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I thought you said tradutor Português

4,036 parallel translation
I thought you said she was just some computer geek.
Pensei que tinhas dito que era uma totó dos computadores. E é.
I thought you said you were a lawyer!
- Pensei que fosse um advogado!
Schmidt, I thought you said we were good.
- Schmidt, tinhas dito que estávamos bem.
- Yeah, I-I don't understand this. I thought you said he wouldn't find out.
Não percebo, tinhas dito que ele nunca descobriria.
I thought... I thought you said you weren't bringing her by till after dinner.
Pensei que só a trazias depois do jantar.
ABBY : I thought you said this would work.
- Disse que ia resultar.
i thought you said you've never played this. it's very intuitive.
Achei que tinha dito que nunca tinha jogado.
I thought you said there weren't any beds.
Disse que não havia nenhuma cama.
But I thought you said we'd come from that direction.
Mas pensava que tinhas dito que tínhamos vindo dali.
I thought you said you called the police?
Pensei que tinhas chamado a polícia?
I thought you said you were so busy.
Pensava que tinhas dito que estavas super ocupado.
Oh, I thought you said he was okay.
Pensei que tivesses dito que ele estava bem.
I thought you said it wouldn't hurt.
Pensei que tinhas dito que não ia doer!
I thought you said you didn't know your mother.
Espera. Não disseste que não conhecias a tua mãe?
I thought you said we had to go.
Porquê? Pensei que tínhamos que ir embora.
I thought you said it was lovely at this time of year.
Julguei que tinhas dito que era adorável nesta altura do ano.
I thought you said your study was about neck injuries.
Pensei que tinha dito que o estudo era sobre lesões no pescoço.
I thought you said that he was the only surviving member of this cult?
Pensei que tivesses dito que ele era o único sobrevivente deste culto.
I thought you said a small diversion?
Pensei que tinhas dito, uma pequena distração.
I thought you said those sensors were passive.
Eu pensei que você disse que esses sensores foram passiva.
I thought you said it was all over.
Pensei ter dito que tudo estava terminado.
Uh, I'm sorry, Happy, heh, I thought you said lose Durocher for a year.
Desculpe, Happy, pareceu-me que tinha falado em perder o Durocher por um ano.
I thought you said Boggarts were blind!
Disse que os Boogarts eram cegos!
I thought you said there were panthers here.
Pensei que tinhas dito que havia pumas.
I thought you said I'd pick the music.
Não disseram que escolhia eu a música?
I thought you said you were going to lose your house.
Pensei que disseste que ias perder a casa.
- I thought you said that was you.
Pensei que tinhas dito que eras tu.
Metal Beard, I thought you said we were a lost cause!
Barba de Ferro, pensei que achavas que éramos uma causa perdida.
I thought you said it was a man by the water.
Pensei que tinha dito que estava um homem junto à água.
I thought you said it was dead.
Não disseste que estava morto?
- Man, I thought you said you- -
- Mas tinhas dito que...
I thought you said he broke up with you.
Disseste que tinha sido ele a acabar.
I thought you said you were a pilot.
- Pensava que eras piloto.
I thought you said you'd be fine last week.
Eu pensei que disseste que estavas bem, na semana passada.
I thought you said you didn't.
Pensei que disseste que não o ias fazer.
Oh, I thought you said you were gonna wait in the car, Chang.
Pensava que tinhas dito que ias esperar no carro, Chang.
I thought you said you were gonna wait in the car.
Pensava que tinhas dito que ias esperar no carro.
I thought you said no one would follow us.
Tinhas dito que ninguém nos seguiria...
And I chose a bold pocket square to bring out the stripe in the shirt, all of which you wouldn't have thought of because, well, I've already said.
E eu elegi um lenço de bolso ousado para realçar as riscas da camisa. Tudo coisas em que não pensaste porque... Bom, já o disse.
thought about you every day i was in jail just like you said.
Pensei em ti todos os dias na cadeia, como disseste.
Since Tony said you like cinnamon, I thought... you might want to try my mom's coffee cake.
O Tony disse que gosta de canela, e pensei... que gostava de experimentar o bolo de café da minha mãe.
I thought I saw you bite your tongue to fool the polygraph, but as you predicted when you visited my home the other night, your cell phone activity said you were telling the truth. Strange.
Achei que tinha mordido a língua para enganar o polígrafo, mas como disse quando me visitou em casa, o seu telemóvel revelou que disse a verdade.
Amy said you were having a rough time, and I thought maybe we could talk.
A Amy disse que não estavas bem e pensei que pudéssemos conversar.
But I thought that you said the bodies were cremated.
Mas pensei que tinhas dito que os corpos tinham sido cremados.
I thought you just said this wasn't the time or place.
Pensei que tinhas dito que não era a altura e o sítio.
And then I said "I thought you did okay for a fat fairy,"
E depois eu disse-lhe "Achei que se saiu bem para um grande e gordo larilas,"
Was that yodeling I just heard or.. Did you just say what I thought he said?
Foi uma canção que eu ouvi ou... ele acabou de dizer o eu penso que disse?
When you said he was a pig farmer, I thought you were kidding.
Quando disse que ele criava porcos, pensei que estivesse a gozar.
That night in the city, when you thought I was The Special... and you said I was talented and important... that was the first time anyone had ever really told me that.
Naquela noite, quando disseste que eu era o Escolhido e disseste que eu era talentoso e importante foi a primeira vez que me disseram isso.
'But he can sound really muffled under the head,'so I thought he said you brought something perishable.
Mas a voz dele às vezes soa um bocado abafada debaixo da cabeça, por isso pensei que ele tivesse dito perecível.
I thought about what you said to me...
Eu pensei sobre o que disseste-me...

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