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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ I ] / Investigated

Investigated tradutor Português

857 parallel translation
All of us were very excited and next morning he had to go to the party and he was investigated about what he had meant and he tried to sich herausreden...
Ficámos bastante nervosos e, na manhã seguinte, foi ao partido e foi interrogado para descobrirem o que ele tinha querido dizer com o seu comentário.
We can't afford to have the books investigated.
Os livros de contabilidade não podem ser inspecionados.
I question your ethics. I'll have you investigated.
Doutor, questiono a sua ética.
You investigated?
He was called back to Russia and was investigated.
Foi chamado de volta para a Rússia e investigado.
Have you investigated our guardhouses, captain?
Examinou as nossas prisöes, capitäo?
I clipped a note to that Garlopis application... to have him thoroughly investigated... - before we accepted the risk. - I know you did, Walter.
Na ficha do Garlopis, pedi que fosse investigado antes de ser aceite.
So you went back and had her investigated?
Então fizeste uma investigação?
I have investigated his movements on the night of the crime... and he's definitely placed in his apartment from 7 : 15 p. m. On.
Investiguei os seus passos na noite do crime e esteve definitivamente no seu apartamento desde as 19 : 15.
Possibilities of organic disturbance in the brain are investigated by means of the electroencephalograph.
Possibilidades de perturbações orgânicas no cérebro são analisadas através do eletroencefalógrafo.
I was interned, investigated and when I got back, the treasure was gone.
Fui retido, investigado e, quando voltei, o tesouro desaparecera.
I've investigated this young man and I assure you he's quite harmless.
Investiguei este jovem e asseguro-te que ele é inofensivo.
I've investigated and discovered otherwise.
Investiguei e descobri o contrário.
Every possible clue is being investigated, However small and unimportant it may appear on the surface.
Todos os índices têm sido examinados, mesmo que pareçam insignificantes.
Would you mind if I had you investigated?
Importa-se que o mande investigar um bocadinho?
Boy, now I am going to have you investigated!
Agora é que vou mandar investigá-lo.
Papa! You investigated Michel?
- Osenhor investigou Michel?
Why do I have to be questioned, cross-examined, investigated?
Por que temsempre que perguntar, interrogar e investigar?
I want somebody investigated.
Quero que investigue alguém.
You mean to tell me that all New Zealand girls who wanted to marry American servicemen were investigated?
- Era normal esse tipo de pesquisa?
'Major Harding, you mean to tell me that all New Zealand girls who wanted to marry American servicemen were investigated?
Era costume investigar meninas que queriam se casar com os soldados americanos?
Possession and misuse of warrants issued by the Republic of China are being investigated by proper authority.
A posse e o mau uso de mandados emitidos pela República da China estão a ser investigados pelas devidas autoridades.
We have thoroughly investigated your Venusians.
Nós examinamos a fundo seus Venusianos.
The supply cables to the sphere are being investigated.
O cabo elétrico de transmissão da esfera está sendo investigado.
They investigated for a long time.
Eles investigaram por muito tempo.
I suggest you have your architect investigated as well.
Sugiro que mande também o seu arquitecto ao psiquiatra.
My department is being investigated.
Estão investigando o meu departamento.
You never know when a Senate investigating committee might be investigated by a Senate investigating committee.
Nunca se sabe quando o comité investigador do Senado pode ser investigado por um comité investigador do Senado.
Starfleet wants it investigated and the inhabitants contacted.
A frota estelar quer investigar e que os habitantes sejam contactados.
The comet was a rogue and has never been investigated.
Um cometa errante que nunca foi investigado.
I have investigated it.
Eu investiguei isso, Capitão.
We have so far investigated eight drafty castles, had our bicycles attacked by sheep and our ears assaulted by bagpipes, and we are exactly where we started.
Já investigámos oito castelos, as ovelhas atacaram as nossas bicicletas, as gaitas de foles agrediram-nos os ouvidos, e estamos onde começámos.
But it seems as though he was being investigated by the Inspector General.
- Sim, mas parece que ele estava a ser investigado pelo Inspector-Geral.
Previous theRs are going to be investigated throughly inform Michele that the Idol should not remain with him
Ele deve esconder o ídolo rapidamente. Ouça, o que aconteceu à verificação de Suyambu?
We've been doing some research... On some of the people investigated by the government in the last year.
Estivemos fazendo alguma pesquisa... em algumas pessoas investigadas pelo governo no ano passado.
Accidents are too risky. Accidents have a way to be investigated.
Os acidentes são arriscados, e são sujeitos a investigações.
All registration cards will be collected. Every likely Dane will be investigated.
Serão recolhidos todos os registos e investigados todos os dinamarqueses.
I have not investigated it myself.
Eu próprio não investiguei.
One of our guys gets murdered, and we get investigated.
Um dos nossos é assassinado, e nós somos investigados.
He will have to be thoroughly investigated.
Temos de o investigar minuciosamente.
I've investigated this fellow, you know.
Mandei investigáo-lo.
I had investigated it secretly, but to no avail
Estive a investigar isso secretamente, mas não cheguei a qualquer conclusão.
They bugged, they followed people... false press leaks, fake letters. They canceled Democratic campaign rallies. They investigated Democratic private lives.
Colocaram escutas, seguiram pessoas, forjaram fugas de informações, forjaram cartas, anularam comícios dos Democratas, bisbilhotaram na vida privada deles, infiltraram espiões, roubaram documentos, etc., etc.
I did it. I investigated.
sim. lnvestiguei.
There is a clause which states " Any systematised transmission indicating intelligent origin must be investigated...
O contrato estabelece que " Qualquer transmissão indicando possível origem de inteligência deve ser investigada...
Haven't the earthlings investigated this process?
Não teriam os terráqueos tentando este processo?
- Why are you being investigated?
- Porque está a ser investigado?
Here in the State Department, sir... we've investigated and have been unable to find any trace of your son.
Aqui no Departamento de Estado nós investigámos e não conseguimos encontrar nenhum vestígio do seu filho.
So far the incident hasn't even been investigated.
Até agora o incidente nem foi investigado.
We've been investigated houses a lot less qualifide than yours.
Já investigamos casas menos qualificadas que a sua.
Marineo investigated him twice but charges were dropped.
O Marineo conduziu dois inquéritos sobre ele, em ambos foi absolvido.

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