, right?
E imagino que não estivesse muito... entusiasmado com a ideia, visto que pensava que era filho único, algumas semanas antes, não?
Oh, I just thought of something that I have to tell you.
Pensei numa coisa que tenho de te dizer.
I thought you said that this was a favor.
Julguei que tinhas dito que era um favor.
I thought that's why you hadn't suggested it.
Pensei que era por isso que não falou em jantar.
- Tell me why. I thought you could figure that part out yourself.
Achei que podias descobrir essa parte sozinha.
Well, if you had talked to me, I would have told you that I thought you were dreaming a little too small.
Se tivesses falado comigo eu dizia-te que estavas a sonhar muito por baixo.
I thought you said you couldn't do that.
Pensei que tinha tido que não o podia fazer.
You were so enthusiastic, I thought for a moment that you actually believed what you were saying.
Estavas tão entusiasmado, que pensei por um momento que realmente acreditavas no que estavas a dizer.
I'm not questioning that, but... have you thought about it?
Não estou a colocar em questão isso, mas... Já pensaste sobre isso?
If you told me then that I'd be getting my five-year chip now, I'd have thought you were high. Honestly.
Se me dissessem que eu ia ter a minha ficha de 5 anos agora eu ia pensar que estavam drogados.
I just thought that... that breaking up was, like, the smart thing to do, - you know?
Pensei que acabar era o melhor.
Uh, Gordon, we've been giving it some thought, and, um, I think... it's... it's not that we don't believe in what you're doing here.
Gordon, estivemos a pensar e achamos... Não é que não acreditemos no que fazes aqui.
That is wittier than I would have thought you were capable of.
Tens mais piada do que eu tinha pensado que tivesses.
If you thought that I would ever betray her, then you don't know me at all.
Se julgava que eu alguma vez a ia trair, então não me conhece.
You know what, I thought about calling my attorney, but then that would be a waste of all our time.
Sabem que mais, pensei em chamar o meu advogado, mas isso seria um desperdício do nosso tempo.
I thought you already did that.
- Pensei que já tinham feito isso.
I thought you said that you..
Pensava que tinhas dito que...
Whoa, all this time I thought you did that for me but you did that for you.
Durante este tempo, pensei que o tinhas feito por mim, mas fizeste-o por ti.
She was so drugged up that in the beginning she thought I was you.
Estava tão drogada que, no início, pensou que eu eras tu.
So I've thought it over, and perhaps you should go ahead and show that letter to the commissioner.
Pensei no assunto e talvez deva mostrar a carta ao comissário.
I thought we had an understanding that you wouldn't pursue this.
Pensei que tínhamos concordado que não iria investigar isto.
I thought we could both be the adults around here, but if you have a problem with that,
Pensei que pudéssemos ser as adultas aqui... Mas se tens um problema com isto...
That's what I thought you meant when you said she was leading a double life.
Foi nisso que pensei quando falaste em vida dupla.
I checked, and there are some grief groups that meet, and I just thought, look, I can go with you.
Andei a ver, e existem grupos de luto que se reunem, e eu pensei... Olhe, posso ir consigo.
I thought I told you that.
Pensei que já o tinha dito.
I know that you thought I was dead.
Sei que pensavam que estava morta.
I thought you were better than that.
Pensava que eras melhor que isso.
Until a few minutes ago, I thought that meant killing you, but the universe has given me a gift... your child to be.
Há alguns minutos, achei que significava matá-lo, mas o universo deu-me um presente...
I th... I thought you got that.
Pensei que percebesses isso.
I thought you weren't allowed to go near that patient.
Pensei que não podias chegar perto dela.
So, I thought I'd come here to show you that this is the kind of guy I am.
Por isso, decidi vir aqui para lhe mostrar que sou este tipo de homem.
Look, I have never given the whole "Chosen One" thing much thought, but if the prophecy is real, I'm telling you, that kid is not him.
Olha, nunca dei muita importância a essa coisa do "Escolhido", mas se a profecia é real, digo-te, aquele miúdo não é ele.
And I know that you wouldn't have come back to back home, if there wasn't some part of you that thought you could live a normal life again.
Não voltarias cá, se uma parte de ti não quisesse ter uma vida normal.
You know, I used to always tell Kate that I thought you were cute.
Sabes, eu sempre disse à Kate que te achava giro.
You see, I thought we set up security protocols so that this doesn't happen.
Achava que montamos protocolos de segurança para que isto não aconteça.
I just thought in the program, in your bio it says that you won some kind of Governor's Award.
Pensava que no programa diz que ganhaste uma espécie de prémio do Governador?
I thought you understood that you can't go back.
Pensei que tinhas entendido que não podes voltar.
And what happened to me is that, you really get the shock because I always thought Poland is ours.
E fiquei mesmo chocado porque sempre pensei que a Polónia fosse nossa.

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